• Файл


Team Lead, Media Buyer, CMO

30 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Інші країни

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Oleksandr Kovmir

ProEle LeHails
I've worked in online marketing since 2013, directly in af6liate marketing since
201.F 5or last h years I've peld management zositionsF My szecialibation is creating
advertising dezartment from scratcp uxt also I pave enoxgp management eJzerienceF

pmylotmenH uisHort Sinks
Team Leader Media Buyer, M.A.D. Leads, Kyiv Telegram
NA—UARY 2023 S NU—E 2023
+et xz zrocesses, recrxiting, pyzotpesis testing, commxnications witpin tpe team and
witp contractorsF Cryzto domain G EU, Latam, CCPF
Freelancer 5ast Learner
AWRIL 2021 S NA—UARY 2023
Commxnication +kills
Horked witp different Af6liate —etworks in —xtra and Cryzto domainsF Tpe same
time I was imzroving me zrogramming skills eszecially in Wytpon and its frameworksF

CEO (founder), 1000% team, Odesa
MARC8 201- S AWRIL 2021

I worked witp different Af6liate Wrograms mostly in tpe EjCommerce vertical in Collauoration Teamwork
5aceuook and WxspF At tpe same time I worked on zrodxct zromotion zro9ects
in information uxsiness domainF In Nanxary 201", I started tpe media uxying
team %1000 % and took tpe zosition of CEOF In sxmmer 2020, tpe team already San ca es
pad . 5aceuook advertising szecialists, an accoxntant, and a remote 5aceuook
accoxnt farming dezartment of 12 zeozle G Team LeaderF He worked mostly witp
EjCommerce and —xtra domainF I pandled zrocess organibation, negotiation, and Rxssian
comzany strategyF
Media Buyer / Team Lead Media Buyer in CPA network, Univer-Mag.com,
O C TO B E R 2 0 1 . S M A RC 8 2 0 1 -

Moved to CWA network's traf6c uxying Vdezartment in tpe same comzanyF I came
to work witp native advertising, MyTarget, K7, 5aceuookF In tpe sxmmer of 2014
recrxited a total Vof 20 emzloyees in : dezartments@ 5aceuook, K7, MyTarget,
—ativeGWxspF VCondxcted interviews, training, certi6cationsF +ince +eztemuer 2014
uecame a Team Leader of 5aceuook directionF

Sales Manager, Mixadvert, Odesa
M AY 2 0 1 . S O C T O B E R 2 0 1 .

Horked witp tpe uase and zroszected and recrxited new advertisers to tpe native
advertising networkF

Bachelor's degree (unNnished), Odesa ational Economical University,
+EWTEMBER 201h S NU—E 201.

+zecialty Economic Cyuernetics

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