Резюме від 7 серпня 2023 Файл



52 роки

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Vitaliy Tabachuk
Head of the construction site
Location: Dnipro, Ukraine
Date of birth: 05.12.1971
Contact info: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»); [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

State higher educational institution "Prydniprovska State Academy of Construction and
Specialty: Heating and gas supply and ventilation

Personal qualities:
- I have a technical and analytical mindset.
- Free reading of drawings and technical documentation, maintenance of objects of reconstruction and capital construction.
- Effective management of personnel at the facility.
- I can solve tasks of different complexity.
- Control of availability of necessary materials and tools, their technical condition.

Mastery of languages:
English - basic
Russian - freely
Ukrainian - native

Shelter officer
| NGO | January 2023 – Now
Monitoring of construction projects that provide support victims of the humanitarian crisis.
- Assessment and defecting of objects
- Registration and issuance of NFI and shelter kits
- Calculation of the scope of work
- Reporting on objects;
- Solving issues related to objects.

Civil engineering engineer
Corus International | NGO | August 2022 – December 2022
Monitoring of construction projects that provide support victims of the humanitarian crisis.
- Search and work with subcontractors;
- Calculation of work volumes;
- Calculation of the volume of delivery of materials to the object;
- Preparatory work for holding tenders;
- Control of terms and quality of works at the facility;
- Compilation of defective acts;
- Reporting of works;
- Solving issues related to the object.

Head of the construction site
TOV “L-Stroy” | Construction | November 2019 – June 2022
Head of the construction site – “Epicentr”, “ATB-Market”
- Control of the turnover of financial resources (salary for employees, payment of housing, other expenses);
- Work with subcontracting organizations;
- Calculation of work volumes;
- Calculation of the volume of delivery of materials to the object;
- Coordination of activities of all departments of the company during the construction process;
- Control of terms and quality of works at the facility;
- Management of executive documentation;
- Compilation of executive schemes;
- Closing of acts of completed works;
- Study and analysis of estimates;
- Control of the departure of the foreman and workers to the facility;
- Analysis of orders for completed works;
- Drawing up a work performance schedule;
- Control of the movement of materials, tools, and equipment from the facility of the warehouse/inter
- Keeping construction logs and logs on labor protection;
- Solving issues related to the construction of the facility.

Head of the construction site
TOV “BUDSERVICE-GROUP” | Construction | January 2015 – November 2019
Head of the construction site – “Varus”, “Trash”, “ATB-Market”
- Control of the turnover of financial resources (salary for employees, payment of housing, other expenses);
- Work with subcontracting organizations;
- Calculation of work volumes;
- Calculation of the volume of delivery of materials to the object;
- Coordination of activities of all departments of the company during the construction process;
- Control of terms and quality of works at the facility;
- Management of executive documentation;
- Compilation of executive schemes;
- Closing of acts of completed works;
- Study and analysis of estimates;
- Control of the departure of the foreman and workers to the facility;
- Analysis of orders for completed works;
- Drawing up a work performance schedule;
- Control of the movement of materials, tools, and equipment from the facility of the warehouse/inter
- Keeping construction logs and logs on labor protection;
- Solving issues related to the construction of the facility.

Head of the construction site
TOV “ANFILADA” | Construction | January 2012 – December 2015
Head of the construction site – “PrivatBank”, “ATB-Market”
- Control of the turnover of financial resources (salary for employees, payment of housing, other expenses);
- Work with subcontracting organizations;
- Calculation of work volumes;
- Calculation of the volume of delivery of materials to the object;
- Coordination of activities of all departments of the company during the construction process;
- Control of terms and quality of works at the facility;
- Management of executive documentation;
- Compilation of executive schemes;
- Closing of acts of completed works;
- Study and analysis of estimates;
- Control of the departure of the foreman and workers to the facility;
- Analysis of orders for completed works;
- Drawing up a work performance schedule;
- Control of the movement of materials, tools, and equipment from the facility of the warehouse/inter
- Keeping construction logs and logs on labor protection;
- Solving issues related to the construction of the facility.

Head of the construction site
TOV “OAZIS” | Construction | March 2009 – November 2012
Head of the construction site – “ATB-Market”
- Calculation of work volumes;
- Drawing up a work performance schedule;
- Study and analysis of estimates;
- Control of the departure of the foreman and workers to the facility;
- Control of terms and quality of works at the facility;
- Analysis of orders for completed works;
- Control of the turnover of financial resources (salary for employees, payment of housing, other expenses);
- Calculation of the volume of delivery of materials to the object;
- Control of the movement of materials, tools, and equipment from the facility of the warehouse/inter
- Work with subcontracting organizations;
- Coordination of activities of all departments of the company during the construction process;
- Management of executive documentation;
- Compilation of executive schemes;
- Closing of acts of completed works;
- Solving issues related to the construction of the facility;
- Protection of volumes before the customer.

Head of the construction site
Private Buildings Organizations | Construction | January 2008 – December 2009
Head of the construction site – Construction of logistics warehouses of the plant named Petrovsky

Head of the construction site
“The residential complex “Zoryaniy” | Construction | January 2007 – December 2008
Head of the construction site – Construction of 2 sections of The residential complex “Zoryaniy”

Head of the construction site
Private Buildings Organizations | Construction | January 1996 – December 2007
Head of the construction site – Repair and construction works of apartments, offices, commercial shopping areas.

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