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Java developer

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Java BackEnd Developer
Transitioning from a successful 11-year career in electrical engineering, I've
recently embarked on a journey into software development driven by a deep-
seated interest in technology. My focus lies in backend development using
Java, where I excel in building efficient solutions leveraging ordered data
Key skills include:
CONTACTS - Proficiency in Spring Boot framework, encompassing validation, security and
Hibernate ORM modules.
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») - Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles and SOLID
design principles.
Telegram (click me). As a beginner in the field, I am eager to explore opportunities in IT, with a
preference for roles offering hybrid or remote work arrangements. I have some
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
successfull experience acting as freelance developer, but I am looking for a
LinkedIn profile (click me). team where I can be usefull and can grow as specialist.

GitHub repositories (click me). Hard skills
GitLab repositories (click me). Java PostgreSQL OAuth2.0
Spring Boot Flyway Websockets
Ukraine, Pavlograd Hibernate Docker Heroku
Git JUnit Digital Ocean
EDUCATION REST Mockito Cloudinary
Java Backend Developer Soft skills
DAN.IT Education
2022 - 2023 Team player Adaptability Openess to feedback
Java Developer Selfmotivated Problem solver Time management
JavaRush Education Communication Critical thinking Growth mindset
2022 - 2023
Electrical Engineer Degree
December 2023 - January 2024
(Bachelor and Master) OpenComissioning LTD
National Mining University Freelance Java Developer
2004 - 2009
Creation of an application for collecting data from a weight
LANGUAGE controller, saving it in a database, followed by presentation of the
data on a web interface with the ability to filter by data type and
English - C1 (EFSET sertificate) date time. In addition, data export to .xls, .pdf formats and
Ukrainian Native functions for manual and automatic database cleaning are
Russian Fluent implemented.

HOBBIES November 2023 - December 2023
PC building Freelance Java Backend Developer
Bicycling A project to develop a bot for the Telegram platform that allows
Model collecting you to communicate with the Open AI API, has settings for an AI
Gaming model (temperature, context). In addition, all user chats with AI
are stored in a database, access to which is designed as a REST
API for users with admin access rights, whose authorization is
performed through a combination of login - password and JWT.
The administration can send messages to all registered users.
March 2023 - July 2023
Java Developer Student
There was few educational projects:
1. Snake game control algorithm - algorithm Lee was used to implement snake pathfinding logic.
2. Web application - simple Tinder Clone with team development.
3. Final Step Educational Project - Twitter clone with team development.
My tasks in final step project during sprints:
Spring Security configuration with custom login/register forms, JWT, OAuth2.0 (Google&FB);
STOMP over websocket configuration with channel interceptor and Controller;
JPA repositories, Services, Facades, Controllers for chats, notification, authentication;
PostgreSQL DB integration and deploy to Digital Ocean;
Flyway (with migration), Cloudinary, Swagger integration;
Exception handling;
REST API deployment to Heroku;
Frontend client deployment to Vercel;
Creating docker images and docker compose.yml to containerize all project.

April 2020 - February 2022
PowerChina & TotalEren (SEP)
Electrical Engineer/Technical Advisor
Syvash Wind Project 250MW
My main duties:
Monitoring & supervising of installation and commissioning works at the 330/35 kV substation;
Coordination of test runs and complex tests of equipment;
Analysis of substation connections emergency shutdown events;
Technical troubleshooting;
Checking and verification of as-built documentation, test and commissioning reports for electrical
equipment (0.4 - 330 kV).

March 2011 - March 2020
Techmash LTD
Electrical Supervisor/Head of Electrical installation Department
My main duties during 15 projects:
Analysis of design and estimate documentation;
Arrangement of electrical installation works at the site;
Technical troubleshooting;
Quality control;
Creation of schedules and control of deadlines;
Ordering the necessary materials and tools;
Coordination of work with contractors;
Negotiations with the client and chief engineers;
Commissioning works;
Preparation of as-built documentation;
Keeping work logs;
Management of an electrical test laboratory up to 1000V (performing electrical measurements, tests,
arrangement verification for devices, etc.);
Personnel working time tracking (up to 35 people).
DANIT | Certificate https://dan-it.com.ua/certificates/java/bortnovskyi-pavlo/
This is to certify that

Pavel Bortnovskyi
has successfully completed the EF SET Certificate
and has earned the English level:

Awarded on:

4 Sep 2022

Understanding the results

Your level of English is 68/100 on the EF SET score scale and C1 Advanced according to the Common European Framework of
Reference (CEFR). This score is calculated as an average of your reading and listening scores

Listening Section Reading Section
68/100 C1 Advanced 68/100 C1 Advanced
You are comfortable in most situations that require full Your command of English allows you to read both factual and
comprehension of spoken English; you are rarely confused or literary texts with ease, recognizing differences in style and
at a loss for the meaning of words and phrases. Broadcasts tone. You can understand complex technical writing on
and films of all kinds are enjoyable for you. unfamiliar subjects.
Can understand extended speech even when it is not clearly Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts,
structured and when relationships are only implied and not and recognize implicit meaning.
signaled explicitly.
Can understand long and complex factual and literary texts,
Can understand television programs and films without too appreciating distinctions of style.
much effort.


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