Резюме від 18 січня 2024 Файл


Software Engineer

29 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Stanislav Donetc
Back-end developer

Gender Male

Location Ukraine

English level Intermediate

Grade Junior

NUCDU, Fire Safety Engineering, EPAM University IT
Fundamentional, Java Pro Summer

Years in IT 1

Phone [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)


I am a back-end developer with a unique blend of technical expertise, strong
management skills, and excellent communication skills. I have a proven track
record of working independently, driven by purpose, and motivated to achieve
results while continuously developing my skillset.

After concluding my work with online stores, I decided to expand my knowledge
and skills in programming. I chose Java and Python as my primary programming
languages and completed IT Fundamentals and Java Pro courses. I have also
independently learned technologies such as Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring
RestAPIs for Java. In Python, I have experience with Django, Pandas, NumPy, and
other libraries.

My background includes hands-on experience in back-end development, where I
have honed my coding and problem-solving skills. Moreover, I can take
responsibility and complete tasks within deadlines.
Technical skills
Programming ⋅ Java
language/Technologies ⋅ Python
⋅ Bash

Frameworks ⋅ Spring
⋅ Django
⋅ Bootstrap
⋅ Django Ninja

⋅ PostgreSQL

Testing Tools ⋅ Unit testing\Pytest
⋅ JUnit
⋅ Mockito

Operating Systems ⋅ Windows
⋅ Linux
⋅ MacOS

Application/Web ⋅ Nginx
servers ⋅ uWSGI

Libraries ⋅ Pandas
⋅ NumPy

Development Tools ⋅ Git
⋅ Android Studio

Infrastructure ⋅ Docker
Work experience

Creating a website for a tattoo studio involves capturing the unique essence of the studio,
showcasing the artists' portfolios, and providing essential information for potential

Involvement 12 months

Role Developer, Manager

Responsibilities ⋅ Backend development
⋅ Frontend development
⋅ Testing
⋅ Deployment
⋅ Management (daily operations, recruiting, onboarding,
working with suppliers, SEO)

Stack ⋅ Python
⋅ Django, Django REST
⋅ Docker
⋅ Git


I was involved in the creation and managing of online stores using OpenCart 2 and 3.
Stores profile - agricultural equipment, tractors, harvesting machines, motorcycles, all
garden equipment, irrigation tools, etc. Creating an online store involves several key steps
to ensure a successful and user-friendly e-commerce platform.

Involvement 18 months

Role Developer, Manager

Responsibilities ⋅ Full-stack development
⋅ Functionality optimization to ensuring security and
⋅ Deployment
⋅ Management (daily operations, maintained inventory,
managed staff, and handled customer inquiries and
complaints. Implemented new strategies to increase
sales and improve customer satisfaction)

Stack ⋅ Java
⋅ Docker
⋅ Git


Took part in NFT project. The Rarible NFT marketplace is a decentralized platform that
empowers creators and artists to tokenize their digital content as non-fungible tokens.
NFTs are unique digital assets stored on blockchain technology, ensuring authenticity,
ownership, and scarcity.

Involvement 4 months

Role Developer

Responsibilities ⋅ Wrote smart contracts for NFT
⋅ Collaborated with designers and was responsible for
promoting the NFT

Схожі кандидати

Senior IOS developer
Харків, Дистанційно

Junior front-end developer

QA engineer, Manual tester, Programmer
15000 грн, Харків, Дистанційно

Харків, Івано-Франківськ , ще 2 міста

30000 грн, Харків, Київ

Unity 3D програміст

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії

Кандидати за містами