Резюме від 5 лютого 2024 Файл



22 роки

Контактна інформація

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

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Stetsiuk Dmytro
Software Testing Engineer
Mobile: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Telegram: @dimastuy31
LinkedIn: link

• QA engineer with 2 years of manual testing experience
• Knowledge of website testing (Back-End and Front-End)
• Theoretical knowledge of software QA methodologies, tools and processes
• Performed: Smoke, Functional, Exploratory, API, Regression testing
• Perform test design and test case execution
• Provide requirements analysis and validation
• Review test cases from other teammates
• Provide estimations for testing activities
• Bug tracking experience using: Azure DevOps, Jira
• Create end-to-end test scenarios for automated testing in Cypress
• Work with cross-located teams

Academic Disciplines: English (B1), Ukrainian (native)
Engineering Practices: Test Cases Development, Functional Testing, Exploratory testing, Mobile
testing, Cross-browser testing, Regression testing, Automated Testing in JS (novice),
Performance Testing (novice)
• Data: PostgreSQL, Apache Kafka
• Standard: JSON, Git
• Other: REST API
• Computer Language: JavaScript, SQL, HTML
• Solution: Figma, Postman, Apache JMeter, DBeaver, Cypress, DevTools, Charles Proxy

Jul-2023 - Till Now (Nov-2023) - Software Testing Engineer, EPAM Systems, epam.com
Domain: e-commerce
Project description: develop a CRM system for managing personnel in large companies
Team Size: 63
Main responsibilities:
 Performed: Test case creation, Smoke, Functional, Exploratory, API, Regression testing
Tools and Technologies: Jira, DevTools, DBeaver, Postman, Charles, Postgres-SQL

Dec-2022 – Jul-2023 - Software Testing Engineer, EPAM Systems, epam.com
Domain: healthcare
Project description: development of a mobile app for iOS
Team Size: 12
Main responsibilities:
• Performed: Smoke, Functional, Regression testing
Tools and Technologies: Xcode

Dec-2021 - Dec-2022 - Junior Software Testing Engineer, EPAM Systems, epam.com
Domain: education
Project description: update the version of Angular and add new functionality
Team Size: 16
Main responsibilities:
• Performed: Test case creation, Smoke, Functional, Regression, Automation testing
Tools and Technologies: Azure DevOps, AWS Workspace, Excel, Cypress

Mar-2021 - Jun-2021 - Tester, Test IO, test.io
Project Roles: Tester
Account statistics:
 Test Cycles with activity: 11
 Approved Bugs: 9
 Badges: 5
 Five Star Test Cycle Ratings: 3

Aug-2021 - Nov-2021 – Course, “Functional Testing”, EPAM university program
Sep-2019 - Jun-2023 – National Aviation University, faculty of Cybersecurity, Computer and
Software Engineering, department of Software Engineering, bachelor's degree

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