- Файл
PHP full-stack Laravel developer
- Вік:
- 24 роки
- Місто проживання:
- Київ
- Готовий працювати:
- Дистанційно, Київ, Одеса
Контактна інформація
Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту та LinkedIn.
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Отримати контакти цього кандидата можна на сторінці https://www.work.ua/resumes/9971503/
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Middle PHP full-stack Laravel Dev | Master's Degree
E [
q https://t.me/kv923 Kyiv
Full-stack Web Developer (Freelance) Front-End Web Developer/ Back-End Web
Developer/ Full-Stack Web Developer
03/2021 - Present Ukraine
• .
Middle PHP Full-Stack Developer Advanced
Big Wash
05/2023 - 04/2024 Odesa, Odessa, Ukraine
Responsibility worksheets:
• Agile SCRUM Methodology using Jira
• Implementing Responsive UI/ UX Design Template with HTML5,
CSS3 (Bootstrap5)
• Implementing Reactive Front-End side by using JavaScript
• Implementing REST API Back-End side by using PHP 8.2 (Laravel Laravel 11 + React SPA Project
Framework & Postman API, SOLID Principles, OOP, MVC 07/2024 - 08/2024 Location
architecture, design patterns) Laravel 11 + React SPA with Inertia for
• Implementing Authorization and Authentication by JWT Web Token,
managing projects and Tasks.
HTTP Headers or Sessions Features of the project: 1. Registration & Login,
• Implementing Databases by using SQL (MySQL Server & Local
2. Projects CRUD with sorting, filtering and
SQLite) and ORM pagination, 3. Tasks CRUD with sorting, filtering
• Implementing DevOps CI/ CD by using Git VCS and GitHub, Docker
and pagination, 4. Create Tasks inside project,
Containers, Azure PaaS 5. Show all tasks or show tasks for a specific
• Implementing principles of Manual Testing (Postman, Chrome
project, 6. Assign users to tasks, 7. View Tasks
Debug) assigned to me, 8. Show dashboard with
• Implementing principles of Automation Testing (Unit)
overview information.
• Documenting by using MS Office.
• https://github.com/valeraqwe/laravel11-
PHP Strong Junior Developer
Adzium Laravel 10 Blog with Filament
04/2022 - 03/2023 Odesa, Odessa, Ukraine Admin Panel
Responsibility worksheets: 03/2023 - 05/2023 Location
• Agile SCRUMBAN Methodology using Jira;
Laravel 10 + Filament PHP admin panel +
• Implementing Responsive UI/ UX Design Template with HTML5, Tailwind CSS. This blog project was created for
CSS3 (Bootstrap5); a teacher in college.
• Implementing Reactive Front-End side by using JavaScript ;
Features of the project: 1. Installation with
• Implementing REST API Back-End side by using PHP 8 (Laravel Docker & Sail 2. Filament PHP Admin panel
Framework & Postman API, SOLID Principles, OOP, MVC creating. 3. Implement Slug Generation 4. Roles
architecture, design patterns); & Permissions. 5. Likes & Dislikes, View Count.
• Implementing Admin Panel with Laravel Orchid;
6. Comments. 7. Global Search. 8. Deployment.
• Implementing Databases by using SQL (MySQL Server) and ORM;
• https://github.com/valeraqwe/lara10-
• Implementing DevOps CI/ CD by using Git VCS and GitHub, Docker
Containers, Azure PaaS;
• Implementing principles of Manual Testing (Postman, Chrome
• Implementing principles of Automation Testing (Unit);
• Documenting by using MS Office.
www.enhancv.com Powered by
Computer Science Mentor / System Administrator Laravel 9 and Vue 3 Blog with
Odesa Technical Professional College ONTU Sanctum authentication
07/2022 - 12/2022 Odesa, Odessa, Ukraine 01/2023 - 02/2023 Location
Responsibility Worksheets as a Mentor and System Administrator This is a SPA Blog project with Sanctum
• Teaching the discipline "Fundamentals of programming and authentication created with Laravel 9 and Vue
algorithmic languages" (PHP, JavaScript); 3.
• Teaching the discipline "Software Design" (Git, UML, Tortoise SVN Features of the project: 1. Using Vue3 and Vite
Architecture patterns, Design Patterns); 2. Toggle overlay navigation dynamically. 3.
• Teaching the discipline "Operating Systems" (PowerShell, Linux Add authentecations and dashboard UIs 4.
Bash); Guard navigations. 5. Display categories
• Teaching the discipline "Cross-platform Web programming" (HTML5, dynamically. 6. Protect edit posts from non
CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap5, Vue3, VSCode); authors. 7. Filter posts by category & Filter
• Teaching the discipline "Programming of object-oriented posts by user inputs. 8. Pagination on blog
applications" (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap5, jQuery, PHP, page. 9.Display authenticated user's posts on
OOP, MVC, SQL, MySQL, PHPStorm); the dashboard.
• OS installation and configuration (Windows, Ubuntu); • https://github.com/valeraqwe/lara9-vue3-
• Installation and configuration of network equipment; blog
• Installing drivers;
• Installing software;
Multi Page Website Template For
• Basic security of the environment;
• Network and device support; School/College Website
• Data backup; 08/2021 - 08/2021 Location
• Hardware maintaining. Key features of the project: 1.Responsive UI/ UX
• Creating and processing student roadmap using MS Office (Word,
Design Template with HTML5, CSS3, Figma. 2.
Excel); Implementing reactive Front-End side by using
JavaScript. 3.Implementing Back-End side by
PHP Trainee using PHP 7.4 (Email Sending Form)
4.Deployment with FileZilla.
Safe Partner, Inc.
• https://github.com/valeraqwe/firstnicewebsi
08/2021 - 03/2022 Odesa, Odessa, Ukraine
Responsibility worksheets
• Agile Kanban Methodology in work process
• Implementing Responsive UI/ UX Design Template with HTML5,
CSS3 (Bootstrap5)
• Implementing Front-End side by using JavaScript
• Implementing Back-End side by using PHP 7.4 (Yii2 Framework, MVC
and OOP principles, WAMP Server, Composer)
• Implementing Databases by using SQL (MySQL Server) and ORM
• Implementing Git VCS and Tortoise SVN
• Implementing principles of Manual Testing (Chrome Debug)
• Documenting by using MS Office
Master's degree, Programming web applications,
Computer science
Odesa National University of Technology
09/2022 - 12/2023
Bachelor's degree, Computer Science
Odesa National University of Technology
09/2020 - 06/2022
Junior specialist, Computer Programming
Odesa Technical Profesional College ONTU
09/2016 - 06/2020
www.enhancv.com Powered by
Схожі кандидати
Full Stack Developer (PHP, Yii2, Laravel)
Одеса, Дистанційно -
Full stack developer (PHP/Laravel)
Луцьк, Дистанційно -
Full-stack developer (PHP, Symfony, Laravel, JavaScript, Angular)
Дистанційно -
Програміст PHP, JavaScript (Yii, Yii2, Laravel, Three.js, Shopify, Full stack)
30000 грн, Дистанційно -
Full stack developer (PHP, Laravel, JS, React, NextJS, ReactNative)
Тернопіль, Дистанційно -
Full-stack программист (JavaScript, Vue, PHP, Laravel, MySQL)
135000 грн, Київ, Черкаси