• Файл



43 роки

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Yana Zelenska
Marketing Manager

P ro ect E perience
j x

uni er l c
v a
p . om.u

Creating and w riting articles for the blog on the site univerpl.com.u a

and longreads for social networks . Conducting interviews and editing material according to
the style of the company ' s blog.
1+1 Me d ia r Me d ia D ire c ti n d erti ing agen c
G oup, o M D d erti ing agen c
A v s y, O A v s y

Ex perience in planning and implementation of advertising campaigns on radio, press , OO H.
Cooperation w ith a creative departments for launching new advertising materials .

Work History
2022-12 — 2023-05 Con te n t M arket ing M anag e r
U krainian -Polis h Center of E ducation " U ni verPL ", Warsaw
Contacts Content plan creation and coordination

zelens kaya1yana @ gmail .com Writing articles according to the content plan

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Information search and filtration

Kyiv, Ukraine Providing surveys and interviews w ith respondents

L inke d in Target audience ex ploration w ith Google forms

B e h an ce
Search of images appropriated to re uest q

WordPress services for website maintaining
D ri bbbl e
2018-03 — 2022-06 M arket ing M anag e r
Hard Skills 1+1 M edia G rou p ( TV c h annel 2 +2) , Ky i v

Media Planning OO H, Radio and Press media campaigns planning and support .

Advertising material production coordination and validation w ith designers
Project Planning and manufacturers .

Budgeting Search and implementation of possible V channel promo activity ( including

Contract Management new project branding).

Invoice Processing Possible V channel promo activity search and implementation ( including

new project branding).

Document ow coordination w ith media contractors ( contract assignment ,
Soft Skills invoice payment ).

Independence Promo materials production process coordination between participants and
Responsibility operators .

Sociability Support ( documentation , invoicing, etc) for participants in promo material
production .
Tools Education
MS Office
1998-09 — 2003-06 M anag e r o f Fore ign E cono m i c A ct i v i ty, M as te r
Google services KYI V N AT IO N A L U N I VE R S I TY O F T R ADE A N D E CO N O M I CS , Ky i v
Adobe Photoshop
VS Code
2023-07 U I/ UX De sign ( G oI T EdTech Com pany )
E-Docs 2023-01 D igi t al J o u rnalis m Co u rs e s ( 1 +1 M ed ia S c hool )
1C 2020-10 Co pyw ri t ing: Tex t for m on ey - 5-D ays Wri t ing Worksho p ( Eva Vyso c ka )
Language Skills 2019-06 S tor yte lling - Worksho p ( 1 +1 M ed ia S c hool )
Ukrainian: Native Wri t ing: S c i e n ce "B ara b ooky " - basi c s o f w ri t ing for c hil d re n (Sm all A c a de my
Polish: Intermediate 2019-02 of S ci e n ce s of Ukrain e , Tet iana

English: Pre-Intermediate S tu s , A nna Tret iak , G al y na T ka c h u k , Val e n ty na Vzdu lska )

2020-06 D ay for C l eaning o f pub li c p la ce s
1+1 M edia G rou p
Cleaning of public places in the city of Kyiv ( mountain near Andriyivs ky Uzviz
Street )
2018-11 G i v ing Tue s d ay
1+1 M edia G rou p
Conducting art classes w ith children at the O khmatdyt H ospital
2017-05 — 2018-05 Tutoring
Fa m il y center R adni Nyv ky
Creating tex tile hair accessories , themed decor for Christmas , Easter, Mother ' s
Day, Independence Day.

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