Резюме від 5 вересня 2023 Файл




Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Rustam Abdul
Ruby developer

Summary of I have 3 years of experience in IT working as an RoR engineer.
Quali cations Goal-oriented, friendly, responsible person and enjoy working in a team.
Quickly to learn new technologies. Often in free time I improve different skills.

Skills RDBS Libraries/Frameworks
- SQL(PostgreSQL, MySQL) - Ruby on Rails
Testing Tools
- Rspec
- Agile/ Scrum
Programming Languages
- Kanban
- Ruby
Version Control System
- Git(github, gitlab)
Operating Systems
- Ubuntu
- MacOS


Project Description: Automation of business processes of large corporations. In scope, the
creation of connectors for cloud services

Involvement Duration: 12 month

Project Role: BE developer

Responsibilities: - Integrate the application with third part systems
- Writing tests

Tools & Technologies: Ruby on rails, postgresql, rspec, sidekiq, workato
Rustam Abdul
Ruby developer

Project Description: A platform provider of a digital interface between a manufacturer’s ERP
system and hundreds of suppliers, automatically updating changes to
delivery dates, pricing, and quantities throughout the order lifecycle and
across the supply chain. Platform automates all supplier collaboration from
RFQ to PO collaboration to invoices and vouchering – all in one uni ed
interface, creating mutual visibility and accountability between buyers and

Involvement Duration: 6 month

Project Role: BE developer

Responsibilities: - Bug xing
- Implementation new functional
- Refactoring
- Writing unit and integration tests

Tools & Technologies: Ruby on rails, mysql, sidekiq, rspec

Project Description: Project Background is based on ideas of information curation and
presentation to the people in the internet.

Involvement Duration: 4 month

Project Role: BE developer

Responsibilities: - bug xing
- implementation new functional
- creating documentation
- updating swagger documentation
- writing unit and integration tests

Tools & Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, aws, postgresql, sidekiq

Ukrainian audiobook application with the ability to purchase books,
Project Description: authorization by using email, Facebook, Apple signIn.

Involvement Duration: 6 month

Project Role: BE developer

Responsibilities: - bug xing
- implementation new functional
- participation with DevOps team on project deployment stuff

Project Team Size: 3 team members

Rustam Abdul
Ruby developer

Tools & Technologies: Ruby 2.5.1, Ruby on Rails 5.2, aws, docker, capistrano, postgresql

DocuSign Rooms streamlines real estate and mortgage work ows by
connecting all parties in a digital, secure, and central workspace. With the
Project Description: DocuSign Rooms API, it’s easy to integrate Rooms functionality into your
own solutions.

Involvement Duration: 3 months

Project Role: BE developer

Responsibilities: - Testing libraries
- implementation new functional in launcher

Tools & Technologies: Ruby 2.7.1, Ruby on Rails 6.0.3

Project created for automation of HR company processes.
The main goal of the project is creation of corporate surveys, sending it to
Project Description: employees, reviewing and analyzing answers.

Involvement Duration: 5 months

Project Role: FE/BE developer

Responsibilities: - New features implementation
- Creating documentation
- Bug xing
- Code review
- Writing Unit and integrations tests

Tools & Technologies: Ruby 2.2.4, Ruby on Rails 4.2.5, MySQL, Devise, Sidekiq, Rspec, SIdekiq-
cron, CanCanCan, capistrano

Education Khmelnytskyi national university

Degree of bachelor, Department of Software Engineering

September 2019 to 2020

L’viv Polytechnic University

Degree of bachelor, Department of Software Engineering

September 2017 to May 2019

Rustam Abdul
Ruby developer

Khmelnitsky Polytechnic College

Degree of junior specialist, Department of Software Development

September 2013 to June 2016


Схожі кандидати

Ruby on Rails developer
Київ, Дніпро , ще 6 міст

Ruby on Rails developer

Ruby on Rails developer

Ruby on Rails developer
Київ, Львів , ще 3 міста

RoR developer
Київ, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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