AmerEx Inc.

Послуги для шукачів

We are a United States corporation incorporated Representative office to conduct Visitor Exchange programs under J1Visa. Our clients are people from many different countries who would like to work with some great USA companies through the J1 (Work and travel, Training and Intern programs)

Сфери діяльності агенції

  • IT, комп'ютери, інтернет
  • Адмiнiстрацiя, керівництво середньої ланки
  • Будівництво, архітектура
  • Бухгалтерія, аудит
  • Готельно-ресторанний бізнес, туризм
  • Дизайн, творчість
  • ЗМІ, видавництво, поліграфія
  • Краса, фітнес, спорт
  • Культура, музика, шоу-бізнес
  • Логістика, склад, ЗЕД
  • Маркетинг, реклама, PR
  • Нерухомість
  • Освіта, наука
  • Охорона, безпека
  • Продаж, закупівля
  • Робочі спеціальності, виробництво
  • Роздрібна торгівля
  • Секретаріат, діловодство, АГВ
  • Сільське господарство, агробізнес
  • Страхування
  • Сфера обслуговування
  • Топменеджмент, керівництво вищої ланки
  • Транспорт, автобізнес
  • Управління персоналом, HR
  • Фінанси, банк
  • Юриспруденція
  • Інші сфери діяльності

Послуги шукачам

We works with our clients documents and we help them find the companies, which provide the job placement to our candidates.

We will be very glad to cooperate with you, as an employer.
We have offices in many different countries all over the world: Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tadgikestan, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Italy, Indonesia, India, Australia and the main office in Virginia.


Each individual placement is designed to enhance a candidate’s degree or professional work experience, and participants may stay in their visa for up to 3 years. International people often have difficulty finding this placement on their own. Our program makes it easier to match the right intern candidate with the right company. Career Training USA ensures candidate and businesses have a chance to interview over the phone before committing to an arrangement. Immigration regulations in the United States can be confusing but we can help. American companies are actively looking for international interns in dozens of high-demand fields, such as engineering, architecture, finance, marketing, hospitality management and business management. We work with employers who are searching for workers who can diversify their workforce and bring a variety of skills and perspectives to their team.

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