
V.Ships Offshore Ukraine

Послуги для шукачів

Пошук персоналу, HR, менше 10 співробітників

  • www.vshipsoffshore.com/
  • Одеса, 39/1, Uspenskaya Str. – Office 19, Business Centre ‘Napoleon’ – 5th floor Odessa, Ukraine 65014

V. Ships Offshore Ukraine has considerable expertise in ship crew management and recruiting.

Сфери діяльності агенції

  • Топменеджмент, керівництво вищої ланки

Послуги шукачам

We provide tailor-made service to our clients, focusing on the clients major needs, efficiency and cost-saving strategy. We recruit seafarers for all types of cargo vessels and offshore personnel for the Oil and Gas industry. Our database contains more than 18 000 marine specialists with profound experience on all types of offshore and merchant fleet vessels.

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