Резюме від 18 травня 2024 Файл



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Aleksandr Don

Teams : [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Experienced Software Engineer with a strong background in real-time systems, communication protocols, and performance optimization. Proven ability to lead teams, optimize code, and deliver innovative solutions in the power industry. Seeking opportunities to contribute technical expertise and drive progress in a dynamic software development environment.

• Software Architecture• OOP • MS Visual Studio
• C++/11/14/17• Concurrency • MS SQL
• MongoDB • Version Control • UML
• C# • Design Patterns • Concurrency
• GIT • AccuRev • Jira


Software Engineer at Corelis
Jtag boundary scan software support, windows drivers

Software Engineer at Teledyne Controls
El Segundo, CA
2021 – 2022
Continuous integration and streamlining of build processes using Atlassian products, Jira, Bamboo, and Confluence. Application Generation Software. Arinc 429.
• Implemented generalized search functionality for ease of navigating ground configuration tool involving MySQL, C#, WPF allegedly improving usability
• RPC integration for flight data playback testing

Senior Software Engineer at Etap Automation
Irvine, CA
2018 – 2021
Power Industry
Company that provides engineering toolset contributing to lower cost of clean energy. Dev Lead of real-time power monitoring and control server as a part of ANAB Accredited program complex for a SCADA system with a primary focus on reliability, performance, and maintainability. Improved data throughput performance of the server by up to 40 times (based on profiling metrics of a stress-tested system) in relation to the predecessor. Windows Kernel, Named pipes, System logging.
• Optimized data point throughput to support up to 200k metered and/or calculated device values. Implemented deadlock detection mechanism eliminating 10 deadlocks.
• Redesigned Real-Time data warehouse and necessary tooling and hardware configuration.
• Implemented server state recovery as a part of server redundancy.
• Optimized managed/native runtime transitions by eliminating COM Interface and by leveraging caching strategy.
• Collaborated with QA and customers on brainstorming and requirement acquisition.
• Effectively troubleshoot production projects using logging and OS metrics.
• Collaborated on the hardware configuration, load balancing during stress testing.
• Collaborated with partner engineer teams to resolve IPC conflicts through protocol standardization.
• Conducted code reviews.
• Successfully communicated technical needs to higher management to fulfill industry demands for RT system performance.
• Consulted on Visual Studio capabilities.

Software Engineer at Etap
Irvine, CA
2014 – 2018
Power Industry, refactored major part of PSMS windows service as Real-Time server and set of configuration and notification tools.
• Worked on Real-Time server, configuration and integration tooling.
• Worked on drivers for various industry-standard protocols of communication: OPC DA, OPC UA, Modbus, IEC 61850 and software such as Kepware
• Worked with UX designers to build user interfaces based on user feedback using WPF, Telerik and Xamrin.
• Server-end event notification and alarming system.
• Integrated new ways of Client-server-device data mapping and device templates.
• Performed high-volume code merges using AccuRev version control.
• Encouraged code reusability and libraries integrity for better code organization.
• Conducted refactoring campaigns eliminating ~10% of multimillion line codebase being unused or redundant.
• Implemented varies Managed/unmanaged code interfaces and network packages.
• Defined use cases to help design optimal DB schemas.
• MS SQL performance tuning
• Merged OLD and GIS graph walking algorithms to support mixed-type electrical system representations in RT applications.
• Collaborated with power engineers on troubleshooting technics.
• Explained system architecture and helped setup workspace for newcomers.
• Took dev lead role for the RT server project

Software Developer at CS Odesa
2012 - 2013
Worked on a graphics design product – a competitor of MS Visio with a team of experienced developers supporting and developing a large software product for Mac OS and Windows platforms. Duties included standard programmer's practices such as small modules design, coding, debugging, refactoring, and performance profiling. Worked on UI, drawing tools behavior, 2D graphics, PDF and MS Word Exports/Imports, and kernel modules. MFC. Windows Kernel.
• Learned new technologies and adopted new tools quickly to maximize performance and contributions.
• Completed assigned projects and tasks using standardized processes within the timeline and requirements outlined by team leads.
• Improved UX by simplifying operation routines

BS Computer Science. System Software Engineering, ONPU, May 2013

Схожі кандидати

Дистанційно, Дніпро


Junior Full-Stack Developer (.NET/Angular)
15000 грн, Дистанційно, Ужгород

.Net developer

.Net developer
15000 грн, Дистанційно, Полтава, Кременчук

Junior .Net developer

Усі схожі кандидати

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