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Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти. Ви можете зв'язатися з ним зі сторінки https://www.work.ua/resumes/10041614/

Frontend developer

Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:

Контактна інформація

Шукач приховав свої особисті дані, але ви зможете надіслати йому повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію, якщо відкриєте контакти.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

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Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Iryna Bolbat PROFILE

Frontend Developer I am a Frontend Developer with 7 months of experience
in commercial projects and nearly a year of experience
in semi-commercial projects. My proficiency
encompasses JavaScript, Typescript, Redux, Next.js,
Node.js, Express.js, HTML, CSS, and Git. I excel at
leveraging frameworks like React and React Native to
craft intuitive interfaces that combine technical finesse
with user-centric design principles. My English level is
at a High-Intermediate stage. My tenure as a Frontend
React Developer on a commercial project has endowed
me with invaluable insights into teamwork dynamics,
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») task allocation, debugging methodologies, bug
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») resolution, and the implementation of new website
Driven by a passion for innovation and a commitment
LinkedIn to delivering high-quality solutions, I am poised to
Github contribute effectively to dynamic projects, leveraging
my expertise to exceed expectations and drive project
Skype success.


HTML5, CSS3, Sass (SCSS), BEM, Hosting platform
Bootstrap, Tailwind A hosting platform is a platform that provides the

infrastructure and services needed for a website to be
TypeScript, JavaScript (ES2015 - accessible on the internet. This website offers server
2019) space, storage, bandwidth, and other resources
required to store and serve website files to visitors.
React, Redux (Toolkit, Persist),
Next.js, React Native
Online shop
Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL Team project
The application was created using React with

Fetch, REST API, Axios, Web sockets, Typescript for developing the user interface. The
Basic SQL main goal of this project is to create a convenient and
efficient environment for customers who are looking
Figma to search for and purchase gadgets and electronics
Knowledge of SDLC & STLC
Demo link

Agile concepts knowledge (Scrum, Github

Kanban, Scrumban) + Waterfall
Todo App
Task managers: Jira, ClickUP, Trello The project involves creating a web application that

Git/Github/Gitlab, VS Code, Chrome allows users to manage their tasks and to-do items.
Developer Tools (incl. Redux), NPM, Users can add tasks, mark them as completed, and
Webpack remove them from the list.
Demo link

Algorithms: Solved 250+ algorithmic GitHub

Landing page Bang & Olufsen
The landing page for an online shop dedicated to

LANGUAGES Bang & Olufsen products. This project aims to
provide the user with a catalog of different goods and
English services available for purchase in the store.
Demo link


Game application is a versatile and engaging game

application built with React that combines two classic
games in one. Players can test their memory skills
with a Memory Game and their logical abilities with
Sudoku puzzles. Application is flexible to change the
Demo link


Water Control App
The WaterControlApp is an application built with

React that empowers users to track and manage their
water consumption. The app provides valuable
insights and analytics. PWA makes the app more
accessible and user-friendly.
Demo link


Online store
Online Shop is a shopping application developed

using the React framework. It provides a seamless
and enjoyable shopping experience for users, enabling
them to explore a wide range of products, make
purchases, and manage their orders with ease.
Demo link



Frontend Developer
04/2024 – present
Technologies: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, React,

Redux, Redux Persist, Next.js

Frontend Developer
10/2023 – 04/2024
Technologies: HTML, CSS (SASS), JavaScript, React,

Redux, TypeScript;
Website maintenance using React Redux;

Working with routing;

Working with translation on the website;

Fixing bugs

Mate Academy
Frontend Developer
05/2023 – 10/2023
Technologies: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, React,

TypeScript, Redux, Node.js;
Created new and modified existing websites using

JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and implemented web
applications, using modern technologies (JavaScript,
React, Vue.js, Redux, TypeScript);
Performed code reviews, investigated, reproduced,

and fixed defects, and communicated with external
web services;
Attended regular Zoom meetings with the team and

actively worked in a team and communicated with
team members to achieve development goals.
Landing page Bang & Olufsen

Todo App

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