Резюме від 5 січня 2008


Economics and Business Administration Project Manager

Повна зайнятість.
51 рік

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Inventory assistant of Head of Administration

з 01.2003 по 01.2008 (5 років)
Delegation of European Commission in Ukraine, Kiev (Project Management)

Inventory assistant of Head of Administration, monitoring of car worldwide market, preparing information for car replacement at the Delegation cars fleet. Coordination of a motor car park and driver’s schedule
Procurement of office supplies and car park consumables, management of assets.
2007 Daily Izvestia in Ukraine.
Writing articles

2000-2002Trade company Naftohimgroup Ltd, Kiev (Laboratory and analytics equipment for oil and gas industries and for agro-industrial complex).
Project manager (I have developed new market penetration strategies).
Market monitoring
New equipment commissioning, testing, and certification.
Consumer support
Procurement of petrochemical and food industry laboratory equipment
Negotiating with equipment suppliers
Organisation of and participation in equipment supply tenders
Procurement of office equipment
Control and monitoring of the company's stock inventory.

1.03.99-31.12.99Tailor Nelson Sofres Consult Paris
Marketing and Advertising consultant/Manager of a pilot TACIS project "Programme on restructuring of the enterprise "UkrZaliznitsia".
Market analysis and marketing plans' implementation
Liaison with the company's head office in Paris, France
Marketing strategy development in a team of foreign marketing consultants.

1988-2000City Ambulance Hospital, Kyiv
Medical Doctor: histologist and post-mortem histologist
Histological diagnostics and evaluation of the treatment tactics, verification of authenticity of medical diagnosis and efficiency of the treatment activities
1995 – 1998 The Signal magazine
Marketing and Advertising Manager
An advertising project strategy development
Advertisement drafting
Contacts with mass media
Co-operation with advertising agencies
Journalist experience (writing articles and making photo reports).
Working with customs (custom clearance)


Inter – Regional Academy of Personnel Management

Economics and Business Administration, Kiev
Вища, з 2001 по 2003 (2 роки 5 місяців)

Master of Business Administration Project Manager

Додаткова інформація

Languages Russian, Ukrainian – fluent
English – good
Polish – with dictionary
PC Skills MS Office, Internet; become familiar with Mac OS X Tiger
Drivers license Category B
Hobbies Journalism, philosophy, psychoanalyses, history, mountain hiking, diving, photographing, sport.

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