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Java software engineer

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[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Software Engineer
Abdulla Shaig st 142, Baku, Azerbaijan

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Dynamic Backend Software Engineer skilled in Java SE/EE and Kotlin, with 5 years in the banking sector.
Proficient in microservices architecture, Spring Framework, RESTful APIs, and databases (Oracle, Postgres).
Experienced in Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines (Jenkins, Travis CI), and unit testing (Spock, JUnit 5).
Expertise in Liquibase, build automation (Gradle, Maven), and Agile/Scrum methodologies. Currently
contributing to the International Bank of Azerbaijan, combining technical prowess with a solid background.

Software Engineer / Middle
Baku State University
IInternational Bank of Azerbaijan | 2023 - Present
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
2014 – 2020
Led the design and development of microservices architecture,
ensuring scalability and performance.
Implemented new features from concept to delivery,
SKILLS collaborating across teams for project success.
Demonstrated expertise in Spring Boot for the development of
Java SE/EE robust Java applications.
Kotlin Designed and optimized relational database schemas, ensuring
Microservice Architecture data integrity.
Spring Boot / Data / MVC Proactively engaged in unit testing and debugging practices to
maintain code quality.
Mentored junior developers, contributing to the team's continuous
SQL (Oracle, Postgres)
VCS (GitHub, GitLab)
Docker / K8s experience Software Engineer / Junior
Unit Testing (Spock, JUnit 5)
Gradle / Maven
Pasha Bank OJSC | 2021 - 2023
Contributed to the development of microservices using Spring
Lombok / Mapstruct
Boot, gaining experience in scalable and efficient solutions.
CI/CD Pipeline ( Jenkins, GitLab CI)
Designed and optimized relational database schemas for
Agile / Scrum work experiemce
enhanced data management.
Collaboration tools: Jira, Confluence, Collaborated with the team in writing unit tests to ensure code
Slack quality.
Identified and resolved software defects through effective
debugging practices.
LANGUAGES Actively participated in feature development, adhering to
project timelines.
Azerbaijani :Native Speaker Kept up-to-date with industry best practices and emerging
English: Upper Intermediate technologies.
Russian: Upper Intermediate
Core Banking Support Specialist
Pasha Bank OJSC | 2018 - 2021

Processing ‘end of day’ procedure for Bank working days
Providing application support on Core Banking Systems (Flexcube,
User and role management of bank’s applications

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