Резюме від 11 березня 2024 Файл


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49 років

Контактна інформація

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Nataliya van Doeveren
Lviv, Ukraine | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
DOB June 5th 1970

Results-focused health care professional with proven expertise.
Advanced skills include detailed knowledge about the organization and processes in health care.
Robust international experience. I am motivated by creating and/or improving a truly professional organization.

Key knowledge areas and skills:

• Medicine • Project Management • Influencing / lobbying
• Health care management • Budget Management • Social talents
• System Implementations • Managerial skills • Good presentation skills

Language skills (self-assessment):

Oral Written
Ukrainian Fluent (native) Fluent (native)
Russian Excellent Excellent
English Excellent Excellent
Polish Intermediate Intermediate

2016 Doctor in Medical Sciences (PhD), Shupyk National Medical Academy, Kyiv
2013 M.Sc. in health care management, Shupyk National Medical Academy, Kyiv
2007 Diploma from the EU on the program “Policy and programs of countries bordering the EU, by the European
2003 M.Sc. in public administration, Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv
1993 M.Sc. in Medical Sciences (MD), Lviv National Medical University, studies in Odessa and Lviv.

2004- Author of many articles about health care reform, including foreign professional magazines.


1993 - present
Position: Gynecologist
• After completing the medical study always worked in a gynecological practice in addition
to the various jobs

2017 – 2022
Sheptitskiy Hospital, Lviv, Ukraine
Hospital is owned and managed by the Lviv Archdiocese of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church
Position: Head doctor / medical director
• 200 employees
• Arranged the highest level of accreditation. for the hospital.
• Arranged a license for medical practices.
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• In palliative care, a special license for the usage of drugs was obtained.
• In issuing sick leaves, a special license was obtained.
• Implemented automated system of patient registrations and electronic patient files.
• Opened a new department (hemodialysis).
• Started a new department for ergo therapy.
• Extended cooperation with foreign hospitals in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Holland.

2011 – 2017
Lviv regional state hospital, Lviv, Ukraine
Position: Deputy head doctor (medical director)
• 2500 employees
• Arranged the highest level of hospital accreditation for the hospital.
• Special license for the usage of drugs in all departments.
• Implemented cooperation with some West European hospitals and organizations.
• Signed an agreement with the international NGO organization ‘Governance and Integrity’.


Lviv regional state administration, department of health care
Position: Chief specialist on providing health care to adult population of the Lviv region.

2008 - 2009
Lviv regional state administration, Lviv, Ukraine
Position: Advisor of the first deputy governor
• Prepared the EURO 2012, soccer tournament including touristic structure,
infrastructure, health care / first aid structure

2008 - 2008
Ministry of agricultural policy, Kyiv, Ukraine
Position: Specialist for foreign economic cooperation
• Involved in negotiations by the Minister with companies.

2007 - 2008
Ministry of regional development and architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine
Position: Specialist for the co-operation with the Ukrainian Verkhona Rada (Parliament)
• Assigned to European Parliament for facilitating the integration of Ukraine in EU.
• Provided the proper organization for processing drafts and other acts of Parliament
for the Ministry.
• Implementation of tasks and commitments of the Ministry.


Subsidiary company Lubela Coal (lubelcoal.com, Lviv, Mining)
Position: Public Relations Manager
Helped the company to create the business structure from scratch.

Developed a strong industry network, increased awareness and developed an advanced
corporate image. Created effective communication with media. The key target was to increase
the company’s credibility in the eyes of local communities, as well as foreign investors and
business partners.

 Developed a marketing communications plan including strategy, goals, budget and tactics.
 Developed media relations strategy and coordinated all public relations activities.
 Leveraged existing media relationships and cultivated new contacts within business
and industry media.

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