Резюме від 6 травня 2024 Файл


Manager, Sales support, Marketing specialist

40 років
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Контактна інформація

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Sales, support, management, marketing,

STORE MANAGER April 2021 - December 2023
Making B2C and B2B sales to direct customers and other businesses. Main
aim in current position - to increase current level or sales. During my two and
CONTACTS a half years of working, the sales were almost doubled. Also exploring the
world of public procurement. However, according to economical situation in
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Ukraine the store was closed and company got into reduction. Have a
recommendation letter from current employer.
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Ukraine, Vinnytsia (remote) STORE MANAGER November 2016 - March 2021
Certificates & recommendations: Definitely was my best job. First I got a difficult store with a large mess, in
https://drive.google.com/drive/ documents, goods, no commercials, the personnel wasn’t qualified enough.
folders/1tX7dhnKzKqHZjIa46wm But when I made optimization steps - I’ve got a freedom and variety of tools
A89X9V7-201V3?usp=sharing and possibilities for sales raising. In first three years of my managing, sales
raised almost twice. Me and my team created great conditions for clients,
like coffee, candies and off course great mood. The other clients came with
EDUCATION recommendations from the other clients. Also made some innovations in
goods ordering and goods expiration date controls, which after were using in
other companies affiliates. After COVID-19 came, the company got into great
Master of management of
reduction. The store stopped working. So I had to search for a new employer.
Have a recommendation letter from current employer.
Vinnytsia National Technical University
2004 - 2006
STORE MANAGER September 2008 - October 2016
Master of power engineering
In current company started from customers support service representative.
Vinnytsia National Technical University
Presented live and remote consultations of company’s products, rates and
2000 - 2005
customer’s equipment configuring. While showing excellent results of my
Large number of additional trainings own was promoted to manager of customer’s support service center. Always
as: sales, organisation, customers showed great results, both my own, and the department. Took top places in
support, telemarketing, SMART goals company competitions. Before quit took 2nd place in a row of different
etc. values. Was also working with large number of data and paper work:
agreements, permissions and price rates documentations. Made logistics of
affiliate with equipment: delivering, storage and realization to a customer.
SKILLS However, according to a lack of motivation had to quit the job.

1C enterprise(analogue SAP,
STORE MANAGER September 2006 - August 2008
QuickBooks), cash register, ARM
My first official job as a store manager. Started current position from the
Excellent Ukrainian and Russian store opening to its total closing. So have some experience of opening and
languages, strong English, it’s closing new stores. Main goal was to support sales, employees, store goods
between Intermediate and
and make the clients happy. But, unfortunately as store closed, had to
Advanced levels;
change the employer.
Don’t smoke and have no bad
SALESMAN September 2005 - August 2006
Love to start innovative projects
together with my team; GERMANOS COMPANY, (HTTPS://WWW.GERMANOS.GR)

Attentive to details, strong
responsibility, never stop half way.

Hello! And one more time: my name is Max and for hole of my life I was working in sales area as a salesman
and a store manager in different companies and directions such as telecommunications, mobile devices, wire
- and wireless operators, electrical goods and equipment and automobile sphere. I'm responsible and reliable
employee, always do my best to achieve all the goals. Use all my expericnces and skills to finish all the duties.
Every job I was working gave me different lessons, of course those lessons have been made not only with
successes but also with fails, but those lessons were priceless. I'm also a team player and a team manager,
love to work, learn and help other participants.
Oh, one more, my previous job Google Maps rate was 4,6 and my current job its equal to 4,8, sure it's a great
result for customers loyality.
Have decent level of English. Can't say precisely it's Intermediate or Advanced. It depends on the topics and
different circumctances. But it's much higher in wrighting but speaking as well and I'm still learning it now with
BBC, CNN and CBC world news. The media language is the most difficult for me and explore by news, perhaps
is the best way to improve it. Before used Duolingo, Englishdom and Lingvist applications.
So, for now I'm looing for a job according to current position in my region or remote state. Remote will be more
preferred. If my experience, stack and recommendations require your demending - will be happy to
communicate with you personally for further applying.
Also, if you noticed some missunderstandings or have any recommendations with my CV, please be free to
contact me. I'm a real person, not pefect, also can make mistake.
Thank you!



Dmytro Kovalov
Altsest / Director of the retail network department
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email : [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Volodymyr Biletskyi
Shypshyna / Head Recruiter
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email : [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Vadym Kirilchuk
Ukrtelecom / Head of depertment
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email : [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

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