• Файл


Sales manager, project manager, business development manager, bid manager, manager of procurement


Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Pogrebniak Artyom

Date of birth:
02 Jul 1988



Phone number(s):
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Social Networks:
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Sales manager/CEO Deputy//Project manager/Business development manager/Bid manager/Manager of procurement


Business communication (calls, emails, meetings);
Knowledge of the principles of business (segment B2B, B2C, B2G) and ethics of conduct in the business environment;
Understanding of cultural and national differences between representatives of foreign companies, the impact of corporate and government policy on the activities of companies and their interaction with the external environment;
Knowledge of building codes and regulations, legislation, regulations;
Technical, financial and legal literacy;
Knowledge of modern technologies of capital construction of industrial and civil projects;
Ability to read the drawings;
Understanding of production processes in construction of the objects with the use of metal and reinforced concrete structures;
Knowledge of the properties of rolled metal, steel grades, types of paints and varnishes, physical and mechanical properties of metal, stages of design development (Structural drawings, workshop drawings), welding and corrosion protection technologies, processes of production and installation of metal structures, technologies of enclosing structures, bent profiles etc.;
Knowledge of the principles of forming the corporate structure of companies and the interaction between the departments, the distribution of responsibilities and volume of work scope, in order to improve efficiency of the company and strengthen its position in the market;
Understanding of economics processes of companies, enterprises, institutions, formation of market conditions, principles of pricing of construction materials, construction and installation works, related to the services on the local and foreign markets;
Ability to work in multitasking mode, accompanying of several projects simultaneously;
Existence of practical experience in working with the construction market of Ukraine and the World (steelworks/reinforced concrete);


Sales manager
July 2022 – October 2023
Metinvest-SMC (Metallurgy)
Communication with Clients to meet their customer needs
Business correspondence (Phone calls, email, official letters etc)
Researching current market trends (bid platforms Smart Tender, Prozorro)
Identifying opportunities for bid submission
Analyzing of incoming information (inquire)
Preparing sales budget
Creating, publishing and submitting of bid proposals, commercial offers, bid documents, passing accreditation, signing the contract
Document workflow
Contract management
Payment management
Control of the supply of the Goods
Managing Customer complains

Bid manager
Oct 2015 - Nov 2021 (6 years 2 month)
Work on tender platforms (Smart Tender, E-tender, Prozzoro, etc.);
Monitoring the construction market of materials and services;
Tracking of tenders of the target projects;
Participation in governmental and commercial tenders;
Passing accreditation;
Analysis of incoming information (inquire), project documentation for the request for a commercial proposal, the formation of a list of clarifying issues, coordination of preliminary technical solutions;
Identification and minimization of potential risks (production, financial);
Resource planning, analysis and calculation of labor costs;
Execution of calculations of the project cost, logistics, construction and installation, formation of the planned project budget;
Preparation of the offers;
Searching potential contractors, work with suppliers (including importers), analysis of commercial proposals for compliance with the volume of work and unit prices, the presence of abnormally low prices and unfavorable conditions of collaboration, payment for services, the formation of a competitive letter;
Preparation of preliminary production schedules for the project implementation and financing;
Technical support of the tender process, control over the timely submission of tender documents, according to the specified deadlines;
Participation in auctions, reductions, auctions, negotiations, production meetings;
Work / interaction with Business Owners, Customer Services, Tender Committees, Supervisory Boards;
Work with the Key-Clients;
Creating and maintaining a customer list (CRM);
Active search for new projects in domestic and foreign markets;
Work with social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn ...);
Development of advertising and image products of the company (Advertising slogans, presentation videos, product catalogs, advertising booklets, leaflets, reference letters, calendars, corporate clothing, etc.);
Contractual activity, coordination of basic conditions of cooperation, preparation of official documents (outgoing correspondence, contract prices, acts, certificates, complaints, additional agreements, memorandum, etc.);
Planning, organizing and conducting business meeting programs with potential resident customers and delegations from the other countries;
Presentation of services and production capabilities of the company;
Sale of basic and related services of the company;
Video conferencing (Skype, Zoom, TeamViewer);
Business trips;
Control of document flow and project implementation deadlines;
Coordination and control of the communication process, effective interaction between all project participants;
Project support on the each stage of it's implementation, monitoring the project status and timely implementation of production tasks;
Preparation of the reports to the Customer about the progress of the order / contract;
Control of timely payment for performed contractual obligations;
Analysis of planned and actual finanance result;

Design Engineer
Nov 2008 - Feb 2011 (2 years 4 months)
Architectural and Design Bureaus
Performing static calculation (reinforced concrete, steel structures);
Preparing the drawings and material lists;
Participation in meetings;
Coordinating the job with the other departments;


National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute) (Kyiv)
End date 2024
Management of International Business (Master)

National Aviation University (Kyiv)
End date 2012
Civil and industrial construction (Specialist)

Language skills

English - advanced
I can be interviewed in this language
Italian - intermediate
Polish - upper intermediate
I can be interviewed in this language
Russian - native
I can be interviewed in this language
Ukrainian - native
I can be interviewed in this language

Courses, Trainings, Certification

Certification program SmartTender.biz "From the bid searching till signing the contract"
End date 2023

Grammar course in "Polish club"(Kyiv)
End date 2018
Successfully got a certificate

Additional Information

Digital skills
Advanced PC User, MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), AutoCAD, NanoCAD, Tekla Structures, Lira, Bitrix24, CRM-system, SAP Logon, SAP Ariba, Dynamics 365, 1C-Logistics, EDIN, Internet, ability to use office equipment.

Personal skills
Responsibility, initiative, purposefulness;
Systematization, ability to plan and set priorities;

Motivation letter
Get the target position, meet companies purposes, international business, work with external markets, to build a skyscraper, to participate in NEOM project, to change the World, foreign languages, personal growth

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