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Контактна інформація

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

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[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)(viber, TG)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»),
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Lviv, Ukraine


 Business Analysis: Artifacts: Scenarios and Use Cases;
 Business Analysis: Tools: Confluence, qTest, TestLink ,TestRail, x-Ray, Zephyr, Figma (to
watch), Lucidchart (to watch);
 Business Analysis: Agile: Canban, SCRUM.
 Languages: English: B2; French: A2; Ukrainian: Native.
 Software Construction: Construction Languages: SQL (ElasticSearch and Cassandra calling);
 Software Construction: IDEs: JetBrains PyCharm, IntelliJ Idea, Visual Studio Code;
 Software Construction: Git: GitBash, GitHub ;
 Software Construction: API: Swagger, Postman, HTTP methods, URI, json, xml;
 Software Construction: WEB Browser Development: Chrome DevTools;
 Software Construction: Tools: Google Cloud Platform, kubectl;
 Software Construction: Logging: SumoLogic;
 Software Construction: Software Engineering Management: JIRA, Azure DevOps;
 Testing: Test Types: Functional testing, Integration Testing on web, Regression testing, Usability
Testing: Microsoft Guidelines, Mobile testing: Kobiton, Bitrise;
 Testing: API Testing: Google Advanced REST client, Postman, Swagger;
 Testing: Test Automation Framework Design: Python basic, Java elementary, JS elementary,
Selenium WebDriver, Bitbucket, Harness, Test run reports in BrowserStack;
 Testing: Test Artifacts: Check Lists, Test Cases, Test Runs, Bug Reports, Test Suits.

Aug-2020 – now – Quality Assurance Engineer, Proffiz
Jan-2022 - now - QA Engineer, WorkJam (outstaffing from Proffiz)
Project: digital workplace platform (web and mobile native apps) able to manage workforce and day-to-day
operations, such as tasks, shifts, surveys, punches and timecards including real-time integration with third
parties (Kronos). Environments: PROD (4-5), QA (1-2), DEV (7-8), staging, pre-prod, maintenance
Aug-2022 - Dec-2022 – QA Engineer, msItaly (outstaffing from Proffiz, part time)
Project: internal web application for license management, rewritten from C++ to NodeJS, frontend
integration with existed portal which provides user authorization. Environments: PROD, local (Node JS)
Project Role: Business Analyst, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Scrum Master, Team Lead
Aug-2022 - Dec-2022 – QA Engineer, eyeQ (outstaffing from Proffiz, part time)
Project: web application for photo/video adjust quality. Cloud server integrated Environments: PROD, DEV
Project Role: Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Delivery manager
Aug-2021 - Aug-2022 – Quality Control Tester, Esko (outstaffing from Proffiz)
Project: integrated software product that accelerate the go-to-market process of packaged goods, designing,
approving and pre-print of packages; agile subscriptions for different products groups, microservices
architecture, integration with payment services (FastSpring). Environments: PROD, QA, staging
Aug-2020 - Aug-2021 – Development Testing Engineer, WorkJam (outstaffing from Proffiz)
Project: digital workplace platform (web and mobile native app through Kobiton) able to manage workforce
and day-to-day operations, such as tasks, shifts, trainings, channels, punches and reporting including tracking
real-time progress in trainings, reports per store/employee, shift trade/swap or pick up from Open shift pool;
microservices architecture, integration with Google Analytics and Looker reports. Environments: PROD (4-5),
QA (1-2), DEV (7-8), pre-prod, maintenance, local (Java)
May-2020 - Aug-2020 - Quality Assurance Engineer, Route4Me
Project: Logistics commercial routing software with geocoding and telematics; admin panel; web and mobile
applications; integration with WooCommerce, Shopify, Gmail; recurring routes; up to 1000 addresses in one
route; advanced route constrains (weather, left-turn restriction, avoidance zones, curbsides, max stops per
route, max time per route); multidriver and multidepots. Environments: PROD
Project Role: Quality Assurance, Quality Control
Jan-2020 - Mar-2020 - Software Testing Engineer, Epam System
Project: E-commerce platform (Hybris) with backoffice, storefront, including microservices such as tax
calculation, user bonuses storing depends on an order total and kind of user (pyramid commerce).
Environments: PROD, QA(1-2), staging
Project Role: Quality Assurance, Quality Control
Sep-2018 - Dec-2019 - Software Testing Engineer, PayPro Global
Project: E-commerce platform (.NET) with multilanguage checkout and numerous payment methods
support, vendor backstore with business logic (store filling, marketing tools, order tracking, affiliate sharing
and account accesses) and admin support panel with custom templates and settings for any user including
AI-model of payment gateways redirection. Environments: PROD, local (C#, Python)
Project Role: Quality Assurance, Business Analyst, Quality Control, Automation Test Engineer: Python

Name of the Education Establishment: SCRUM УКРАЇНА
Faculty/College: “AGILE | SCRUM | KANBAN - ICP FUNDAMENTALS” course
Degree (diploma): ICAgile Certified Professional (https://scrum.ua/cert_page/TICPI-

Name of the Education Establishment: Quality Assurance Group
Faculty/College: “Essentials of Software Testing” course
Degree (diploma): Yes

Name of the Education Establishment: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Faculty/College: Electronics and Telecommunication/ITRE
Degree (diploma): Specialist


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