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PHP Symfony developer

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Veretilo Sergey
Symfony developer

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)  veretilo_sergei 

 I have had experience in complex web  Professional Skills
development for about 9 years. I worked in PHP8     
different MySQL     
projects for different customers from USA and PHP 7     
Europe. During this Api Platform     

time I have got a lot of experience in PostgreSQL     

architecture, good principles of codding, GIT     

business planning and modeling. I also have Sylius     
Symfony 2/3/4/5/6
great experience in e-commerce area. Last 6     
Behat tests     
years I have been using only symfony
Unit tests     
framework on the back-end part. Also I have
Slack, Zendesk,     
experience in developing front-end part using Shipping/Delivery apis

Vue.js framework. More over all questions Docker     
connected to developing, supporting,     
OAuth2     
planning I directly discuss with customers
jQuery     
indepedently. My goal is to work with well-
Rest API, SOAP     
structured projects with good scalability and AI api     
watch how these projects make money for my HTML     
customers. CSS     
React JS     

Elastic Search     

 Work experience

 Stanga1 09/2021 - present
Senior Symfony developer
Build complex microservice architecture using Symfony 5/6, API platform,
message bus.


 Work experience  About
I have had experience in complex web
 Digio Gmbh 10/2018 - 09/2021
development for about 9 years. I worked in
Fullstack developer
Developed Accounting tracking application for Switzerland economic tax projects for different customers from USA and
system to simplify accounting flow. Mentoring junior developers. Europe. During this
time I have got a lot of experience in
Application based on symfony 4 and Vue.js. architecture, good principles of codding,
Created architecture. business planning and modeling. I also have
Built core that allows to create any type of accounting reports; great experience in e-commerce area. Last 6
Built services and components which interact with another services years I have been using only symfony
inside app and 3rd part accounting services; framework on the back-end part. Also I have
Built system for creating different kind of reports; experience in developing front-end part
Built UI Vue.js components; using Vue.js framework. More over all
questions connected to developing,
supporting, planning I directly discuss with
 Onixcat 04/2017 - 09/2018
customers indepedently. My goal is to work
PHP Developer with well-structured projects with good
Project description: Online resource for people over 50. With possibility to scalability and watch how these projects
buy products, place advertisements, use forum, make donations. make money for my customers.
Role in project: Full Stack Developer
Used technologies: symfony3, Sylis, JQuery

Requirements analysis;
Built application from scratch;
Implemented modules like base module, advertising module, forum
module, donations module;
Implemented payment system using Stripe API;

Project description: Online web shop
Role in project: PHP Developer
Used technologies: Symfony3, Sylius, Elasticsearch

Developed RESTFULL API to manage catalog of products;
Developed checkout flow;
Built user profile component;
Built CMS bandle;
Built features like 'Compare products', 'New products', 'Best offers',
discounts system;

 freelance 04/2016 - 04/2017
PHP Developer

 MWDN 10/2015 - 04/2016
PHP Developer
Developing online web shop for sailing roof surfaces like roof tiles, where
user can select the product, set the size of roof he needs to cover, choose
manufacturer, order workers, etc.

Developed RESTFULL API for mobile app;
Developed filters for catalog;

 Valpio K 01/2014 - 10/2015
PHP Developer
Project description (mrlens.ch): An online shop with rich catalogue, various
payment options and extended admin panel.

Rest API implementation to get products and categories for various filter
Payments modules implementation (stripe, paypal);
Import module;

Used technologies: Rest API. Slim framework


 Work experience

 CHI Software 08/2013 - 01/2014
PHP Developer

Project description: An online shop 300Watches.

Development of the system architecture, database structure, core and extended functionality;
Integration of Social Networks API;
Integration of eBay posting products API;

Used technologies: Yii, Twitter API, Yahoo API, Facebook API, Google API, eBay

 Seanetix 04/2013 - 07/2013
PHP Developer
Project description: Site for saling coupons and discounts

Admin panel development

Used technologies: Zend Frameworks, AJAX, HTML, CSS

 Projestic 05/2012 - 03/2013
PHP Developer
Project description: Torrent tracker site

Management users, profiles;
Search filters for torrents.
Management statuses users and torrents

Used technologies: Yii, Twitter API, Facebook API, Google API, MySQL, jQuery, Mongo DB, AJAX, HTML

 Education

 Kharkiv National University of Radioelectroniks 2003 - 2008


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Схожі кандидати

Junior Developer, Розробник PHP, Back-end, Laravel

Yii2 backend developer, PHP-программист
Дистанційно, Миколаїв, Інші країни

PHP developer, розробник
40000 грн, Дистанційно

Web-программист, PHP-разработчик
40000 грн, Дистанційно, Карлівка

Junior PHP (Symfony) Back-end Developer

Full stack програміст, PHP-розробник

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