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Виконавчий директор, керівник департаменту


Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

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Anastasiia Riut

National University «Odessa Law 2005 - 2011
Speciality – «Jurisprudence», qualification – «Lawyer»
Complete higher education
Personal details
Additional courses
Anastasiia Riut Certified specialist in asset management from 2011 to January 2024
Training under the program of professional development for managers of
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») financial companies (2018)

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Employment
Executive director Aug 2020 - Oct 2023
September 3, 1987 Construction of the company's operational processes from the beginning
of its activity
Unmarried Control over the company's operational processes
Structuring departments of the company
Solving administrative and organizational issues
Skills Communication with clients, advising clients
Communication with National Securities and Stock Market Commission
Civil law, corporate law, (NSSMC) and other state authorities
tax law, investment law,
contract law Achievements
Successful construction of the company's operational processes from the
Microsoft Office beginning of its activity

1c Head of the asset management department Feb 2017 - Jun 2020
Liga Zakon
Organization of the work of 4 sections of the asset management
department: the asset management section, the contractual section, the
Languages legal section, the financial monitoring and reporting section (up to 15
subordinate employees).
Structuring sections of asset management department, distribution of the
functionality of each section of department, distribution of employees
Russian responsibilities, preparation of the department structure and description of
functional responsibilities
English Hiring, managing, training and developing of stuff, establishing and
monitoring of goals, conducting of performance reviews, solving
problematic issues of employees
Hobbies Preparation of non-standard contracts, supporting of agreements
Developing of templates of statutory documents, regulations, prospectus
Yoga, travelling, painting for the issue of securities, internal documents
Communication with clients, advising clients Communication with
National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) and other
state authorities

The functional structure of department has been optimized, sections of
Qualities departments have been created, responsibilities have been distributed
among employees
Purposefulness, ability to learn The functional responsibilities of employees of the department have been
quickly, result-oriented, prescribed
responsibility, stress resistance, Career growth of subordinate employees from specialists to heads of
high interpersonal skills and sections of asset management department
ability to work in a team, Successful achievement of career growth from a specialist to the head of
organizational skills asset management department

Asset management professional Nov 2014 - Feb 2017
Hiring, managing, training and developing of stuff, establishing and
monitoring of goals, conducting of performance reviews
Preparation of different contracts: contracts in construction industry -
investment contracts, contracts on joint construction, general contracts,
subcontracts, etc.), contracts of cession of legal claims, transfer of debt,
purchase and sale, intellectual property, contracts of agency, non-
standard contracts, supporting of agreements
Communication with clients, National Securities and Stock Market
Commission (NSSMC) and other state authorities
Developing of templates of statutory documents, regulations, prospectus
for the issue of securities, internal documents

Asset management specialist May 2011 - Oct 2014
Carrying out identification of clients, keeping a register of identification
Preparation of contracts - loan contracts, contracts of purchase/sale
securities of joint investment funds, contracts of purchase/sale of
corporate rights, other contracts, keeping a register of contracts
Preparation of orders and internal documents of the company
Preparation of documents for registration of asset management
companies and obtaining licenses for asset management companies
Supervision of compliance with the requirements of license conditions
Preparation of documents for registration of mutual and corporate
investment funds (statutory documents, regulations, prospectus for the
issue of securities, opening accounts in banks and custodian institutions,
preparation of service contracts), support of registration
Registration of legal entitіes (limited liability companies and others) and
modification of a legal entity's statutory documents
Supervised accurate, efficient and compliant completion of periodic
financial and regulatory reporting packages
Training and developing of a junior specialist, organizing the work of a
junior specialist, establishing and monitoring of goals, conducting of
performance reviews

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