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Контактна інформація

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Nataliia Panas
Personal Qualities
responsible, creative, initiative, stress-resistant, decent,
determined, active, sociable.

Contact March 2022 - Current
Phone Online
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Architect, Interior Designer, CG Artist
Performed complex architectural and design assignments, applying innovative
Email architectural design concepts and advanced professional knowledge.
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Collaborated with clients to develop customized architectural solutions, meeting their
unique needs and preferences.
Date of Birth
05 March 1999 Refined conceptual designs into detailed plans by adding floor plans, elevations, and
section drawings.
Behance: Analyzed and applied new technologies to improve the functionality of designs.
Nataliia Panas Behance Illustrated visual concepts during client presentations through detailed plans and
Selected and sourced materials, furniture, and accessories for aesthetically pleasing
LinkedIn Profile
Education Developed comprehensive design concepts through sketches, renderings, and 3D
April 2021 - March 2022
Avtor Project (Lviv, Ukraine)
Master of Architecture and
Construction Architectural Drafter
Lviv Polytechnic National University Developed comprehensive drawing sets, including floor plans, elevations, sections,
2016-2020 and details for permit submissions.
Bachelor of Architecture and Promoted a culture of continuous improvement within the office by sharing best
Town Planning practices for CAD software usage among team members.
Created, printed, and modified drawings in Archicad, Lumion, 3Ds Max.
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Prepared colored drawings and scale models to present to clients.
Increased client satisfaction by delivering accurate and visually appealing 3D
Software Skills renderings for project presentations.

February 2020 - April 2021
Archicad YUDK Project (Lviv, Ukraine)
3Ds Max Architectural Drafter
Prepared blueprints using computer-aided design programs such as ARCHICAD.
Corona Render
Put together project documents and reports.
Provided clerical and administrative support to senior architectural staff.
Adobe Photoshop
Prepared architectural plans and cost estimates and detailed specifications for
Revit projects.
Designed industrial architectural structures as part of larger project teams involving
Lumion geotechnical, civil, and mechanical departments.

Interior Design Design Development
Engineering Documentation Interior Architectural Detailing
Ukrainian (Native)
Rendering Technical Architecture Design
English (Intermediate Level, B1)
Construction Documentation Proficient in Archicad
Polish (Elementary Level, A2)
2D and 3D Modeling Project Planning
Deutsch (Elementary Level, A2)
Architectural Visualization Sketching, Freehand Sketching

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