Резюме від 30 квітня 2024 Файл




Контактна інформація

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Stek Roman Mykhailovych

Date of birth - 23.11.1983
Marital status - married, daughter 17 years old
Lviv, st.Shiroka 98/39
tel. [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
e-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Education: higher MBA, Lviv University of Trade and Economics (Lviv Commercial Academy 2000-2005)

Novartis Pharma Services AG 04/05/2018 - present time
manager of work with key contacts of the oncology department
Main functions and responsibilities: Conducting presentations, conducting individual visits, promotion and control of availability of drugs in the assigned territory, implementation of sales plans, launch of new drugs.
Work with distributors (BCF, Pharma-City, Lyudmila Pharm)
Work with KOL in the medical environment on the assigned territory, in the scientific direction on current, targeted product brands. (Conferences: regional and national, round tables) Direct participation in conferences as a person, company-brand.
Initiation of development and implementation of regional programs for providing patients with medicines.
Control of applications (for their preparation as needed) for state procurement of drugs for the next year in the current year.
Personal achievements in the company: For 3 years of work, it took 2nd place among the leaders in monetary terms, 1st Kyiv. A significant achievement, on drugs: Tyverb, Jakavi, Revolad, Jakavi - work on achievements due to growth from 2nd to 1st place. (sales only in Kyiv and Western region)
Tafinlar+Mekenist combo drugs, the largest number of patients in Ukraine. Western region (Lviv, Ternopil, Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Uzhgorod, Khmelnytskyi, Lutsk) over the past 3 years in monetary terms has increased by 230% since the beginning of my work, even minus the city of Vinnytsia was transferred in the central region.
According to forecasts, 2021 will reach its historical record in terms of money, in the pre-crisis period, in pure retail in Western region.
2022 was bound to end with the best percentage of growth in Ukraine in the territory under my responsibility
2022 Kiskali launch, first sales in Ukraine, western region. Despite the strong protection of the competing drug Pfizer "Imbranz."
2022 Recap of work during the martial law period:
Addressing the global team to help Ukrainian patients, correspondence with representatives of the Red Cross in Switzerland, and Doctors Without Borders.
Conducting negotiations with representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social Policy. Meetings in the working groups of these ministries regarding the customs clearance of the assistance provided by Novartis.
The Lviv Oncology Dispensary provided its full support with the placement of all drugs.
Lviv, aid was distributed throughout Ukraine, in Med. institutions
The Lviv regional health department was involved with the support of the Ministry of Health, for customs clearance of further assistance.
All these developments were also brought to help in other regions, in particular in Kyiv and Odesa, processes were also managed.
The biggest achievement is that we were able to provide our patients with such drugs as Kiskali, Tafinlar + Mekenist, Jakavi for almost 2 years.
Result: 50% of the market of target drugs in the mammary gland H2-hor. pos. cancer, the fate of a competitor, Pfizer Imbranz, was obtained
99% of the market for targeted drugs in melanoma successfully competing with the extremely strong competitor MSD Keytruda.
My personal development, then and now:
Complete enthusiasm for medicine, particularly in oncology (I significantly improved the theoretical and practical base in the category of oncology due to practical work and self-study), at this stage I can say with certainty that I have no less skills or information, and sometimes even greater and better ones, than my colleagues
Since Novartis is a international company, I greatly improved my English by constantly developing and learning. Now there are no great difficulties in communicating or studying English-language material.

TzoV PRO-Pharm 02.10.2016- 17.04.2018
medical representative, "Gastro-urgent" unit, Lviv.
Main functions and responsibilities:
Conducting presentations
Carrying out individual visits
Promotion and control of availability of drugs in the assigned territory, implementation of sales plans, launch of new drugs.
Quadra Soft CRM operation and reporting
Personal achievements in the company:
I am in the top 10 m.p. The average rating of 20 drugs in money ranges from 8th to 10th place, with 70% of promoted drugs taking 1-5th place.
Over the past six months, the share of the market exceeds the overall Ukrainian market share by 27%, which brought me a monthly bonus to my basic salary.

Grindex JSC from 04.03.2015 to 30.11.2015,
regional medical representative (6 regions)
Main functions and responsibilities:
Work with key clients on annual projects (opinion leader, departments)
Conclusion of new projects, tender work
Conducting presentations and organizing conferences/round tables
Implementation of the company's marketing activities
Quadra Soft CRM 3:1 operation and reporting
Personal achievements in the company:
Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhgorod, Chernivtsi - sales growth from 60 to 100-110% due to attracting new opinion leader and signing annual projects.
Successfully conducted and concluded 3 tender agreements for the purchase of drugs (Institute of Hematology-Lviv, Military Hospital-Lviv, Regional Psychiatric Dispensary-Ternopil, Regional Psychiatric Dispensary-Chernivtsi)
Projects in progress: Lviv Regional Psychiatric Dispensary, Railway Neurological Hospital, Lutsk Regional Oncology Dispensary
Creation of 3 regional programs (Lviv, Lutsk, Uzhhorod) to provide CML patients with free drugs.
Conducting negotiations on the creation of regional programs for other cities of the entrusted territory (except Ivano-Frankivsk)
Bringing the drug Imatinib Grindex to the market of Western Ukraine

Mega Laysciences Public Company Limited 30.05.2013 - 03.03.2015,
medical representative
Main functions and responsibilities:
Conducting presentations
Carrying out individual visits
Promotion and control of availability of drugs in the assigned territory
Maintaining a database of doctors
Quadra Soft CRM 3:1 operation and reporting
Personal achievements in the company:
During the year of work, 4 neuropathologists became opinion leaders of the drug "Giloba", 2 urologists of the drug "Ziman", "Ginsomin", "Enat", 2 ophthalmologists of the drug "Iker", 1 dermatovenerologist of the drug "Ursuliv"
Annual implementation of 100% of the sales plan of the "Iker" drug, regardless of socio-economic and market situations.
100% implementation of the individual plan for the drugs Enat and Giloba
Increase in sales of Ziman and Normagood by 50%, Ayker by 100%, and Giloba by 30% during the first year of operation.
Starting from 0 and establishing cooperation with 4 regional centers (Drohobych, Kamianka-Buzka, Novy Rozdil, Stryi)
For the first half of 2014, he was awarded the "Best Debutant of the Year" certificate
LLC "Tetafarm" 04/15/2012 to 01/21/2013,
Sales Representative
Main functions and responsibilities:
Development of a new customer base (Lviv + region), creation of a new full-fledged route.
Negotiations, development of commercial offers.
Signing exclusive terms of sale.
Management of product range and inventory in TT
Work with receivables.
Achievements: Conducting successful negotiations with network Clients, signing exclusive terms of cooperation, creating a Client base.

LLC MP Medkom Ukraine 03.2010 to 04.13.2012,
Sales Representative
Main functions and responsibilities:
Fulfillment of planned indicators and increase in quantitative and qualitative sales volumes.
Management of the retail customer base
Signing exclusive terms of sale.
Management of product range and inventory in TT
Work with receivables.
Reporting and analytics of previous periods.
The entire range of client-sales manager works.
Personal achievements in the company: 2-fold increase in quantitative indicators of sales volume in the assigned territory, development of the district - increase of working TT by 35%.
Experience of working with the pharmaceutical market of the region, both with national and local networks.

Additional Information
Foreign languages: English – B2
PC knowledge at the level of User +
Category B driver's license, 15 years of driving experience
Personal qualities: honesty, creativity, self-confidence, quick learner, ability to quickly perceive new things, flexible mind to adapt to a new environment.

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