Резюме від 17 червня 2024 PRO


HRD, 80 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
37 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи


з 11.2021 по 12.2022 (1 рік 1 місяць)
New century group, Київ (Будівництво, архітектура, дизайн інтер'єру)


з 05.2017 по 11.2019 (2 роки 6 місяців)
Fomalhaut group, Київ (Хімічна промисловість, фармацевтика)

Formation and management of the personnel department

Personnel recruitment - middle, executive search, organization of effective and timely recruitment of personnel for a group of companies (TOP managers, sales departments, production and office personnel, narrow-profile specialists, B2B, distribution, object sales, export, DYI), including remote enterprises, selection of TM and RM managers to EU countries.Provides a positive employer brand on the labor market.
Development of HR processes - personnel management policy - personnel recruitment, personnel evaluation, creation of a system of motivation, adaptation, personnel training (selection of training, organization), personnel accounting.
Analysis of corporate culture and its correction in accordance with policy and business strategies.Analysis of corporate culture and its correction in accordance with policy and business strategies.
Interaction with the top management of the company, including with the investor Fomalhaut Group. Establishing communications between departments and remote enterprises of the holding.
Monitoring wages independently, I also have experience in cooperation with auditing companies.
Budgeting of the department, personnel planning, analysis of the internal personnel reserve. Formation of management reporting.


з 01.2014 по 11.2016 (2 роки 10 місяців)
Consulting HR Шуст Л.М, Київ (Консалтинг, бухгалтерія, аудит)

Implementation of the personnel policy of the enterprise; introduction
adaptation policy of the enterprise; Recruitment of maintenance personnel, soap, production personnel. Conducting and organizing a strategic session. Description of KPIs and motivations for staff, monitoring of salaries
Reporting. Budgeting of the division. Development and implementation of the Corporate Code, Code of Business Ethics, Welcome book.staff training;
budgeting of the personnel department;
control over the implementation of the budget of the department; personnel administration (control of personnel records);
introduction of the organizational structure, development and approval of the staff schedule;
introduction of the company's adaptation policy; organization of staff training, seminars; job description; organization of the process of developing job instructions; personnel selection - various personnel search methods, Headhunting, etc. Organization of corporate events. Active participation in the description of regulations and business processes with ISO 9001 together with the head of bone management in production.


Menedzerska Skademia Nauk Stosowanych

Management, Warshaw
Вища, з 2020 по 2022 (2 роки)

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Business management, Київ
Вища, з 2020 по 2022 (2 роки)

East European University of Economics and Management

Administration, Київ
Вища, з 2004 по 2009 (5 років)

Схожі кандидати

Управляючий (HR)

Начальник відділу кадрів

40000 грн, Київ

Київ, Вінниця , ще 2 міста

HR generalist
Київ, Дистанційно

Рекрутер, ресечер, HR Generalist, recruiter, Researcher
Київ, Івано-Франківськ , ще 3 міста

Усі схожі кандидати

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