Резюме від 30 травня 2024 Файл


UI/UX Designer, Sales Representative, Manager

25 років
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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Adeyemi Isaac Adepegba
07062122105 | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Passionate about creating exceptional digital experiences that seamlessly blend user needs with cutting-edge
design principles. With a strong foundation in user-centered design and certification from Google, I bring a unique
blend of expertise and creativity to every project.


yokir Nigeria Limited FCT-Abuja, Nigeria
UI/UX Designer Oct 2023-Present
-Implementing design principles to enhance user experience.
-Designing user interfaces (UI) for web applications, ensuring intuitive and visually appealing designs.
-Collaborating with cross-functional teams including designers, frontend developers, backend developers, programmers
and stakeholders to iterate on designs.
Frontend Developer
-Developing responsive and interactive web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
-Implementing designs created by UI/UX designers as well as my designs into functional user interfaces.
-Optimizing web applications for maximum speed and scalability.
-Collaborating with backend developers to integrate frontend components with server-side logic.
-Troubleshooting and debugging issues to ensure smooth user experience across different browsers and devices.
Web Developer:
-Building dynamic and user-friendly websites using various programming languages and frameworks.
-Integrating third-party APIs and services to extend website functionality.
-Writing clean, maintainable code while following best practices and coding standards.
-Collaborating with designers and other developers and programmers to ensure seamless integration of frontend and
backend components.
-Testing and debugging websites to ensure optimal performance and security.

Freelance Lagos, Nigeria
UI/UX Design Lead Jun 2023 - Jul 2023
-Designed chatdeck desktop application.
-Designed sumi-e ceramics web platform.

Freelance Lagos, Nigeria
Visual Designer Jul 2023 - Aug 2023
-Designed visual assets for sumi-e ceramics.

Universal Risk Management And Actuarial Services Limited. Lagos, Nigeria
Executive Assistant To The Board Of Directors Apr 2022 - Jan 2023
-Successfully supported the executive in planning and participating in meetings to achieve set goals.
-Played a pivotal role in reducing travel expenses by 25% through efficient booking and cost-saving strategies.
-Received commendations from the executive for exceptional organizational skills and adaptability in handling last-minute changes.

Universal Risk Management And Actuarial Services Limited. Lagos, Nigeria
Customer Care Representative Apr 2022 - Jan 2023
Customer Care Rep for Prestige Salary Protection Shield (PSPS)
-Achieved a consistently high customer satisfaction rating of 70-75%.
-Recognized for resolving a particularly challenging customer issue that led to customer retention and loyalty.
-Consistently met or exceeded monthly up-selling and cross-selling targets, contributing to increased revenue.
-Streamlined the order processing system, reducing errors by 5% and improving order accuracy.

Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo. 2015-2019
BSc. Banking with Finance

Google (Coursera) | Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design-2023
. Credential ID | https://coursera.org/verify/AYUVXN22Y9KJ
Certificate of Excellence | Nigerian Universities Accounting Students Association, Ajayi Crowther University Chapter.
Best Grade in Finance-2019
Certificate Of Office | Nigerian Universities Accounting Students Association, Ajayi Crowther University Chapter.
Senator of the Department of Accounting-2019

Design; Figma, Web Design, Design Thinking, Empathy, Web application development, Responsive Web design, User Research, Wireframing, Interface design, Mockups and Prototypes, Application development.
Customer Care; Excellent communication and active listening skills, Empathetic and patient approach to customer interactions, MS Office Suite (Word, Excel), Customer Relation, Customer Retention, Problem Solving, Microsoft Excel.

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