Резюме від 23 травня 2024 Файл


Senior associate

23 роки

Контактна інформація

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Valerii Khrypchenko
Sales Intern

About Me
Student of GISMA University in Potsdam. Take the task seriously and always
achieve my goal. Curiosity has driven me to degrees in University and completing
many related to Business, Economics and Analytics courses outside the University.
Highly motivated to learn something new and grow in all Economics fields.

Contact Work experience

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») SALES MANAGER November 2022 - April 2023
Diesel AutoCenter - Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
-Responsible for selling goods to the company's largest customers
-Oversaw VIP-Customers sector of the company (ensured that our most valued
Taubenbogen 8 clients received exceptional service and attention. This involved establishing and
14476 Potsdam, Germany nurturing strong relationships with these key customers to understand their unique
needs and preferences. By providing personalized assistance and tailored solutions,
we aimed to enhance their overall experience and foster long-term loyalty.
Implemented strategies to anticipate and proactively address any issues or concerns
Driving license that arose, demonstrating our commitment to delivering top-notch service to our
VIP clientele. Through these efforts, we aimed not only to retain our VIP customers
but also to cultivate opportunities for upselling and expanding our business with
-Led sales activities within the auto store
-Managed a team of sales representatives
-Set sales targets and developed strategies to meet and exceed targets
Skills -Monitored inventory levels and negotiated with suppliers
-Ensured excellent customer service
Problem-solving -Analyzed sales data and identified trends (increased the sales by 7% in first 4
Strategic Thinking month)
-Implemented improvements to maximize profitability and customer satisfaction
Interpersonal Skills
Business Process Analysis
Sales April 2021 - October 2022
Sales & Marketing PPCC "Vremya - Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
Sales Support -Managed Foreign Trade Activities for a railway transport repair company in
Sales Strategy Ukraine and abroad (China, Hungary, Poland, Romania)
-Facilitated international business transactions and partnerships
Food Management -Identified potential markets for expansion (Poland and Romania)
Business Process -Negotiated contracts with foreign clients and suppliers
-Coordinated logistics for international shipments (Made 3 new logistic paths)
Workshop Facilitation -Ensured compliance with trade regulations
Communicate Issues -Managed relationships with overseas partners and customers ( concluded
partnership with Chinese company Jinan ACCTek)
-Monitored market trends and analyzed competitor activities
Business -Developed strategies to expand company presence in foreign markets
Management Support -Ensured customer satisfaction and profitability

Management Tools
Management Teams

CV - Valerii Khrypchenko 1/2
Market Development
Market Research
Market Education
Customer Experience
Customer Needs MASTER 2022 - 2024
Customer Oriented Zaporizhzhia National University, Personnel Management and Labor
Market - Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
Requirements elicitation
My Thesis was connected to food industry, as it had a theme " Consumer Behavior
Business Process Mapping and Trends" on example of Ukrainian restaurant in Kiev. For the defense I was
As-is process published twice in Ukrainian economic and scientific books, published once in an
international journal on Economics.
Process Modelling
Analyse Business Processes MASTER 2022 - present
Business analysis GISMA University of Applied Sciences, International Business Management -
Workflow Analysis Potsdam, Deutschland
Currently showing great level of studies, was honored to be in small group of
Functional Requirements
students who hosted and had a speech with the Chancellor of Germany Olaf
Food industry Scholz, three times participated in SAP workshops and presentations, have many
Analysing Business Processes of different certificates on various courses, workshops and business-studies

Documentation Analysis
BACHELOR 2018 - 2022
User Stories
Zaporizhzhia National University, International Economics - Zaporizhzhia,
Business Process Design Ukraine
Business Requirements Twice I was named student of the year and athlete of the year.
Functional Specifications I published numerous articles in both Ukrainian and international journals and
collections. Participant and winner of numerous Olympiads, competitions
Traceability matrix
Revenue growth
Supply chain LinkedIn Profile
B2B Sales
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Russisch - Native
Ukrainisch - Native 1. "Globalization and Economic Integration: A Comparative Analysis of Emerging
Englisch - Expert Published in: Ukrainian Economic Review, 2019
Deutsch - Intermediate
2. "Strategic Marketing in the Digital Age: Leveraging Data Analytics for
Competitive Advantage"
Published in: European Marketing Insights, 2020

3. "Effective Management Practices in Cross-Cultural Business Environments"
Published in: Management Europe, 2021

4. "Navigating International Trade: Strategies for Success in a Complex Global
Published in: Book of Economics by Students, Ukraine, 2022

5. "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Emerging European Markets: Case Studies
and Insights"
Published in: Ukraine Business Insights, 2023

CV - Valerii Khrypchenko 2/2

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