• Файл


Викладач англійської


Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Multi-tasking Contributor Lead with 12+ years of experience in IT and
business industries. An autonomous worker committed to providing
high quality services. Successful at coordinating research and data
projects to maintain and develop a database with content spanning
across a few dozens of various knowledge domains.

Volodymyr Work Experience

Latsina 2017-06- Contributor Lead, Location-Architecture department
present Acumen International, LLC.
Language Responsibilities:
Teacher/IT ● Run projects on a day-to-day basis.
● Monitor and report on progress of the projects.
Contributor Lead
● Efficiently and competently manage issues and
● Pull and report on metrics data of services
Personal Info delivered by your team.
● Develop and write guidelines for data projects.
Address ● Onboard and assist new contributors.
34 Lenkavs'koho Achievements:
Street, apt. 125 ● Promoted to the Team Lead of an English team of
Ivano-Frankivsk, 50+ contributors.
Ukraine, 76010 ● Developed documentation for new processes
within the project.
Phone ● Introduced a new process for better cross team
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») communication, which reduced time for solving
complicated job-related escalations.
E-mail ● Ensured high quality standards were met on 300+
sangreal2009@gmail. various projects.
2013-08- Contributor Lead
Date of birth 2017-06 Upwork (Undisclosed Client)
Marital status ● Run projects on a day-to-day basis.
Married, 2 children ● Monitor and report on progress of the projects.
● Efficiently and competently manage issues and
Personal skills ● Pull and report on metrics data of services
delivered by your team.
● Develop and write guidelines for data projects.
● Onboard and assist new contributors.
● Ensured high quality standards were met on 100+
Project Management
various projects.
● Interim Team Lead of Dutch, Danish and Thai
Problem Solving
● Promoted to a co-Team Lead of an English team
Time Management
with 50+ contributors.
● Participated in multiple task forces, leading to
development of new UIs and methods of work.

2012-02- Data Entry Contributor
2013-08 Upwork (Undisclosed Client)
● Data entry in Ukrainian, Russian and English
● Ensure quality of data in the database.
● Engage in online discussion with colleagues on
best practices.
● Analyze multiple information sources to resolve
factual discrepancies.
● Delivered high quality results.
● Engaged in multiple jobs coming from different
● Established relationship with contributors from
various parts of the globe.
● Promoted to the Contributor Lead.

2010-11- Sales Manager
2011-08 MARCOM JV

● Search for new customers and work with existing
● Ensure company sales and distribution goals are
● Develop and submit daily, weekly, and monthly
sales plan.
● Resolving logistics-related issues.
● Handle customer complaints in a timely courteous

2010-05- Sales Manager
2010-10 Myronivsky Hliboproduct PJSC.

● Search for new customers and work with existing
● Ensure company sales and distribution goals are
● Develop and submit daily, weekly, and monthly
sales plan.
● Resolving logistics-related issues.
● Handle customer complaints in a timely courteous

2009-09- Sales Manager
2010-03 Kushner Ltd.

● Ensure company sales and distribution goals are
● Develop and submit daily, weekly, and monthly
sales plan.
● Resolving logistics-related issues.
● Handle customer complaints in a timely courteous

2007-05- Network Technician
2008-02 Bravoport Ltd.
● Installing, monitoring, testing and maintaining
telecommunications and associated electronic
equipment and wiring per specifications and
operational procedures, both in technical facilities
as well as on customer premises.
● Performing testing and diagnostic procedures on
equipment according to published equipment
● Installing routers, bridges, multiplexers,
concentrators, etc.
● Completing periodic maintenance on company
transmissions support equipment.
● Coordinating the testing and turn up of service
with all involved providers until the customer’s
service is up and working.

2006-09- English Language Teacher
2007-01 NVK of Brovary

● English language teaching.
● Organization of school activities.


2004-09- Kyiv International University, Master's Degree in
2009-06 English Philology, 2009
● Bachelor's degree in English-Ukrainian-Russian
translation, 2008
● Master's degree in English Philology, 2009

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