
Business Development, Financial Advisor

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41 рік

Контактна інформація

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Додаткова інформація


Effective date: 30.08.2011

NameAleksandra Klitina
Date of Birth23.11.1982
Place of BirthKyiv, USSR
Address12, Lesy Ukrainky st., apt. 74, Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone numbers[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (mob. personal)
E-mail[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Stiomi holding Ltd – crop production company
Manager Business Development08.03.2011-present
Millennium Capital Investment Bank
Manager Business Development05.01.2010 – 07.03.2011
JSC Stoma – Ukrainian dental materials producer
Marketing manager05.01.2010 – 07.03.2011
Tiger Asset Management
Project manager09.03.2008 – 01.01.2010
Corporation “Ukrainian Building Materials”
Supervisor of “UBM Consulting Project”05.03.2007 – 23.02.2008
Corporation “Ukrainian Building Materials”
Manager28.11.2005 – 23.02.2007
Flower Council of Holland – Dutch officeAssistant 08.01.2004 – 24.08.2005
Kverneland Group – Dutch office of one of the largest European manufacturers of agricultural and viticulture machinery
Assistant Sales Manager01.03.2003 – 05.01.2004
Areas of Specialization:wind energy, investment banking, real estate, building materials sector, agriculture, chemicals industry, mass media
Duties of Service:analyzing corporate financial records and statements to identify potential investment opportunities and insolate potential problems, raising capital needed for new projects and ongoing operation, determining the amount and structure of clients' equity and debt finance needs, organizing road shows, presenting clients to potential investors, organizing participations in international exhibitions, searching for and negotiating with potential distributors
Recent Experience:reference experience appended as Schedule 1 hereto
LanguageReadingSpoken LanguageWritten
Russian 12/1212/12 12/12
Ukrainian 12/1212/12 12/12
English 12/1211/12 12/12
Dutch 05/1206/12 05/12

IT Skills:experienced user of Windows, MS Office, Access, Adobe Photoshop
Harper Adams University UK; International Agribusiness Business Management Course
2004-2005Certificate of Completion
Larenstein University of Professional Education (The Netherlands); International Business Management Course2001-2004Bachelor’s Degree
Plans for the Future:CFA
Personal Qualities:analytically thinking, purposeful, leadership skills, managerial abilities, responsible, punctual and accurate, hardworking, able to plan work and see the perspective, easy learning and emotionally stable
Areas of Interest:literature, philosophy, politics, fitness, diving, internet, music
Recent Publications:“Business Review” Magazine 2011 (stock exchanges and IPO process comments) “General Director” Magazine 2011 (foreign banks, problem assets of Ukrainian banks), Ukrainian Times 2008 (Building materials market of Ukraine), Business Magazine 2007 (review of flower market of Ukraine)
References:available on demand


Recent experience:
•Preparing Stiomi holding top 5 Ukrainian crop production company for an IPO process, organizing tenders for audit and negotiation with investment banks in Warsaw and Frankfurt (Citibank, DZ Bank, Macquarie capital, HSBC, Credit Suisse, Merrill Lynch, ING, Bank M, ZWBK, Bre Bank, Ipopema, Silvia Quant)
•Organization of tenders for Ukrainian financial adviser and international law firm (Dragon capital, Renaissance capital, Raiffeisen Investment, Salans, Schoenherr, White&Case, Weil, DLA Piper)
•Negotiations with investment funds ADM Capital, Horizon Capital, Abris, FPP. Discussing possibility of cooperation with EBRD credit financing or pre-IPO investment opportunity for Stiomi holding Ltd
•Refinancing debt of the company Stiomi holding Ltd, negotiation with commercial banks: Credit Agricole, Raiffeisen, Bank Forum, Universal Bank
•Wind energy project - list of potential investors, contacting and negotiating European and CIS investment companies and developers regarding sale of / investment into several large (over 200 MW) wind parks in Ukraine
•Researched over 100 acquisition targets in the agriculture and chemical industries and narrowed list down to 10 companies using financial criteria such as revenue growth and EBITDA margins
•Working with clients in agricultural sector – JSC Loture (raising capital for company's expansion of operations), Khlibprom (raising capital), JSC Agromars (organization of debt), JSC Alan (raising capital)
• Searching for potential investment partners, organizing and conducting negotiations with foreign partners, including investors in Arab countries (Damac, Dubai properties, Tasameem, IPIC), as well as cooperation with Hilton and Starwood
•Development of the "UBM Consulting Project" (PR strategy development), cooperation with companies (Deloitte, Advent international and others)

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