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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.


Киевский Институт Международных отношений

Международная Информация, Киев
Вища, з 1992 по 1996 (3 роки 10 місяців)

Знання і навички

MS Office Развитие бизнеса Торговый маркетинг

Знання мов

Англійська — просунутий

Додаткова інформація

Curriculum Vitae

NAME: Wladislav Zapolsky

MOBILE TEL NO.: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH: 13 May 1975, Kiev

SEX: Male




Qualifications Attained

1992 - 1993Kiev Polytechnic Institute
Radio-engineering faculty

1993 - 1997Taras Shevchenko National University
The Institute of International RelationsDegree in International AffairsInternational Information Department (Public Relations)


June 1998Merchandising Sales Technique
Dec 1999Basic Sales Skills (British American Tobacco)
Feb 2001Negotiation skills(Scotwork course by A.R.M.S. (Moscow)
June 2001Presentation skills(Scotwork course by A.R.M.S. (Moscow)
Nov 2001Time management(Baltic Training Group)
Jun 2002Sales Techniques(Baltic Training Group)

1993 - 1997Taras Shevchenko National University
The Institute of International RelationsDegree in International AffairsInternational Information Department (Referent-Translator in English)



September 2005 – present: Marketing Engine (Marketing, PR, Sales, Trade Marketing and Merchandising)
Current Position: Managing Partner, Business Development
Main Clients: LG House Hold & Health Care, Life (Astelit), Henkel, MSL(Molodsportloto), Kraft, Pioneer, Bosch, Sony, ITKOM, Datalux, Daewoo, Koss, Mivina, Podravka, Colgate-Plamolive, Nivea, EVA, Tefal (SEB Group), SC Johnson, Bosch, Vision TV, 3M, Just (снеки),

November 1997 – September 2005: Pulse Ltd (Sales, Marketing, Research, Promotions)

Position: Business Development Director

Main Duties:
Managing team of 50 people (up to 200)
Sales and distribution organisation – LD, Chumak, Bilosvit, Galakton, BAT, JTI, Lesaffre
Developing and implementing marketing campaigns for new clients: Western Union, Ukrainian Industrial Resources, Ukrainian International Airlines, Parmalat, Samsung, Lesaffre, LG, Olkom, Coca-cola
Creation of national company structure from the scratch –Pulse, Pulse Nestle division
Finding importers for clients - CPW
Creation of distribution network - Start, Friskies, Galakton
Managing work of regional sales managers - Friskies, BAT,
Full marketing support implementation - merchandising, promotion, events – Start, Dolina, Nordic, Tetley, Rothmans, Boots, P&G, Chumak
Market research project implementation (censuses, tailored audits);
Clients‘ search – Danone, National lottery

April 1995 - November 1997: International Food & Liquor Trade Development Ltd

Position: Analytical Department manager

Main Duties:
Managing the work of department staff;
Sales analysis;
Legislation and economic analyses;
Preparation of reviews on investing climate in Ukraine;
Consulting and tracking of Economic Situation in Ukraine;
Chief editor of the Ukraine’s Economic Monitor (monthly magazine)


I am a professional in computer science as well as in the following programs:
MSOffice, AutoCAD, Corel, PageMaker, Adobe PhotoShop,
Quark XPress
Technical hardware knowledge

Driver’s license


I very much enjoy socialising, travelling, meeting people and making new acquaintances.
Good oral and written communicative abilities

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