Резюме від 9 квітня 2019 PRO


Product manager

Повна зайнятість.
35 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Київ, Львів

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Product Manager

з 05.2017 по 12.2018 (1 рік 7 місяців)
Lalafo, Kiev (Free Classifieds)

I was involved at all stages of product development.

Product Discovery
- data analysis (user feedback, NPS, data from sales, marketing)
- conducting an interview with users (personal, remotely)
- problems clusterization
- conducting design sprints as facilitator
- creating low fi prototypes, user journey maps

Product Preparation
- creating product requirements in Confluence
- preparing project information (KPI's, translation, user stories, use cases)
- conducting all necessary meetings with experts, stakeholders, dev and business teams

- every day stand up meetings
- dependency elimination
- supporting dev team as a feature owner
- sprint planning
- backlog prioritization

- collecting data for analysis (SQL queries in DB'S)
- result analysis

SEO Lead

з 04.2016 по 05.2017 (1 рік 1 місяць)
Lalafo, Kiev (Free Classifieds)

Lalafo is CTC Marketplace where you can get extra cash selling your used stuff.
My Goal was to provide strong SEO Support and get organic traffic from Search Engines in Central Asia and Europe.

- defining SEO strategy
- keyword analysis
- keyword clustering
- SEO admin panel creation (functionalities, architecture, mock-up)
- On-page SEO (title, description, h1, seo texts management)
- copyrighting (seo texts)
- SEO analytics (defining growth points)
- tags collecting
- tag management system creation (cleaning, distribution)
- directory structure optimization and analysis

- admin panel for SEO Tasks
- meta data management system
- tags management system
- SEO texts creation
- Category management

SEO Marketer

з 07.2015 по 03.2016 (8 місяців)
ООО "Юниспан", Киев (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

Organic Promotion: agreemarket.com.ua

Project Management
Definition of project objectives
Setting and control designers, programmers and copywriters.

SEO Responsibilities
- Competitor analysis
- Internal website optimization

According to the project, basic settings have been made, namely:
- Meta tags are registered
- Removed duplicates meta tags
- Removed duplicates pages
- Auto-tuned meta descriptions
- Added SEO texts for the main categories
- Implemented Internal linkbuilding
- Decreased website errors

Increased store profits in 10 times
Increased traffic in 652%

Beonline Digital Agency
Product Management: SEO Product Creation for Dubai region
Project Management: Create business process inside agency
Business consultancy: Web agency promotion, implementation best practices in digital marketing instruments

Internet Marketing Manager

з 04.2015 по 08.2015 (4 місяці)
ООО "Мобильная коммерция" - funticket.com.ua, Киев (Retail)

- create marketing strategy
- organize work flow with Korean developers
- test hypothesis
- organize marketing activities

Seo specialist

з 12.2014 по 04.2015 (4 місяці)
ООО "Маркасон" - https://modnakasta.ua, Киев (Retail)

- create seo strategy
- audit site errors
- create technical tasks for programmers
- search contractor for writing texts
- compilation of semantic core
- formation of the site structure
- drawing up templates for new pages
- creation of a hub structure
- internal site optimization (robots.txt, sitemap, meta descriptions, images, etc.)
- formation of linking scheme

- a strategy has been created and approved
- organic traffic grew by 7%, only through internal optimization
- the correct communication line was set up between business, programmers, copywriters

Seo specialist

з 10.2012 по 09.2016 (3 роки 11 місяців)
self employed, Киев (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

- compilation of semantic cores
- budgeting for promotion
- drawing up a website promotion strategy
- create a seo project for internal website optimization
- drawing up a strategy for external website optimization
- drafting content strategy
- building up reference weight
- youtube channel optimization
- conducting contextual company
- conducting video companies
- optimization of tools for business (google)
- search for contractors (copywriters, programmers, designers, analysts)
- team work control
- reporting to the client

And also: finding clients, holding meetings, advising clients.

During independent work, as a seo specialist, I achieved high results with a content project on a women's topic (svoipravila.ru). From zero to 15,000 unique users per day for 10 months of work.

Also, brought out from under the filter (penguin) online stores. Developed a scheme of interaction with the client (work scheme + budgeting) with new rules for ranking sites (after the appearance of a panda, a penguin).

Some projects from the list of portfolios:
http://any-type-tour.com/ua/index.html (project implementation)
http://isida.ua/ (serm)
http://khortytsa.com/ru/ (serm)
http://www.zaz.ua/ (serm)
http://www.lanosua.com/ (serm)
http://www.vozdvizenka.com/ (serm)

Seo specialist

з 10.2011 по 10.2012 (1 рік)
ООО "Punkt-haus", Kiev (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

SEO + Client Service:
• site audit
• creation of semantic core
• budgeting for promotion
• writing recommendations for internal site optimization (meta tags, texts, linking, robots, sitemap, etc.)
• control over the implementation of seo recommendations by programmers
• external optimization (link building)
• generation of progress reports (weekly, monthly, final)
• correspondence with the client
• holding a meeting with a client to explain the implementation of a seo project

• governing companies in google adwords
• drawing up announcements
• formation of semantic core
• performance tracking (CTR) and adjustment
• reporting

New Business:
• preparation of commercial offers
• participation in the formation of a long-term strategy to promote the client’s site
• assistance in preparing presentations of the website promotion strategy
During the year of work at the agency, he achieved a promotion from junior to senior seo specialist. Got basic knowledge of working in SMM and contextual advertising. Independently conducted several SERM projects. Constantly participated in the formation of a common business presentation strategy on the Internet.



Economics, Київ
Вища, з 2005 по 2010 (4 роки 11 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати


2008-2012, 4 years, psychology


2012-2013, 1 year, psychology

International Managament Academy, SE MBA «Project Management»

2014-2015, 6 месяцев

Знання і навички

Ability to analyze draw.io MS Excel Google Google Analytics Jira SQL Trello Project managament Product management CSS HTML SEO Contextual advertising SMM

Знання мов

  • Англійська — середній
  • Російська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно

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