
CEO, CDO, Project Manager Online, Director of Sales and Marketing

Повна зайнятість.
40 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи


з 07.2013 по 11.2014 (1 рік 4 місяці)
Successfully implemented projects, Kiev (Telecommunications and networking)

July 2013 - December 2013 CitySites
Writing a complete documentation package for the development of the franchise, development models, the balanced scorecard

July 2014 - September 2014 Online Media
Creating from scratch, and the successful launch of the project (the company) on internet marketing. The project continues its dynamic growth.

October 2014 - November 2014 Doc.ua (Chernovetsky Investment Group)
1.Detailed analysis of the project (attendance for each specialization of doctors, type of transitions (from search engines, PPC advertising, direct referrals, referrals from other sites), conversion by function performed by applications in the majors), to determine the strengths and weaknesses project and their elimination.
2.Created and implementation phases of the project concept through Call - center.
3.Was analyse brand book, proposed marketing plan to promote the project in the region.
4.Made a prioritization of areas specialties of doctors that are needed for a site in the first place, to accelerate monetization projects in the region and cost optimization.
5.On the basis of analysis of key indicators agreed and implemented optimization budget for contextual advertising.
6.Created SEO analysis strategy, recommendations for its optimization.
7.Created marketing analysis of the regions of Russia and Kazakhstan.
8.Analysed tax system in Russia and Kazakhstan.
9.Created Project Plan Development in Moscow and Kazakhstan.
10.Created indicative financial plan for the development in Moscow and Kazakhstan.
11.Created strategy development in Moscow and Kazakhstan, with the creation of new functionality.
12.Analysed competitors in Russia and Kazakhstan
13.Risk estimate and minimization.
14.Adding of new functionality.

April 2014 - June 2014 Opt-mall
1.Drive to market wholesale hypermarket in the market of Russia and Kazakhstan.
2.SEO promotion.
3.Creation of sales system.
4.Site optimization.
5.Usability and conversion optimization.

June 2014 - current
A large number of small projects on Internet marketing and seo promotion, website development, increase monetization and usability

Leading expert on regional development

з 04.2013 по 10.2014 (1 рік 6 місяців)
Prom.ua (Telecommunications and networking)

Active development of a partner network in Russia. www.tiu.ru 50% of the time travel
Derivation of each partner agency on targets.
Management established partner network.
Preparation and writing of all necessary documentation describing all the business processes.

SEO - promotion on high frequency and low frenquency requests.
Search Engine Optimization Internet projects.
A detailed understanding of the processes of promotion of sites on the Internet.
Working with link exchanges: SAPE, Seopult, Rookee.
Text promotions
A detailed understanding of the processes of promotion of sites on the Internet.

Local Marketing:
All kinds of e-commerce.
Sales of all types of Internet advertising
Promoting local brand in social networks.
Conducting trainings and seminars to increase sales of partner agencies.

Creating a partnership network with zero to 84 partners in 15 regions of Russia.

Head of Development in the CIS and Europe

з 01.2009 по 04.2013 (4 роки 3 місяці)
Citysites (Telecommunications and networking)

Building a business structure from scratch
Complete development of the company's development strategy and its implementation
development of the company
Managing partner network.
Preparation and writing of all necessary documentation describing all the business processes.
Building business models.
Development and implementation of the investment strategy.
Working with investment funds to attract investment.

Improving product
Adding new functionality, new partitions.
Using the tools of analysis and planning projects.
Calculations of business cases
Management team development
Identify and minimize project risks
Improving CRM System

Successful promotion on high frequency and low frequency requests more than 20 high-frequency queries, and more than 100 low-frequency request for each project (the site of the city).
Search Engine Optimization Internet projects.
A detailed understanding of the processes of promotion of sites on the Internet.
Working with link exchanges: SAPE, Seopult, Rookee.
Text promotions

Development and implementation of marketing strategy
Work with all types of e-commerce.
Marketing research
Sales of all types of Internet advertising
Promotion of local brands in social networks.
Conducting trainings and seminars to increase sales affiliates.

Development of the company from scratch. To date, 36 offices in the three largest CIS countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. In Ukraine, the company is a leader in the segment of "The site of the City"
In submission of more than 200 people. Today, the company continues its dynamic growth. The company has doubled in size.

Company website:
0629.com.ua 048.ua 62.ua 057.ua 056.ua 061.ua 0642.ua 62.ua 0352.com.ua and more than 40 sites in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Specialist of foreign economic activity

з 07.2004 по 08.2008 (4 роки 1 місяць)
Belinvest & Company Ltd (Leasing and investment company) (Financial)

I worked in leasing and investment company, my main specialisation was turn key projects in leasing. (Find, buy, count leasing payments, install, put in commission).


•Collaboration with top world investment groups in oil, gas, metal, energy sector.
•Work in ICC format
•Searching for ordered equipment
•Carrying out of negotiations and the conclusion of contracts
•Shipment of high precision processing centers for metal industry (C.B. Ferrari S.p.A, Feeler, Okuma) and deep hole boring machines for oil industry
•Full support of the transaction
•Shipment of metal – cutting instruments
•Full customs registration
•Reception of foreign experts (hotel, transport, visas, nutrition)
•Intimate knowledge of customs law of EU, Russia, Ukraine.
•Business plan conclusion.
•Cooperation with Government Factories in Russian Federation and metal factories in Ukraine.
•Work with European Law in part of VAT return and shipment supported laws (in English, EUR-LEX

My achivements:

Successfully finished deals with government facroties (CJSC LEPSE, OJSC Ratep, Avtovaz) in turn key propjects.
Successfully written bussines plans and there presentations.(Web site business plan, as for example yahoo not less and business plan of construction oil processing factory with capasity of 6 mill. tons per year were in two languages russian and english).
Cooperation with world investors and took part in investments programs of construction of Oil Processing factories at territory of Russian Federation.
Took a part in oil – producing, oil – processing negotiations (in English)

System administrator

з 09.2003 по 07.2004 (10 місяців)
Onitel Ltd. (Legal)

Help desk
Work with servers


RGAU – MAA of name Timiryazev, Moscow

Economic, Moscow
Вища, з 2001 по 2007 (5 років 5 місяців)

Знання і навички

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Trends
  • Понимание основ HTML, CSS
  • Yandex Webmaster
  • Sape
  • Seopult
  • Rookee
  • Опыт в протопировании и создании крупных проектов
  • Опыт в написании ТЗ по разработке и созданию сайтов
  • Улучшение юзабилити
  • Повышение конверсии

Додаткова інформація

Understanding the basics of HTML, CSS
Google Analytics
Yandex Webmaster
Google Webmaster
Google Trends
Experience in prototyping and creating large-scale projects
Experience in writing the TOR for the design and creation of sites.
Improve Usability
Increasing conversion
traffic arbitrage
Experience in setting up contextual companies

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