Резюме від 19 січня 2017


Менеджер проектів

Повна зайнятість.
37 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Oleksiy Oleksiy Smirnov
Smirnov 18, Roksolyana str. Apt.121
LVIV, UA 79052
IT Project Manager mob. [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Skills -Organisational skills
-Analytical skills
-Well developed interpersonal skills
-Numeracy skills
-Commercial awareness
-Time management skills
-Planning skills
-Risk management skills
-Communication skills
-Teamworking skills
-Ability to motivate people
-Management and leadership skill
-Project Management skills
-Negotiation skills
-Soft skills

Experience Benamix / ​IT Project manager
June 2015 - PRESENT, Lviv
-agreeing project objectives
-representing the client's or organisation's interests
-providing advice on the management of projects
-organising the various professional people working on a project
-carrying out risk assessment
-making sure that all the aims of the project are met
-making sure the quality standards are met
-using IT systems to keep track of people and progress
-time management
-estimates control
-monitoring sub-contractors to ensure guidelines are maintained
-overseeing the accounting, costing and billing

Benamix / ​Sales manager
March 2015 - PRESENT, Lviv
-lead generation
-agreements assignment
-client communication and engagement
-CRM database maintanance
-media communications
-reports generating

Velet Avto, official dealer of Ford in Lviv region/ ​Sales manager
January 2010 - September 2015, Lviv
-Technical consulting
-Agreements assignment
-Client communication and engagement
-CRM database maintanance
-Media communications
-Communication-related training delivery
-Reports generating

Private Enterpreneur
2009 - 2010, Lviv
-Managing my own clothes/shoes store
-Staff management
-Interviews arranging and conducting
-Staff recruitment
-Documentation management
-Sales process monitoring
-Marketing activities arranging and new filiations opening

DEEP (store of youth clothes) / ​Administrator and Senior sales
2008 - 2009, Lviv
-Documentation management
-Sales process monitoring
-Staff recruitment
-Arranging and new filiations opening
-Clients consultations

Actual Service, Cleaning Company / ​Manager
2007 - 2008, Lviv

Locomotiv, Sport School / ​Cycling Coacher
2005 - 2007, Lviv
-Practical athletes preparation for competitions
-Coaching methodologies development

Education Lviv State University of Physical Culture / ​Specialist’s degree
2003 - 2008, Lviv
major: Physical education/Sport Psychology and Coaching

Lviv State University of Physical Culture / ​Bachelor’s degree
2003 - 2007, Lviv
major: Physical education

Awards -Project management foundation in IT (LITS)
-Professional in sales, certificate (Ford independent audit)

-Nine steps of sales, certificate

-Product Training, Ford Focus, certificate

Additional Areas of Project management course: “Project management foundation
Expertise in IT” LITS
August 2016 - October 2016, Lviv

Sport competitions organization and conducting in downhill,
enduro (cycling types) at national and international levels
Competitions judging
2011 - PRESENT, Lviv

Ford Product Trainings
Nine steps of sales, by Winner
2010 - 2015, Kyiv

InTech Market, specific software for store business, trainings
2013 - 2013, Lviv

Trainings on psychology of communication
2012 - 2013, Lviv
Trainings on specific psychology aspects: physiognomy
2011 - 2011, Lviv

Trainings on human psychological aspects
2010 - 2008, Lviv

Languages -Ukrainian (native)

-Russian ( native )

-English ( Intermediate level, now in progress)

-Polish ( pre-intermediate level )

Hobbies & Interests Sports, autos, travelling, psychology.

Personal features Purposefulness, high communication skills, sociability, responsibility,
integrity, diligence, confidence, compliance, craving for self-development,
punctuality, team orientation.

Схожі кандидати

Project manager
Львів, Дніпро , ще 4 міста

Менеджер проєктів


Львів, Івано-Франківськ, Київ

Project manager
30000 грн, Львів, Дистанційно

Production, Product Manager, Project Coordinator
40000 грн, Львів

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії

Кандидати за містами

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