Резюме від 2 червня 2024 PRO


Audit (Senior) Manager, Partner, Chief Financial Officer, Procurement Specialist

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
31 рік
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ, Хмельницький

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Procurement Manager

з 04.2024 по нині (2 місяці)
DIGAS SIA, Хмельницький (Машинобудування)

Execution of the Procurement Process.

Communication with the suppliers and the customers.

Preparing the Procurement Documents as well as the deals supporting documents.

Chief Financial Officer

з 12.2022 по 01.2024 (1 рік 1 місяць)
Ego textile, Хмельницький (Роздрібна торгівля)

Maintaining and management of Acounting system of Business, as for now - several PEs and in the future we, with CEO are going to change the PEs form of Entity to LLC or PJSC...
Managing Financial activity of the PE...
Preparing Financial Statems for the Regulative Atsorities and for personal analytical use of CEO for planning and development of businesses...

Audit Manager

з 04.2021 по 06.2022 (1 рік 2 місяці)
Capital Plus LLC, Kyiv (Консалтинг, бухгалтерія, аудит)

Managing audit projects.
Performing and supervision Audit work done by myself and my collegues.
Supporting clients from start to Audit Report.


з 10.2020 по 04.2021 (6 місяців)
AF Capital Group LLC, Киев (Financial audit)

Performing Audit projects.
Mentoring and supervision of audit staff.
Supporting client from start to audit report.

Audit Contractor

з 04.2020 по 10.2020 (6 місяців)
Grant Thornton LLP, Київ (Financial & IT Audit)

Performing Audit projects.
Mentoring and supervision of audit staff.
Supporting client from start to audit report.

Senior Auditor

з 09.2019 по 04.2020 (7 місяців)
BDO, Київ (Financial & IT Audit)

Performing Audit projects.
Mentoring and supervision of audit staff.
Supporting client from start to audit report.

Analyst of Software

з 02.2019 по 05.2019 (3 місяці)
AuditSoft, Хмельницький (Business automatisation systems)

Development of the modifications to the client's software.
Performing stress tests of developments.
Incorporating automatization projects to the clients of the company.

Founder and Owner

з 09.2018 по нині (5 років 9 місяців)
Gonchar Mykhailo Vasylovich PE, Київ (Financial & IT Audit)

Founder and owner of PE for the establishment audit and consulting services within the Ukraine and Europe providing best practice to the companies in different sectors.

Audit Manager

з 11.2016 по 08.2018 (1 рік 9 місяців)
Moore Stephens - Kyiv, Киев (Audit, Consulting, Outsourcing)

Good attitude establishment with current clients and search for the new clients.
Time management and reviewing the work done by senior auditors and audit assistants.
Supporting software and business development strategies proposed by the company's owner, audit partners and senior audit managers as well as proposal and implementation of my own strategies and best practices.
Very good meetings with clients experience.
Client support before, during and after the audit process.

Senior Auditor

з 11.2015 по 10.2016 (11 місяців)
Moore Stephens - Kyiv, Киев (Audit, Consulting, Outsourcing)

Obtaining an understanding of the Entity and Its Environment.
Performing risk assessment procedures.
Performing analytical procedures.
Development and performing tests of control.
Planning, execution and completion of audit procedures.
Deliverables preparing in accordance with the group audit instructions.
Directing, coaching and mentoring auditor assistants, reviewing their work.
Communicating with the Client's management.

Finance Department Intern

з 01.2014 по 06.2014 (5 місяців)
Obolon LLC, Киев (Food industry)

Audit Assistant

з 12.2013 по 10.2015 (1 рік 10 місяців)
Moore Stephens - Kyiv, Киев (Audit, Consulting, Outsourcing)

Obtaining an understanding of the Entity and Its Environment.
Performing inquiries of responsible persons for the Client's processes.
Execution of audit working programs in following sections: PPE, Investments, Inventories, Biological assets, AR, Cash, Equity, Borrowings, AP, Accruals, Revenue, COS, SGA Expenses, Payroll, Subsequent events.
Preparing samples for testing manually and using an innovative analytical software.
Preparing and sending audit confirmations for AR, AP outstanding balances (local and foreign) as well as for the bank balances confirmation at the year end.
Assisting in deliverables preparation in accordance with the group audit instructions.

Finance Department Intern

з 01.2013 по 06.2013 (5 місяців)
Obolon LLC, Киев (Food industry)

Sales Manager

з 07.2009 по 08.2009 (1 місяць)
Osnova PE, Хмельницкий (Windows manufacture)


Khmelnytskyy National University

PhD, Postgraduate studies on economics and enterprise management, Хмельницкий
Вища, з 2014 по 2019 (5 років)

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Getman

Accounting and audit, Киев
Вища, з 2009 по 2014 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Аудиторська палата України

2017-2018, 3 місяці

ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)

2014-2027, 13 років

CISCO Network Academy

2019, 6 місяців


2021–2022, 1,7 роки

Бизнес конструктор

2022, 3 місяці

Знання і навички


Знання мов

  • Англійська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно


Друга група.
Загальне захворювання, без обмежень по роботі...

Додаткова інформація

Certificate of the auditor of Ukraine series A # 007581

ACCA studing is in the process...

At this stage the following papers are passed:
F1 – Accountant in Business
F2 – Management Accounting
F3 – Financial Accounting
F7 – Financial Reporting
F8 – Audit and Assurance
Ethics and Professional Skills module

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