Резюме від 12 липня 2023


Аналитик баз данных, 120 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
56 років
Місто проживання:
Інші країни
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Інші країни

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Business intelligence developer(part time)

з 01.2023 по нині (1 рік 5 місяців)
Kommercial Bank, Prague (Фінанси, банки, страхування)

Position: SQL Developer (ORACLE 19, MS SQL Server 2016)
Project: Campaign Management System.
Tools: Oracle Developer, MS SSIS, MS Management Studio.
Database and ETL optimization.
Monitoring of the ETL processing on the daily base.
System workload analysis.
Create and maintain related documentations.

System analyst. Operational DBA

з 04.2022 по 02.2023 (10 місяців)
Lufthanza, Germany (Транспорт, логістика)

Role : Teradata DBA. ( fully remote )
Daily tasks: User access management. Data patches installation. ETL processes monitoring. Backup management.
Database system: Teradata 16.20, Teradata 17,10 Vantage ( cloud solution ).
Tools : Teradata Studio, Teradata Viewpoint.

BI analyst, reporting developer.( part time , fix price )

з 07.2021 по нині (2 роки 11 місяців)
Allianz, Prague (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Position: BI analyst - Oracle 19, MS Reporting Services 2019
Project: Oracle DWH support. Reporting support and development.
Reporting system migration from SAS reporting environment to the MS Reporting services.
Create project related documentation. (business analysis, architecture, technical specification)
Tools: MS Reporting Builder 2019, MS Visual Studio, PL/SQL Developer, MS SQL Server management studio.

System architect, business analyst(part time)

з 04.2021 по 08.2021 (4 місяці)
WIZ-TEAM SA, Kyiv ( fully remote ) (IT)

Project: Visitor system DWH.
Create project related documentation. (business analysis, architecture, technical specification)
Technology : MySQL, ORACLE.
Tools: SQL Developer, Toad.

System analyst. Teradata SME.

з 01.2021 по 02.2022 (1 рік 1 місяць)
VTB24, Fully remote (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Project: Data processes daily monitoring. DWH, ETL optimization.
Tools: TASM. Teradata tools and Viewpoint.
Manage data migration process.
Monitoring of the ETL processing on the daily base.
System workload analysis.
Create and maintain related documentations.

Teradata SME.

з 07.2020 по 01.2021 (6 місяців)
NPOWER, Swindon (Energy)

Project: Teradata DWH support. (Teradata 15.10)
Tools: JIRA, BTEQ, SQL Assistant, Viewpoint.
DWH and BI solution support, daily data flow tasks monitoring.
DBA daily tasks.
ETL tasks optimization.
Create and maintain related documentations.

Technical lead of the Systems Analysis Group.

з 07.2020 по 01.2021 (6 місяців)
TELE2, Moscow (GSM)

Project: Data processes daily monitoring. DWH, ETL optimization.
Tools: Azure DEVOPS. Teradata tools and Viewpoint.
Monitoring of the ETL processing on the daily base.
System workload analysis.
Create and maintain related documentations.

System analyst. Teradata SME.

з 06.2020 по 07.2020 (1 місяць)
Unicredit Bank (Teradata)., Bucharest (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Position: System analyst. Teradata SME.
Project: Pre upgrade assessment Teradata DWH support. (Teradata 15.10 to 16.20)
Post upgrade optimization. (Teradata 15.10 to 16.20)
Tools: JIRA, BTEQ, SQL Assistant, Viewpoint.
Developer tasks management.
DWH and BI solution post upgrade support, daily data flow tasks monitoring.
ETL tasks optimization.
Create and maintain related documentations.

DWH technical lead. Data processing analyst.

з 01.2020 по 04.2020 (3 місяці)
Vodafone (IBM)., Prague (Telecommunications and networking)

Position: DWH technical lead. Data processing analyst.
Project: Teradata DWH support. (Teradata 16.20)
Create new BI extension for the current solution. New data flow analysis and development.
Data modelling
Contract position: Teradata SME. Data analyst. Teradata 16.20 SME.
Tools: JIRA, Teardata PT. Informatica 10.2, BTEQ, SQL Assistant.
Data modeling – SAP Power designer 16,5
DWH and BI solution support using daily data flow tasks monitoring.
ETL development and data flow tasks optimization.
Create and maintain related analytical documentations.

BI Team Leader

з 09.2019 по 01.2020 (4 місяці)
Sberbank EU., Vienna (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Project: New DWH extension. Short term contract.
Contract position: BI solution architect. Analyze existed solution.
BI Team Leader. (small team 5-10 members) (on/off site)
Tools: JIRA. MS BI tools(SSIS, SSRS).
Improve existed development process.
Create and mountain new development standards.
Improve project delivery quality.

DWH architect. Business analyst, Teradata SME.

з 06.2019 по 09.2019 (3 місяці)
KBC Group (CSOB SK)., Pragua/Bratislava (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Project: New DWH extension. New data flow analysis.
Contract position: DWH architect. Business analyst, Teradata SME.
Tools: JIRA, Informatica, BTEQ, SQL Assistant. Data modeling – SAP Power designer 16,5

Додаткова інформація

Senior BI Analyst, Database and Datawarehouse developer
Teradata certify master, Brainbench MS BI tools certification.
Prague, Czech Republic.Salt Lake City, UT
Cell Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
E-Mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Europian citizenship.

Summary :
Over 20 years of IT experience
Primary skill : Senior business intelligence developer, DWH, DB developer, ETL TechnicalLead.
Industries : Financial, Telecommunication, Automotive, Airline
Oraganization skill : Software lead, Technical lead, Team leader
Primary DWH platform : Teradata, MS SQL Server
Primary BI platform : SSIS, SSRS, Qlick View, MS Excell, SAP BO
Hands on programmer experience for the various databases. (procedures, triggers, ...)
Specific DB system skills and knowledge: British Telecom DWH, Global Airline tickets reservation system, Call Center system (Nortel).

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