Резюме від 10 липня 2019


Executive assistant, Customer Support manager, HR administrator

Повна зайнятість.
50 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Required job

-Personal assistant
-HR administrator
-Customer support administrator
-Project coordinator
•2005 - Ukrainian Institute of Linguistics and Management. Specialization – linguist.
•1996 - Ukrainian Pedagogical University, teacher of primary school
•1996 - Center of integral education technologies ‘Perspective XXI century’.
“Referent – secretary” course.
•2010 - Training center ‘TechExpert’. ‘Microsoft SAM audit and licensing’ course
Professional skills
- Data management and systematization.
- Department business administration.
- Working with contracts (local and international. Processing and control)
- Local and international business correspondence
- Business documentation translation
- Local and international financial documentation translation
- Local and international financial documentation processing
- Promoting services to the international customers
- Local and international partner programs administration and coordination
- Creation of the reporting on the partner programs
- Customer support. Satisfaction monitoring

Professional Experience
•10.2018 – present time - ‘Visicom’ LLC, Marketing specialist/business administrator
•Promoting the ‘Visicom’ production to the customers worldwide (Vietnam, Europe, North America)
•Processing the incoming orders from customers (Purchase orders, bills, etc)
•Support the existing contractors (product information, contract fulfillment progress update, collecting financial documents, closing contracts)
•Support the relations with the existing customer stack (new product information, collecting current customer’s needs, customer satisfaction feedback collection and processing)
•04.2018 – 09.2018 - Microsoft Ukraine, Marketing coordinator
•Organization of seminars and workshops (invitation, registration, catering, feedback collection, follow up with participants)
•Coordinating activities with Microsoft Corporation participants
•Processing events financial documentation
•Coordinating activities with Microsoft financial team
•Support internet communities of software developers
•Coordinating Microsoft business investment fund with local partners
•Processing the financial documentation for business investment fund in Ukraine and Russia
10.2008 - 03.2018 - Private entrepreneur, Tutor (Preparation of children for junior school)
08.2007 - 10.2008 - Special School #43, Teacher of English
10.1999 - 09.2006 - Avon Cosmetics Ukraine, Assistant of the Sales Department
04.1999 - 07.1999 - DK Company, Assistant of the Financial Manager
02.1998 - 11.1998 - The Representative Office of Xerox, Personal Assistant of the
Regional Manager (Central and Eastern part of Ukraine)
11.1997 - 02.1998 - The Representative Office of Xerox, Secretary

Personal skills
- Experience of working with high level management
- Able to work in multitasking mode
- Responsibility
- Workability
- Able to take self-decisions and responsibility
- Non-standard thinking
- Excellent personal time management
- Reliability and accountability
- Able to set clear personal priorities
- Excellent communicational skills
Additional information
Citizenship: Ukraine
PC Skills: Advanced user (Microsoft Office applications).
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (Fluent)
Personal hobby:
- Travelling, Reading

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