Резюме від 20 липня 2021 PRO


Chief of Growth (Operations, Development, Sales), Group lead

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
42 роки

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

VP on Business and Project Development, ​Advisor to CEO and HRD

з 10.2019 по 07.2020 (9 місяців)
ROXTEC UA LLC, Київ (Mechanical engineering, security)

Contract project
I am all about - Driving Teams, Strategies, Indicators & Big Results by People and in Them.
· Created: full design for Sales and Biz Development, in particular in Energy industry domain; of Project management in presales and implementation, reporting systems, Sales team dev-t, collaboration with HQ and other regional markets
· Conducted: staff assessment, cycle of recruiting and evaluation
· Facilitated: some strategic internal meetups, and meetings with key accounts

Business development director

з 10.2019 по нині (4 роки 8 місяців)
under NDA, Київ (Innovative FinTech Platform for gaming, financial institutions & e-business)

➡️Experienced manager with a strong connect to reality
➡️Leader and team player with 20+Y track of leadership
➡️People and products orchestrator with holistic approach and skillset
➡️In different business domains and environments
➡️Sharp linking between external and internal conditions

Contract project
· Researched a product niche and developed business development strategy, tools and routines;
· including market benchmark, product & brand management and strategy,
· including team, resources and performance management;
· the best alignment of external business environment and internal company resources in the holistic business development and product portfolio roadmap

Department Manager

з 09.2018 по 09.2019 (1 рік)
Materialise, Kyiv, Leuven (IT, software development and manufacturing)

Customer and product development management
in the global company with HQ in Europe, and offices within four continents, leader in providing services and software solutions for 3D printing and Additive manufacturing for a variety of industries, including healthcare, automotive, aerospace, consumer goods, and art & design.
I managed a department of software development and customer teams - 4 teams, 7+ projects; essentially reorganized some project teams and resources, started some inherent process improvements, eg. approach to segment architecture, products' ownership, and cross-department and cross-programs collabs.
* Managed, improved: dept goals, budgets, project resource plans on quarterly/ half-yearly, yearly basis, project and product plans monthly/ weekly, actively controlled and fixed all SDLCs from PjMs and POs perspective weekly/ monthly.
* Budgets: a year budget compilation (FTE, oth costs), control execution, align it with FC indicators; keep FTE and budget costs within budgeted level etc
* People mngt (building teams, hiring, boarding, managing people's growth, managing and coaching Team Leaders and Project Managers)
* Leaded and cascaded Company and business units strategy, objectives into department goals; aligning business, management and development strategy.
* Drived continuous improvement of processes and org structure

Country manager, Product owner

з 10.2015 по 07.2018 (2 роки 9 місяців)
Delticom AG, Kyiv, Lviv, Hannover (E-commerce, IT)

Sales & digital, e-commerce and logistics management within
full business cycle of local UA office,
* Business development in RU and East Europe, including Sales and OPC (processing center) management.
Highly loaded and multitasking environment in #1 in its sector European E-commerce company.
In multi-tasking and simultaneous projects I acted foremost
* As Delticom UA Country manager/ Office head, I controlled all E-commerce activities of Delticom in UA and RU, e.g.: from Business planning and Strategy to Supply chain, Cross-border Ecommerce, and SW delivery, Logistics and Hotlines.
* As product owner for some products and development teams; created and leaded few programming and digital teams, launched and leaded some products as PO, improved, implemented 5-6 bpmn's PjM, PdM, OPC, business routines, reported projects by business and product KPIs yearly/monthly to C-level and founders, managed and fixed OPC procedures, negotiated and contracted some principal providers contributed good ROIs and key contracts for the company.
* A full cycle of requirements flow from business vision to actionable statements of requirements; maintained a prioritized backlog of products.
* As liaison and single point of access & control for UA project between general managers, businesses, marketing, customers and R&D team; and over 10 departments: SW Development, Marketing, Logistics, Front Offices, Suppliers etc
** I've helped Kyiv office growing from one guy with a laptop to almost 20 guys on over 100 sq m/ 3-4 separate tasks teams (including Java, Php, QA and Marketing/ SEO/ designers/ Newsletter/ link-builders) and supported atmosphere and motivation to do their job on the peak.

Product Executive Manager (Cloud & Mobility)

з 09.2012 по 09.2015 (3 роки)
Softline Group International, Kyiv, Minsk, Tbilisi (Software services and sales)

Big sales and business development, project and delivery management within few regions and globally.
I leaded a sales development team and system; initiated, presaled, planned dozens of big infrastructure and SW projects, at the joint of many technologies HW, SW & Cloud; near 12 big projects leaded from presale and scratch through all project phases, leaded a team of 15+ (Account managers, Product Engineers, Programmers) on-site and some remoted teams; also involved in marketing: vision, events/ market messaging etc.
* 2014 - #1 Softline Branch Office in CIS and Europe by Cloud and Virtualization (2014)
* 2014 – leaded projects with income $ 1,3 million for 8 months; increasing revenue over 150%.
* 2013 - The Breakthrough of the Year 2013 Partner in Virtualization and Cloud (by MUK vad rate)


Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko

Applied mathematics, mechanics, economics, Київ
Вища, з 1998 по 2005 (7 років 4 місяці)

Master of mechanics and mathematics, and economics
PhD, candidate in physics and mathematics

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Life and best in class tutors, see details in Additional info paragraph


Знання мов

  • Англійська — вільно
  • Німецька — початковий
  • Польська — початковий

Додаткова інформація

➡️Experienced manager with a strong connect to reality
➡️Leader and team player with 20+Y track of leadership
➡️People and products orchestrator with holistic approach and skillset
➡️In different business domains and environments
➡️Sharp linking between external and internal conditions

Total income expected - 3 flexible forms of cooperation. win your time.

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Усі схожі кандидати