
Администратор кафе, управляющий, 15 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
34 роки

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Oleksii Saltykov
Date of birth
1 February 1990 ( 29 years)
Place of Birth
Current location
Mobile number
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (WhatsApp,Telegram,Viber)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

I am friendly, young, very responsible, hardworking, positive thinking, strong team player, self-starter and strong independent worker. I can resolve any conflict situation by finding a common language with different people. I always want to get the most out of life and admire courageous people. I am looking to acquire new knowledge and skills in providing people with a best service.

Riyad Season, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (15 October 2019 -20 January 2020)
Chef de pass
Le Bilboguet, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 19 December 2019 - 19 January 2020.
-Planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding and controlling all cooking processes in the kitchen.
-Distributes the orders between waiters and chef.
-Ensuring control over the distribution of duties among staff workers.
Head waiter (Captain)
Riyad Season, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 15 October 2019 -18 January 2020.
(Cut, Tetou by PJ, Mayta, Spago, Ebaldi)
-Present and follow the restaurant’s internal standards.
-Coordinate staff work in order to increase efficiency.
-Monitor processes in accordance with standards.
-Resolve conflict situations with customers.
-Raise average waiter's check.
-Provide, at the request of the visitor, qualified assistance in the selection of dishes and drinks.

Head waiter(Captain)
Scalini Pop up Restaurant, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia. 01 June - 20 July 2019.
-Present a company and follow standards of company.
-Orient the customer by the time of preparation of the ordered dishes.
-Control the timeliness of preparation and presentation of the dishes before serving.
-Serving food and drinks.
-Planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding and controlling all service processes in the working section in the restaurant.
Chef De Rang
Royal Caribbean International, Florida City, USA, October 2017. – May 2019.
-Control and coordination of the restaurant.
-Support knowledge in the description of the menu and to meet the needs of the guests.
-Control the preparation of the restaurant for work.
-Providing periodic ongoing training for all staff.
Head waiter
The Sweets Boutique, Abu-Dhabi City, OAE, March 2017. – September 2017.
-Monitor the work schedule for the staff.
-Control of employees when receiving an order.
-Greeting customers as they arrive and showing them their tables.
The Waiter
The Sweets Boutique, Abu-Dhabi city, OAE, January - March 2017.
-Provide for guests of boutique 5-stars service in hospitality sphere.
The Waiter
Bistro&Bar "Bentley", Abu-Dhabi city, OAE April 2015 - October 2016.
-Giving the menus and serving food and drinks.
-Bringing food from the kitchen to the tables of guests.
-Making sure that all tables are clean and tidy.
-Preparation of the place for work.
Head waiter.
Cafe "Glutton", Kakhovka city, Ukraine May 2013 – Feb 2014.
-Making sure that all staff are in proper uniform at each shift.
-Ensuring that all staff are informed of daily specials, wine menu.
-Monitor the work schedule for the staff.
The Waiter.
Cafe "Glutton", Kakhovka city, Ukraine September 2012 -May 2013.
-Changing of the tablecloths and napkins as their pollution.
-Giving out menus and taking orders for food and drinks.
-Serving food and drinks and dealing with bill payments.
-Making sure tables are clean and tidy.
-Successful completed training « Leadership and management ».
-Successful completed training «Dine Aware»,«ServeSafe Alcohol» and «The world at your service»
-attended training «Communication skills».
-I attended six hours for food safety in Abu Dhabi (Available corresponding certificate).
-Training "Work of waiters and bartenders".
-Psychological bases of human behavior in various situations.
-Training on "First Aid" (Kherson Law Institute).
Ukraine, Kherson Law institute of Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs. Area of Specialization - Faculty of training investigators and police security (4 years). Bachelor degree.

Ukrainian, Russian – native;
English – intermediate.

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