
Waiter, Barista, Bartender, 19 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
28 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Інші країни, Київ, Одеса

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Sharhulenko Bohdan Aleksandrovich

Country - Ukraine
City – Mikolaev
Age of birthday – 16.07.1996
Mobile phone - [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
E-mail – [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Desired position -Bartender

Experience – 3year
Drivers license – have
Willingness to get started – immediately
I wold like to work with you

Mimosa brooklyn pizzza – Bartender

Preparation of alcoholic cocktails - classic (IBA) and popular;
Preparation of non-alcoholic cocktails;
Making coffee and coffee cocktails;
Work with the program Rkeeper;
Taking orders from visitors;
Calculation of orders of visitors;
Work with the cash register;
Preparation of applications for alcohol and food;
Reception of goods;
Filling of documents on the receipt of goods;
Internship of candidates for the position of bartender;

Par bar 2 – Bartender

Preparation of alcoholic cocktails - classic (IBA) and popular;
Preparation of non-alcoholic cocktails;
Making coffee and coffee cocktails;
Work with the program Rkeeper;
Taking orders from visitors;
Calculation of orders of visitors;
Work with the cash register;
Preparation of applications for alcohol and food;
Reception of goods;
Filling of documents on the receipt of goods;
Internship of candidates for the position of bartender;
Cream Soda restaurant – Bartender shef

Set up the bar;
Created a new cocktail menu;
Preparation of alcoholic cocktails - classic (IBA) and popular;
Preparation of non-alcoholic cocktails;
Making coffee and coffee cocktails;
Work with the program Rkeeper;
Taking orders from visitors;
Calculation of orders of visitors;
Work with the cash register;
Preparation of applications for alcohol and food;
Reception of goods;
Filling of documents on the receipt of goods;
Internship of candidates for the position of bartender;

Tetnuldi hotel - Georgia
shef Barteder
Set up the bar;
Created a new cocktail menu;
Preparation of alcoholic cocktails - classic (IBA) and popular;
Preparation of non-alcoholic cocktails;
Making coffee and coffee cocktails;
Work with the program Rkeeper;
Taking orders from visitors;
Calculation of orders of visitors;
Work with the cash register;
Preparation of applications for alcohol and food;
Reception of goods;
Filling of documents on the receipt of goods;
Internship of candidates for the position of bartender;

Bar Edison – Bartender
01.05.19- 01.09.19
Position -BATENDER
Preparation of alcoholic cocktails - classic (IBA) and popular;
Preparation of non-alcoholic cocktails;
Making coffee and coffee cocktails;
Work with the program Rkeeper;
Taking orders from visitors;
Calculation of orders of visitors;
Work with the cash register;
Preparation of applications for alcohol and food;

12 Monkeys bar & Restaurant 01,06.2020-Til now
Position -BATENDER
Preparation of alcoholic cocktails - classic (IBA) and popular;
Preparation of non-alcoholic cocktails;
Making coffee and coffee cocktails;
Work with the program Rkeeper;
Taking orders from visitors;
Calculation of orders of visitors;
Work with the cash register;
Preparation of applications for alcohol and food;


in 2017 completed the full course of Autonomous subdivision
“Mykolaiv Facultry of Management and Business of Kyiv
Uneversity of Culture “obtained qualification : Bachelor Degree
Having specialized In “ Hotel and catering busines “
in 2017.09.08 Was trained in a bar school “Planet Z”

Professional skills:

I have a clear idea, formed by the work at the bar and various
executiv e positions, about what needs to be done and in which direction to
work, so that the bar counter would bring permanent profit and be the main
income of the institution. At the same time, to minimize or even avoid
risks that may, although temporarily, but severely hurt the performance or
prestige of this unit. Namely:

-Qualitative selection of personnel, corresponding professionally,
externally, conceptually, etc.
-Work with objections and argumentation of various working moments. -
Organization of work and leisure of the unit.
-Work with suppliers and guests of the institution, to improve and optimize
the bar menu.
-If necessary, conduct training to improve skills and work correctly with
the equipment of the bar and its range.
-In general, the management of an individual unit (bar), for the best
implementation of the plan, tasks and requirements, indicated by the
management of the institution.

About myself:
The ability to communicate with people.
Not envious.
I like to work for the result and without looking at all, for money, and not
f or certificates or any other laurels.
It is easy to find a common language with people interesting to me.
Damn polite and charming.

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