
Document Control Manager, Head Assistant, Office Administrator

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
37 років
Місто проживання:
Кривий Ріг
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Запоріжжя, Каховка, Київ, Одеса, Харків

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та Facebook.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Document Control Manager (Project work)

з 02.2022 по 06.2022 (4 місяці)
Air Products, Кривой Рог (Construction, architecture, interior design)

- Work with the Client's team and contractors at the site to ensure that all documentation control functions at the site are performed.
- Preparation, maintenance, storage of reports and documentation, in particular drawings, features and drawings using the company's document management system (EDMS) (OpenText) on behalf of the project team
- Management and maintenance of records, documents and registers at the facility in accordance with the functions and responsibilities of the potential project
- Assistance in the preparation of accurate and transparent monthly reports on the technical condition, progress of work and their quality.
- Assistance in conducting project audits.
- General office work as needed

Document Control Manager (Project work)

з 03.2021 по 06.2022 (1 рік 3 місяці)
SyvashEnergoProm LLC, Grygorivka (Wind Farm Construction)

- Processing (scanning, registration, downloading) of the received documentation of the general contractor, subcontractors;
- Control of timely performance of resolutions on registered / downloaded documentation;
- Recordkeeping and organization of document storage;
- Storage of incoming / outgoing registered documentation;
- Creating and controlling of the register and archive of the Сlient's documentation;
- Performing other tasks related to archival work.

Documentation Assistant (Project work)

з 09.2019 по 12.2020 (1 рік 3 місяці)
Power Construction Corporation of China, Новая Каховка (Wind Farm Construction)

- Document flow control, timely processing and distribution of all information received, on-time transfer of documents.
- Filling documentation in the electronic system
- Preparation of all necessary materials for the managers and business meetings
- Logging (keeping archives).

SMM manager (remote work)

з 01.2019 по 09.2019 (8 місяців)
High lead marketing agency, Каховка (Neurocopywriting Internet agency)

- Dealing with company’s social networks
- Designing the company’s development strategy
The agency comprehensively promotes several specialists on online market. As an SMM specialist, I manage the social networks of experts, build sales funnels, develop a strategy and achieve the company's financial performance

Head assistant / HR / SMM-manager (remote work)

з 06.2016 по 01.2019 (2 роки 7 місяців)
Teaching Systems LLC, Другие страны (Education and science)

- recruiting employees - building a sales department “from scratch”, interviewing and testing employees
- organization of meetings for the director
- filling website with content, leading groups in social networks
- conducting meetings / planning meetings
- updating the company's financial documents
- webinars moderation
- dealing with company's social networks

Office Administrator

з 09.2012 по 11.2015 (3 роки 2 місяці)
LLC "Green Team", Каховка (Vegetables Storage)

- Office life support
- organizing meetings for directors
- work with documentation, mail
- preparation of business documents
- administration of the corporate website

Regional Development Manager

з 09.2008 по 04.2012 (3 роки 7 місяців)
Utility company "Regional Development Agency", Новая Каховка (Utility company)

-working with documentation and mail
-organization of exhibitions
-organization of an investment forum
-organization of director's meetings
- drafting contracts for the placement of advertising structures
-preparation of documents for the Executive Committee


Novokakhovskyi Polytechnic Institute

Faculty of Economics, specialty - Finance, Новая Каховка
Вища, з 2004 по 2009 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Знання мов

  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Англійська — вище середнього

Додаткова інформація

Additional Information
Personal qualities: initiative, focused on results, striving for professional growth, quickly assimilate new information, time management

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