Резюме від 18 жовтня 2021



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40 років

Контактна інформація

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Досвід роботи

"AVP" of Ruby & PHP Departments / Head of Depatment

з 01.2019 по нині (5 років 5 місяців)
CHI Software, Kharkiv (IT)

Management of a department consisting of two departments: PHP and Ruby:
- Improving financial performance of the department.
- Establishment of interaction between company departments (Sales, HR, JS, etc.).
- Department development planning.
- Making decisions on expanding or reducing the number of developers.
- Improving a developer's productivity.
- Workload assessment on the project.
- Capability for working on several projects.
- Coordination and approval of the pay rise and rate of the developer on the project.
- Creation of favorable working conditions (conducting team building, dealing with problematic issues).
- Involvement in the working process.
- Professional development of the employees.
- Devising a development plan.
- Conducting a performance review.
- Settling a mentor.
- Organization of training courses, internships.
- Organizing development teams, in accordance with the client's requests for the project.
- Prevention of employee turnover and employee retention.
- Holding face-to-face meetings.

Head of Kharkov branch

з 10.2017 по 01.2019 (1 рік 3 місяці)
Ltd "Post Finance" / Ltd "Nova Poshta", Kharkiv (Finance, logistic)

- Conducted internal audits in the branches on a daily basis.
- Represented the interests of the company in local government.
- Developed staff training system and coached branch staff by offering constructive feedback and taking interest in their long-term career growth.
- Collaboration with partners from the banking sector.
- Ranked first in KPI among the regional affiliates in Ukraine after three months of hard work and continued to hold the first place until the last working day (Kharkov branch occupied the last place among 30 branches in Ukraine at the time of mine joining the company).
- Developed and implemented a systematic approach to achieve goals.
- Built team spirit among the staff of two companies "Post Finance" and "Nova Poshta".
- Controlled and managed the network of 152 branches (96 city branches и 56 regionals).

Head of Kharkov branch

з 05.2016 по 10.2017 (1 рік 5 місяців)
Ltd "Fan Sport", Kharkiv (Finance, banking, and insurance)

1. Managed bookmakers project from concept to completion in Kharkov:
- Hired construction crews for repairs of the branches.
- Controlled repair work according to the corporate standards of the company.
- Searched for contractors and controlled their work on the installation of advertising security systems at branches.
- Found business locations appropriate to achieve the company's business goals (without the involvement of realtors).
2. Supervised the work of the branch network:
- Hired, trained, staffed, and coached the staff.
- Ensured the uninterrupted operation work of the branches (prompt resolution of technical, financial, and personal issues).
- Ordered and provided the branches with the necessary equipment.
- Created a favorable climate in relations with landlords to ensure long-term business relationships without changing contractual obligations.
- Created a highly profitable branch network.
- Put into operation up to five branches.
- Solved issues with inspection authorities.

Head of Retail Business of Kharkov branch

з 11.2012 по 05.2016 (3 роки 6 місяців)
PJSC Ukrainian Bank of Development, Kharkiv (Finance, banking, and insurance)

- Built team spirit among the staff (hired, trained, staffed, and coached).
- Controlled and regulated the revenue and expenditure of the budget for both business and branches.
- Creation and improvement of the sales process (conducting practical training, presentations by example, quality control of sales with the help of "secret customer", development of individual plans in the context of the specifics of branches and individual features of a subordinate).
- Engaged in the development of auto and mortgage lending (active interaction with car dealerships and real estate agencies).
- Created a system of interaction between corporate and retail business (conducted joint presentations, developed joint sale boxes).
- Developed and implemented events aimed at increasing bank awareness in the region, promoting banking products.
- Conducted presentations to the collectives of enterprises (from 20 to 500 people), as well as effective negotiations with customers and partners of the bank.
- Increased profitability for the retail business of the branches through the introduction of a sales and training system.
- Stable performance of KPI indicators not lower than 120 %.
- Increased the position of the Retail Business in the ranking from 8th place to 1st place and have been holding this position from December 2012 to November 2014.
- Managed the banking branches from concept to in such cities as Kharkov, Poltava, Kremenchug, Sumy.

Bank Branch Manager

з 12.2010 по 11.2012 (1 рік 11 місяців)
PJSC "Bank of Cyprus" (Банки), Kharkiv (Bank, Finance)

Bank Branch Manager

з 08.2009 по 12.2010 (1 рік 4 місяці)
PJSC «SEB Bank», Kharkiv (Bank, Finance)

Bank Branch Manager (grew up from specialist to branch manager)

з 09.2005 по 07.2009 (3 роки 10 місяців)
CJSC CB “PrivatBank”, Kharkiv (Bank, Finance)


National Aerospace University “KhAI”

Faculty "Economics and Management". Specialty "management of organizations". Master Degree, Kharkov
Вища, з 2001 по 2007 (5 років 5 місяців)

Знання і навички

1C Confluence MS Excel Jira Linux MS PowerPoint MS Word Windows Accounting Operating systems

Знання мов

  • Англійська — вище середнього
  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно

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