
Sale manager, customer service representative, English teacher, 15 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
22 роки
Місто проживання:
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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Customer support representative

з 05.2022 по 03.2023 (10 місяців)
Boost Internet GmbH, Munich, Remote (Wholesale, distribution, imports, and exports)

Maintained customer satisfaction with forward-thinking strategies focused on addressing customer needs and resolving concerns.

Responded to customer requests for products, services, and company information.

I responded to the client about our products on all marketplaces (Amazon, eBay, Wayfair, Home24, OTTO,Etsy, and Faire).

Tracked customer service cases and updated service software with customer information.

Generated reports to track performance and analyze trends.

Customer Service representative

з 07.2021 по 03.2022 (8 місяців)
Genix, New York, Kharkiv (Wholesale, distribution, imports, and exports)

Answered customer telephone calls promptly to avoid on-hold wait times, responded to questions, and provided information on relevant services.

Maintained customer satisfaction with forward-thinking strategies focused on addressing customer needs and resolving concerns.

Offered advice and assistance to customers, paying attention to special needs or wants.

Developed customer service policies and procedures to meet and exceed industry service standards.

Filling out the form in the CRM based on the results of the conversation.

Worked on Application like zoiper, Thunderbird, and Shopify.

Brought forth excellent customer service skills and a commitment to client satisfaction.

Logistics coordinator

з 08.2020 по 02.2021 (6 місяців)
Unicorn Trucking, Kyiv (Transportation and logistics)

Taking care of customer requests for auto transportation across the 48 contiguous States of the United States
Multitasking by handling several requests from driver on a daily basis and providing enroute supervision and support
I establish and maintain relationships with customers and clients, creating a new client database
Tracked orders and notified customers of their status or potential delays. Coordinated shipping requests for expedited delivery and documented them accurately to achieve correct billing.
Planned and supervised shipments from production to end-user and scheduled daily and weekly routes.
Coordinated shipping requests for expedited delivery and documented them accurately to achieve correct billing.

Sales manager , customer service support

з 10.2019 по 05.2020 (7 місяців)
MD group, Kharkiv (Medicine, pharmacy)

Handling client calls, responding to product and service questions, and providing information on relevant products and services.
Described product highlights and benefits to help guide purchasing decisions.
Using spreadsheets to manage, organize, and input data
Settled any customer disputes in a professional and pleasant manner.
Worked to ensure a neat and attractive sales environment and assisted in the setup of visual displays.
Helped to increase customer return rates by providing excellent customer service at all times

Executive Administrative Assistant

з 08.2017 по 12.2018 (1 рік 4 місяці)
FASTLINK, Other countries (Auto business and auto service)

Handled scheduling for the executive's calendar and prepared meeting agendas and materials.
Updated spreadsheets and created presentations to support executives and boost team productivity.
Organized and updated schedules for executives.
Screened calls and emails and initiated actions to respond or direct messages for managers.
Coordinated and booked airfare, hotels, and ground transportation, and prepared an itinerary to facilitate successful trips.
Scheduled appointments and handled calendars for senior leadership.


Vn karazin

Medicine, Kharkiv
Вища, з 2018 по 2024 (6 років)

School taught me various aspects that have helped me improve verbal, moral, intellectual, physical, and social skills, as well as a strong capacity for higher-order thinking skills such as
analyzing and problem-solving.

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати


4 months

Знання і навички

  • Email
  • CRM
  • Communicability
  • Skype
  • Trello
  • Slack
  • Spreadsheet
  • Team work and critical thinking
  • Management of CRM
  • Direct sales
  • Active sales

Знання мов

Англійська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

Engaging and patient customer service professional with 4+ years of experience responding to all types of customer inquiries. to join a company to grow customer loyalty and maintain the highest level of customer service. problem solver with detailed orientation and active listening skills. They come with a high level of professionalism and strong keyboarding skills. Dedicated Customer Service professional with knowledge of service delivery and proven multitasking abilities. Committed to maintaining professional relationships to increase profitability and drive business results.

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