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Контактна інформація

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Додаткова інформація

Sergei Dološickij

Personal info Date of birth: 1973.08.06 (47 y.)
City: Foreign country
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Higher Education. I worked for 18 years in one of the biggest companies in Lithuania
- ORLEN Lietuva (former. AB Mazeikiu Nafta). During this period, a few of the
locksmith to pipelines maintenance team leader. Speak fluent Russian and Polish.

Work experience 2020.07 - 2021.07
Company: ALTOM - Trans sp zoo
Position: Driver

International cargo transportation. logistics

2018.04 - 2020.02
Company: Transportunternehmen Peters Nataliya

2015.12 - 2016.10
Company: Public Company Klaipedos Nafta
Position: Oil Products Division Manager

2011.12 - 2014.11
Company: Public Company Joniškio Grūdai
Position: Grain elevator manager

Grain elevator work organization, leadership and subordinate staff. Grain-making,
preparation and storage of process controls. Cost control. Repairs planning and

1991.09 - 2010.05
Company: Public Company Orlen Lietuva
Position: Foreman, Chief Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Group Manager

Main activities and responsibilities Leading a group of employees. The Group carried
out maintenance, operating and capital repair planning. Materials orders, budget
planning and execution control. Contractors carried out monitoring work. Substantive
liability. Oil pipelines and pumping stations, facilities maintenance organization.

CVbankas.lt - the most visited career website in Lithuania
Name and address of employer AB Orlen Lietuva (until 1998 "Naftotiekis, until 2009
Mazeikiu Nafta)

Type of business or sector Petroleum refining, oil transportation, oil handling, sale of
petroleum products.

Education 1994 - 2003
Educational institution: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Specialty: Management and Business Administration
Degree: Higher (bachelor)

Languages Language Speaking Understanding Writing

Russian Perfect Perfect Perfect

Lithuanian Perfect Perfect Good

Ukrainian Perfect Perfect Good

English Average Average Average

Polish Average Good Basics

Computer knowledge Excel

4 y. and more.


3-4 y.


4 y. and more.


4 y. and more.

Courses, seminars 2014.04
Duration (in hours): 16
Organiser: UAB „Sėkmės laboratorija“
Title: Coaching
Have certificate

CVbankas.lt - the most visited career website in Lithuania
Duration (in hours): 16
Organiser: UAB „Sėkmės laboratorija“
Title: Effective leadership formula (situational leadership in practice)
Have certificate

Organiser: UAB „ETKC“
Title: MN and LPK "Administrative staff of professional knowledge and skills of
Lithuanian industry and service sector companies"
Have certificate

Organiser: VSC
Title: Project Management

Organiser: OVC
Title: Current and potential executives competence assessment
Have certificate

Organiser: AON Consulting
Title: Leadership development

Other info Driver licence: B

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