Резюме від 11 жовтня 2010


Brand, Product Manager Junior

Повна зайнятість.
39 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Київ, Львів, Харків

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Marketing Coordinator

з 06.2008 по 05.2010 (1 рік 11 місяців)
Schering-Pluogh Central East AG (part of MSD), Kiev (Chemical industry, pharmaceuticals)


1. POS materials/activities coordination (Production brief preparation and submission; Design adjustment with product manager; Cooperation with adv. agency; Coordination of adv. agency work process of POSM making; Preparation of all necessary documents for medical affairs department confirmation of POSM; Internal POS database maintenance; Coordination and control of POS allocation)

2. Project/Event management (Project/Event brief preparation and submission; Project/event budget making; Execution process planning ; Agencies pool briefing/management; Project/event execution / monitoring; Materials' supply; Documents workflow maintenance (invoices payments, internal procedure documents, etc.); Posting to the "1C" finance system; Wide cooperation with other departments agencies)

3. Marketing reports preparation (Accumulation of primary marketing information for the research; Regular reports (sales, market shares, budgets); Various marketing data analysis; Making presentation (Power Point); Cooperation with product manager about monthly report preperation; information database making and maintaining)

4. Work with documents (Briefs, contracts; Accumulation of documents; HCPs lecture documents preparation; Submission of medical materials for translation; Control of budget; 1C and SAP invoices input; Finance support of the department)


1. I made and implemented the system of documents' control, database of events, POS-materials, employees and HCPs of the department.

2. Successfully led a considerable number of local and international promo-events:

Bones&Jones schools 2008-2010 (about 80), Ukraine. It was the first experience in the company about organizing a cycle of great number of events under one target;
HCP congresses in Stockholm, Berlin, Athens etc;
First National Congress of Psoriasis with about 300 participants from Ukraine and CIS. It was the first experience for Ukrainian office of the company to organize such event with such number of participants.

Marketing Manager

з 12.2007 по 06.2008 (6 місяців)
ZemService, Kiev (IT)

•Monitoring of roof’s market
•Analysis of market, sales
•Monthly market sales plan
•Promo events organization etc.

Marketing Assistant

з 08.2007 по 11.2007 (3 місяці)
Robert Bosch , Kiev (bosch car service)

•Accumulating and systematization of marketing information
•Preparation reports, materials for presentation
•Organization, supplementation of the car service trainings
•Monitoring of the market etc


з 01.2007 по 05.2007 (4 місяці)
The Ministry of Industrial Policy – Intern in Metallurgical department (part time), Kiev (State policy implementation)

Accumulating the information on metallurgical system problems, translating and summarizing working materials


Kiev National Economic University (full time)

Management, Kiev
Вища, з 2002 по 2007 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Master’s degree in management
Master’s program - State management
Special English program

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Please see "Additional information"


Знання і навички

MS Office PC User 1C Ability to analyze CAD Project management Database Time management Confidence Morion Pharmacy Presentation preparation Monthly report making

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Німецька — початковий


Larionova Natalia

Larionova Natalia

Product Manager, Schering-Plough Central East AG

Контактні дані приховані

Додаткова інформація

•Marketing course in the Educational Center “Uspekh” (Success), (02-03.2008)
•International exchange program – \\\"learn new concept\\\", landscape design, Hanover, Germany (20.07.06-5.09.06)
•International Black Sea Congress (11-13.05.06)
•International Conference – Principles of Progressive Global Business
•Business training “Golden Standards Communication” (April, 2004)

•Excellent communication and networking skills;
•Able to work to schedules & deadlines;
•Able to take responsibility of the project;
•Use creative approach;
•Able to prioritize;
•Posses sense of tact;
•Strong team player;
•Able to learn new concept quickly.

•English - fluent,
•Russian/Ukrainian – native;
•German – lower intermidiate level;
•Computer skills: 1C (database), SAP (database), MS Office. Morion (analytical program for pharmaceutical market)
• Project management;
• Report, presentation preparation.

Інші резюме цього кандидата

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