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Mykhailo Yurchenko
User Experience Designer
https://mikedesign.pro/ / mikedesign.ink / [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») / [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») / [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Since 2019, I have been designing web interfaces, websites, mobile apps, conducting UX research, and developing branding and corporate identity. I have worked on projects: including distance learning (online), apps for video sharing and online trading, B2B and B2C products, websites for companies working in the field of marketing, cryptocurrencies and VPN, and systems for managing businesses.
I look forward to applying my skills in your company to optimize existing solutions, use proper tools for the frontend, and design different platforms and interfaces.
Work Experience
- User Experience Designer / Rifbar Inc / USA (Sept. 2023 - Working now)
As a UX Designer - I have created, tested and made changes of an ERP system for a large B2B business from scratch to launch. Conducted qualitative research, creation of wireframes, mockups and prototypes of all six departments of this system.
This helped to create a B2B product - which improved the quality of the company's management and increased sales.
(Skills: Figma / Miro / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Illustrator / ChatGPT / Coggle / Creation of Design System / Competitive Audit / Creating personas / User Journey Map / Sitemaps / Wireframes / Mockups / Responsive Design)

- UX/UI & Product Designer / Navoto.com / Israel (Aug. 2021 - Aug. 2023)
Multifunctional work of UX/UI designer. Worked on large CRM systems for managing businesses and companies. Also worked on large e-commerce projects and websites with responsive design and advertising banners and creatives. In this company, I learned to work on multitasking and interacting with clients from all over the world.
This helped to create an e-commerce product and now the company has permanent customers.
(Skills: Figma / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Illustrator / Leonardo.ai / Creation of Design System / Competitive Audit / Creating personas / Sitemaps / Wireframes / Mockups / Responsive Design / Prototyping)

- User Experience Designer / Hiive - Video Shopping & Deals / USA (Apr. 2022 - May 2022)
Worked on the UX design of a mobile application for online sales of goods, recording reviews and a bonus system. It was not a long-term project, but very productive for improving skills in UX Design.
After my significant contribution, the product was launched and is now running as an app on the iOS system.
(Skills: Figma / Miro / Adobe Illustrator / Midjourney / Coggle / Design Thinking / Competitive Audit / Creating personas / Crazy Eights / Sitemaps / Wireframes)

- UX/UI Designer / Popper Power GmbH - https://www.popperpower.com/ / Wien, Austria (July 2020 - Aug. 2021)
I was the only designer in a product company and worked on the following functions: product branding, infographics and the company's main website.
Thanks to the design of the company's documentation, the creation of various infographics and work on mockups with products, the company has occupied a high niche in the sales of products for electric cars.
(Skills: Figma / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Illustrator / Competitive Audit / Wireframes / Mockups / Infographics / Branding)

- Business Development Manager / SolvedFast Web Agency - https://solvedfast.com/ / Kyiv, Ukraine (Feb. 2020 - July 2020)
Worked on finding potential customers, promoting the company in social networks and communicating with customers.
Working in this company I developed teamwork skills, and learned how to audit competitors, create creatives for advertising and conduct professional communication with clients.
(Skills: Figma / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Illustrator / Competitive Audit / Canva / Wordpress Elementor / Infographics / Branding / SEO)

- Designer Trainee / BrandersPro / Mykolaiv, Ukraine (Dec. 2019 - Feb. 2020)
For the first time, I worked with a team offline and learned how developers, designers, managers, leaders and clients cooperate. Developed CRM systems for distance learning.
This was my first commercial experience in the IT industry. I learned communication, interaction with developers and clients and be a team player.
(Skills: Figma / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Illustrator / Adobe XD / Wireframes / Mockups)

- Web Designer / UpWork / Freelance (Feb. 2019 - Dec. 2019)
At this stage of my career, web design was a hobby and additional income. I designed websites for companies working in the field of marketing, cryptocurrencies, medicine and VPN.
I acquired technical skills in using design software such as Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD and Adobe Illustrator.
(Skills: Figma / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Illustrator / Adobe XD / Wireframes / Mockups / Infographics / Branding / Competitive Audit / Responsive Design)

- Theater and Film Actor / Theater of Drama and Music. comedies / Mykolaiv, Ukraine (Aug. 2011 - Feb. 2020)
I worked as a theater and film actor. I have played many interesting, secondary and leading roles. Working on roles helped me understand human psychology and behavior in different situations. This greatly influenced the development of empathy for users using products with my design.
(Skills: Psychology / Empathy / Public speaking / Work in a team / Creative experience)

Technical Skills
Figma / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Illustrator / Adobe XD / Miro / Chat GPT / Midjourney / Design Thinking / Webflow / HTML / CSS / Competitive Audit / CJM / User Flow / User Story / Wireframing / Prototyping / Creation of Design Systems / Qualitative and Quantitative Research / User Journey Map / Creating personas / Responsive Design / Prototyping / Wordpress / Elementor / SEO Plagins / Infographics / Canva / Branding

Soft Skills
The main principles of my work are:
- Execute projects on time and avoid delays. (When the war started I moved with my family to a small village. Very often the lights and telephone connections were turned off so I went to a nearby village to contact the project manager and discuss working points with the team.)
- Be punctual and always in touch.
- Perfectionism - to bring everything to a great state. (I always try to keep order in the design files, make clear names of screens and layers and structure the content. I also adhere to "pixel perfect" in my design work. This allows better and easier cooperation with customers and developers.)
- Always remain cultural aware and responsive. (On one large project, SRM System - for data collection, there was a client who made a lot of edits. I listened to the clients feedback and made suggested designer solutions which led us to an understanding and we launched our wonderful product.)
- Listen to and take into account corrections and comments from senior colleagues.
- Be in a great mood and share it with others.

Education and Certificates
- MN University named after V. O. Sukhomlinsky, Mykolayiv / Master's degree:
" World Artistic Culture, Music, Ethics, Aesthetics, and Practical Psychology."
(Sept. 2006 - June 2011)
This degree helped me develop as a creative person in cultural and artistic activities. Knowledge of psychology helps to approach the development of products with empathy for the user and with an understanding of the feelings and emotions of people in various situations.

- Google UX Design Course / Google Career on Coursera (Certificate)
(March 2023 - Sept. 2023)
Studying in this course helped me improve my skills in User Experience Design. I increased my knowledge in using tools like Figma and Adobe XD. I also had the opportunity to conduct User Experience Research on three projects. Also practiced in - Conducting Usability Studies, Prototyping, Sketching and Ideating, Wireframing, etc.

- Principles of UX/UI Design / Meta (Certificate)
(March 2024 - June 2024)
On the "Principles of UX/UI Design" course by Meta, I learned the fundamentals of UX design and research, the importance of accessibility in design, and how to create wireframes and prototypes in Figma, evaluate interactive design, and enhance my projects through user empathy and research.

- Designing User Interfaces and Experiences (UI/UX) / IBM (Certificate)
(March 2024 - June 2024)
In the "Designing User Interfaces and Experiences (UI/UX)" course by IBM, I learned design principles, best practices in visual development, web design methodologies like Responsive Web Design (RWD) and Progressive Web Development, as well as skills in using Figma and developing web applications with frameworks like Bootstrap.

- UX / UI. Projecting and design of interfaces / Creative Practice (Certificate)
(March 2022 - June 2022)
This course helped to generalize my knowledge in UX/UI design and consolidate basic professional skills. After completing the course, he began to acquire even more commercial experience.

- Other Courses / Frontend basics. HTML and CSS / Design systems / UX research / Person cards / Customer journey map / Webflow / Animations in Webflow / Webflow 101 / Basics of Web Design / Basics of Design / Certificate "Digigram"
These courses helped me delve deeper into UX design and better understand the developer side.

Portfolio Websites

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