• Файл


SQL, PL/SQL database developer Oracle

50 років

Контактна інформація

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Ihor Stupka
Desired position: SQL, PL/SQL database developer for RDBMS Oracle Database

Personal data
Name Ihor Stupka
Address Dnipro, Ukraine
Phone number [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (Viber)
Email [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Areas of competence
Database design
Corporate applications
Accounting analyst
AWS cloud services
WEB applications

Key skills
Programming languages: SQL, PL/SQL, Pascal, Java, PHP
Development tools: Delphi, Quest Software Toad, Embarcadero DBArtisan, ERWin
DBModeler, Android Studio, PhpStorm, SmartGit, DBeaver
Operating systems: Windows, Linux, Android
Database systems: Oracle, MySQL, SQLite
Version control systems: VSS, Git, SVN
XML technologies: XML, XSD, Xpath, xslt, xslt-fo, Oracle XMLDB
Containerization: Docker, Dockerfile, Docker Compose
Cloud services: AWS RDB, ECS, Fargate, EC2, Lambda, CodeCommit
Languages: english Pre-Intermediate(A2), german Anfänger(A1)

Досвід роботи
Feb 2000 - present JSC NKMZ, Kramatorsk
Company profile: heavy engineering
Development team leader
Recent projects: Oct 21 • Development of a document management system for primary
accounting documents in XML format: document generation,
automatic integrity verification, verification of electronic signatures
and formation of accounting information.

Сер 21 • Planning, organizing the testing process and implementing the
process of migrating a large accounting system from Oracle Sever
9.2 to Oracle Sever 11.2. Optimization of SQL queries due to the
change of the optimizer model in version 11.2.

Main activity: • I am constantly implementing additional modules for the
enterprise accounting system as an analyst, architect and lead
• I developed a monitoring system that monitors important
processes on database servers and sends messages when
problems occur, over the network or sends e-mail to the
• I designed and participated in the development of a universal
module for fine-tuning user authority.
• I designed and participated in the development of a project
bilding system based on Microsoft MSBuild for all development
environments: Delphi, Oracle Reports, Oracle Forms, Fastreport.
The system is also responsible for deploying software modules in
the product environment.
• I created the Atlassian JIRA-based system for planning, tracking
the development process, tracking system maintenance work, and
determining the time spent on such work.
• As a member of the process and operational improvement team,
created, configured, implemented, integrated, and maintained new
and existing operating systems.

Environment: Oracle Developer 2000, Oracle Server 11.2, Borland
Delphi, SQL, PL / SQL, Windows 2000 / XP / 7/10, Linux,
Atlassian JIRA, Confluence.
Jul 98 – Feb 2000 JSC NKMZ, Kramatorsk
Programmer, IT engineer
• Development, implementation and maintenance of the
company's corporate accounting system.
• In October 1998, as part of a team of eight programmers, I
began developing a corporate accounting system. I acted as the
system architect in this project. By January 1, 2000, the core of the
system and the main modules of the corporate accounting system
were developed. The system is implemented on the basis of Oracle
database 7 and development systems Oracle Forms, Oracle
Reports, Delphi.
• I implemented and administered Oracle 8.0.5 database servers,
Windows NT 4.0 servers, DNS, WINS, DHCP.

Environment: Windows NT / 95/98, MS Internet Information Server
4.0, MS Site Server, MS Internet Explorer Administration Kit 4.0-5,
Jul 96 – Oct 97 Kramatorskaya Transportnaya Companya, Kramatorsk
Company profile: freight transportation
Programmer, IT engineer
• development, implementation and support of enterprise
accounting on the FinExpert platform
• system, hardware and network support
Environment: MS Windows NT / 95
Oct 91 – Jul 96 Donbass State Academy of Mechanical Engineering
• master's degree in mechanical engineering

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