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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Personal Information

Tymur Fesenko

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Portuguese citizen

Praceta Infante de D. Henrique , lt 46, R/C DTO, 2580-482,Carregado, Portugal

Language Skills
English - B2
Portuguese - Native
Russian - Native
Ukrainian - C2

Work Experience

Administrative Employee - Portuguese Red Cross
25/10/2020 – 07/02/2021 – Lisboa, Portugal
Administrative services. Customer Service. Personal data processing.

Administrative Assistant - Damião De Goes High School
04/05/2021 – 26/07/2021 – Alenquer, Portugal
Assistant at the secondary school office. Assistant in the accounting part of the school

Customer service – Majorel.
15/10/2021 – 10/01/2022 – Lisbon , Portugal.
Customer service on Bolt food. Help answering calls. Respond to emails

Traffic manager – Abudantia
08/12/2021 – 08/01/2022
Looking for new partners for casino advertising. Made deals with youtubers and streamers.
Monitored the company's profit. Filmed videos for advertising

Customer service - Sitel
26/10/2022 - Current job - Lisbon, Portugal
Customer service on AirBNB. Help answering calls. Respond to emails. Proceed with refunds.


Av. Dr. Teófilo Carvalho dos Santos 12, Alenquer, Portugal
(Completed high school)
Accenture platform courses

Accenture online platform Accenture online platform Accenture online platform
Customer Orientation Browse the internet safely Quality of work - intermediate

Accenture online platform Accenture online platform Accenture online platform
Teamwork - advanced Introduction to SQL Introduction to programming

I have completed these courses in “Coursera, Google and online Universities”:

Foundations of Project Management
Verify at: https://coursera.org/share/4ba511e10750712492a7e7a4baab887f

Project Initiation: Starting a successful Project
Verify at: https://coursera.org/share/c10a07e0f6023d4501a4b7f89be06a70

Initiating and planning Projects
Verify at: https://coursera.org/share/6423ae0d461e441bd34ff7e0a25cb27a

Blockchain Basics
Verify at: https://coursera.org/share/69deddad61a08e8b87570777be2f2e23

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Explained
Verify at: https://coursera.org/share/d85150b4b892ef80585dc1a25cc9a0da

Introduction to Marketing
Verify at: https://coursera.org/share/41b8135c14e06560c4ded648791a79d1

Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS
Verify at: https://coursera.org/share/1e535b4a32d44d01ce50020ec6f7a005

Inspiring and Motivating Individuals
Verify at: https://coursera.org/share/ca99a8d1fb210086b302f735264afc39

Customer Service Fundamentals
Verify at: https://coursera.org/share/faab4781d911a7351d3677f6c30768cd

Customer Segmentation and Prospecting
Verify at: https://coursera.org/share/12e9f9a23bec24cc1c9b96bbedb9cb9b

Personal Skills

I’m attentive to the details, and communicative with colleagues.
I learn and adapt fast to the new work environments, workflows and processes.
Programs that I used for work: Zendesk, Beehive, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Slack, Nova,
Confident PC user.
I’m excellent at time management and multitasking in order to process as many requests as
Excellent communication skills in 4 languages, can work in a rotating shift.

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