Резюме від 17 лютого 2024 Файл


Senior frontend developer

24 роки
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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

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Daniil Sadovskyi
Senior Full-stack React.js + Node.js developer


❖ In total, I have 6 years of web development experience. I can clearly discuss different
features, take the initiative in conversation and suggest improvements concerning UI,
UX, business logic, accessibility, etc.
❖ Experienced JavaScript developer with advanced knowledge of React framework
I worked with Next.js, Node.js, Express.js frameworks
Good knowledge of SQL databases such as PostgreSQL and NoSQL such as
DynamoDB and MongoDB
❖ Good leadership qualities, initiative and detail-oriented
I work at a fast pace to meet tight deadlines.
❖ Enthusiastic team player ready to contribute to company success. Cheerful and
resourceful. I always strive for knowledge and clean code.


Programming Languages/Technologies:

● Javascript (ES6+)
● Typescript
● Backend: Node.js, Express.js, PrismaORM
● Frontend: React, Next, Redux, Redux Toolkit, HTML5, CSS, SCSS, Tailwind, JQuery,
Material-UI, React Hooks, Redux-thunk
● Libraries: React-hook-form, Formik, moment, Date-fns, i18n, chart.js,
● Databases: MongoDB, Postgres, Redis, DynamoDB
● Tests: React Testing Library, Jest, Cypress
● Other: GraphQL, REST, AWS ( EC2, S3, Lambda, Cloudfront ), Docker, Git, CI/CD,


Visual Studio Code, Git, Chrome Dev Tools, Gulp, JIRA, MacOS.
Recent working experience:

● Dashboard of public companies + Network of professional contacts
(September 2022 - April 2023)

Role: Full-stack / Tech lead

Project description:
The main goal of the dashboard was to develop a system that allows you to monitor
financial flows and key financial events associated with companies that have publicly entered
the market and are traded on stock exchanges, for example, Nasdaq.

Tasks examples:
● Built charts, histograms using various libraries for working with graphics, receive and
process data, SEO optimization using Next.js

As for the second project, the idea of the Network of professional contacts was to create a
system for obtaining professional contacts, which would emphasize and correct the
shortcomings of such a well-known system as LinkedIn.

Tasks examples:
● Worked with graphs
● Participated in all discussions with customers
● Offered my ideas for improving the project
● Proposed several features that were later approved by customers and implemented
on my part, such as a formula for calculating a user's score based on his
achievements, a rating table based on location parameters, years of experience, and
type of activity.
● Built the architecture of the project
● Worked with graphics, data acquisition and processing.
● Mentored 2 juniors, who later rose to the middle positions according to the internal
system of evaluation of the company.
● Communicated with customers directly, since this is a startup and everything changes
very dynamically.

As for the second project, the idea of the project was to create a system for obtaining
professional contacts, which would emphasize and correct the shortcomings of such a
well-known system as LinkedIn.
I also had to work with graphs, and since the project was built from scratch, I was able to
participate in the discussion and offer my ideas for improving the project. I proposed several
features that were later approved by customers and implemented on my part, such as a
formula for calculating a user's score based on his achievements, a rating table based on
location parameters, years of experience, and type of activity.

I had to build the architecture of the project, also work with graphics, data acquisition and
processing. Under my mentoring there were 2 juniors, who later rose to the middle positions
regarding the internal system of evaluation of the company. Often I had to communicate with
customers directly, since this is a startup and everything changes very dynamically.

Tools and Technologies:

Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind, TwinMacro, Styled Components, GraphQL, Docker,
ChartJS, ApexCharts,,

Work organization/communication:

Scrum, Google Meet, Slack, estimation meetings, planning, code review, brainstorms,
business updates, knowledge sharing activities, Clickup, Github, Hubstuff.

● Trading Terminal (March 2022 - September 2022)

Role: Full-stack React.js + Node.js Developer / Tech lead

Project description:
Internal terminal for trading on assets located on its own exchange. It was an internal
terminal of a company that provided this software to their customers. Out of the functions
that differ from most of the terminals: there was an ability to work with tick volumes and
open orders on vertical histograms.

My responsibilities included: defining the technology stack for building the application, taking
responsibility for building new features and business logic according to the basic
requirements, also, with the changes I proposed building processes among other developers,
distributed tasks, participated in discussions and resolution of controversial issues with other
team members to prevent conflict situations, built common communication processes, took
the initiative to introduce additional calls among developers to analyze tasks and improve the
quality, readability and efficiency of the code
This gave me a huge boost in communication skills, personnel management, management of
business processes related to the development of the application and also I gained new
knowledge, because we get it not only when we learn ourselves, but also when we teach

Tasks examples:
● Implemented the logic for creating orders on the trading terminal order book using
● Implemented a pseudo-automatic trading algorithm for the selected strategy with
dynamic parameters
● Implemented fuzzy search (lookforward, select range) for options names
● Created custom drag-n-drop library with own layer to make orders trade option on
the real-time updating chart
● Stored information about the user’s wallet in Redis cache layer.
● Took the initiative to upgrade react to version 18 with all subsequent dependency
● Created custom modal form controller
● From my side, the following ideas were proposedб approved by customers and
successfully implemented to improve the application: Liquidation price calculator,
order liquidation algorithm, custom tools for working with charts, the ability to create
API keys for remote work with an account

Tools and Technologies: React.js, Redux, Next.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Redis,
Docker, AWS S3, Jest, RTL, GraphQL

Work organization/communication:
Scrum, Google Meet, Slack, estimation meetings, planning, code review, brainstorms,
business updates, knowledge sharing activities, Jira, Gitlab.

● Private clinic implants tracking system (January 2021 - March 2022 )

Role: Full-stack React.js + Node.js Developer

Project description: Development of an implant tracking system that allowed us to track
the level of pain of patients and, based on the analysis, decide on further actions. Also, we
developed a CRM Platform for doctors.
I was the only front-end developer, which gave me a lot of experience in building such large
enterprise projects from scratch. Also, I improved my skills in working with AWS services
● Worked with software development and testing team members to design and develop
robust solutions to meet client requirements for functionality, scalability, and
● Set up the frontend side environment from scratch
● Created an API based on Node.js (Express) and GraphQL. Client implemented with
React.js, Next.js, Websockets, Webpack. Typescript was used instead of regular
● Implemented routing throughout the pages.
● Moved API from REST to GraphQL to speed up the development process and reduce
unnecessary response
● Implemented AWS (S3, EC2, Cloudfront, Lambda) to use cloud service infrastructure
● Wrote application tests with a total coverage percentage of 80% using JEST, React
Testing Library
● Implemented customizable dashboard table where the user has options to move,
include/exclude, and apply filters for columns.
● Edited CI/CD ( lint, test, deploy stages ).
● Integrated third-party tools and components into applications
● Mentored 3 new junior Full-stack developers on the team

Tools and Technologies: React.js, Redux, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Redis, Docker, AWS
(S3, EC2, Cloudfront, Lambda), Jest, RTL, GraphQL, PrismaORM, Formik, moment.js,

Work organization/communication:
Scrum, Google Meet, Slack, estimation meetings, planning, code review, brainstorms,
business updates, knowledge sharing activities, Jira, Gitlab.

● Gaming industry forum (October 2019 - January 2021)

Role: Full-stack React.js + Node.js Developer

Project description: Creation of a private forum/marketplace for the gaming community
with a clear system for the distribution of roles and internal transactions.

I can highlight the experience of compiling a custom mechanism for making transactions
implemented using a message delivery guarantee

● Created a Custom CSS Component Library with SCSS, Rollup, and Storybook.
● Translated text content with i18n
● Created chart of activity, which shows visitor’s countries
● Implemented a user authorization mechanism using AWS Cognito
● Established option for real-time chat (BE + FE sides)
● Moved auth from jwt to session based
● Created an interface for admins about CRUD logic for posts and guides.
● Created a mechanism for custom internal transactions for the exchange of in-game
currency for items
● Created dynamic forms

Tools and Technologies: React.js, Redux, SCSS, Rollup, Storybook Node.js, Express,
Postgresql, DynamoDB, Docker, Jest, RTL, REST API, Tailwind.

Work organization/communication:
Scrum, Google Meet, Slack, estimation meetings, planning, code review, brainstorms,
business updates, knowledge sharing activities, Jira, Github.


Master of Applied Science: Computer Science
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv - Lviv, Ukraine


● English - Fluent
● Russian - Native
● Ukrainian - Native

Licenses and Certificates:

● Javascript and Node.js
● React.js

● HTML / CSS and React.js
● Javascript and SQL

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