Резюме від 4 квітня 2023 Файл


Chief accountant, Accounting Specialist

48 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

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Grigorashchenko Natalia Petrovna

Date of birth:
25 Mar 1976



Phone number(s):
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Accounting Specialist


Long time experience in accounting for LLC and Representative offices. Supporting private entrepreneurs in accounting - Simplified Taxation System 2, 3 group. Knowledge of National Accounting Standards and Ukrainian Tax and Labor legislation
CAP Certificate (Certified International Professional Accountant)

Feb 2023A – Present time
Accountant expert- full time job
Representation of the NGO “Estonian Refugee Council” in Ukraine
Bookkeeping for the representative office in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine

Chief accountant - full time job
Aug. 2015 – Feb. 2023
"Aurobindo Pharma Ltd." Representative office in Ukraine, Kyiv
Complete bookkeeping for the representative office in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. Experience in registration/closing of the Representative Office. Bank and cash operations. Preparation of an annual budget, Cash Flow, Monthly financial reports to the Head office. Petrol consumption accounting, payroll, advance reports, staff expenses reports, reporting payroll. Reporting and communication with the Local Tax Office, Social Funds, and other bodies in the relative area. Personnel accounting. Support of internal and external audits.
One subordinate.

Chief accountant - part time job
Jul 2015 - present time
"Tamrah Ukraine" LLC, Kyiv (import of confectionery)
Wholesale / Distribution / Import-export
Complete bookkeeping for LLC in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.
Full range of accountant duties: work with primary accounting documents,
Control under Accounts payable/ Accounts receivables (mutual settlements with suppliers and buyers), Payroll, advance reports, cash desk, Client-bank, goods write-offs, fixed assets accounting.
Revising, drawing up and conducting contracts.
Conducting operations with foreign currency, foreign trade activity - import.
Taxes optimization.
Reporting payroll, calculation of indispensable fiscal charges of Ukraine and funds of social insurance. Preparing monthly, quarter and annual reports to the Local Tax Office (Profit tax report, VAT declaration). Preparing Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss report quarterly for Statistic Administrative Department. Communication with state regulatory authorities.
Accounting for PE 2d, 3rd groups. Registration/ deregistration/ changing the group of Simplified tax. Calculation of taxes, banking operations, Unified Social Tax declaration and PE tax declaration

Chief Accountant - full time job
Nov 2007 - Jul 2015
The representative office of the Company “Orchid Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Limited”
The same duties and responsibilities as for "Aurobindo Pharma Ltd." RO.
Reports to the Local Tax authority, Social Insurance and Pension funds, Statistical reports. Control under Accounts payable/Accounts receivable, Cash, Bank, Advance reports, Fixed assets, Payroll. Financial reports for Home office. Personnel records.

Chief Accountant - part time job
Aug 2010 – Sept.2017
“VV-Print” LLC, Kyiv
Publishing and Printing
Complete bookkeeping for LLC (production of printing forms) in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.
Reporting and communication with the Local Tax Office, Social Funds, and other bodies in the relative area. Debtors, Creditors, Cash, Bank, Advance reports, Fixed assets, Payroll, Tax declaration /VAT, Income tax.

Chief Accountant - full time job
Aug 2006 - Nov 2007
The representative office of the Company “Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited”, Kyiv
The same duties and responsibilities as in "Aurobindo Pharma Ltd." RO
Reports to the Tax authority, Social Insurance and Pension funds, Statistic reports. Debtors, Creditors, Cash, Bank, Advance reports, Fixed assets, Payroll. Financial reports for Home office. Personnel records.

Chief Accountant - full time job
Aug. 2003 - Aug 2006
“Avik” LLC, Kyiv
Wholesale / Distribution / Import-export/Services
Complete bookkeeping for LLC in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.
Reporting and communication with the Local Tax Office, Social Funds, and other bodies in the relative area. Control under Accounts payable/Accounts receivable, Cash operations, Bank, Advance reports, Fixed assets, Payroll, Tax declaration /VAT, Income tax. Preparation of cost estimates for services

Senior economist- full time job
Sept.1998 – Jul.2003
Locomotive Depot. Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk region
Freight and passenger transportation
Preparation of estimates for repair services, planning and analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise, reporting to the Head office

Zaporizhzhia State University (Zaporizhzhia)
Graduated in 1998
Economist. Specialization - Finance and credit master
Referent translator Certificate (English)
Language skills

English - upper intermediate. I can be interviewed in this language
Ukrainian - fluent

Courses, Trainings, Certification

CAP Certificate
End date 2016

Additional Information

Computer Skills
Excel, Word, PowerPoint
Accounting program: 1C Enterprise version 7.7; 8.2; Medoc; Internet - banking

Driving License

Personal Qualities
Responsible, honest, reliable, communicative, attentive to details, punctual, positive way of thinking.

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