Резюме від 11 червня 2024 Файл


Front-end Developer


Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

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Viktor Khomenko
Front-End Developer
Congratulations on your the good fortune of opening this file. I won't keep it to myself that my goal
right now is to find a position in your company where I can grow and take on new tasks over time. I
have always been motivated by the desire to do my job well, especially if the job is also interesting
to me, then It doesn't stand a chance at all.

Contact Experience
Febr 2023 – May 2024
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Gambling Studio
Email Front-End Developer
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Technologies: Spine (libraries: Pixi jS, Howler, GSAP), Webpack Module Federation,
Typescript, Jasmine, Karma, Figma, Photoshop.
Address About the project: Slot games with different level of difficulty.
Europe Responsibilities: Create layouts with Pixi Js, animate different parts of interface by gsap,
add spine animations, implementing features: free spins, hold and win, etc . Create mobile
versions of the layouts. Developing an engine, which contains basic implementations of

Education most popular features in the industry, and helps more easily and in detail work with spine
animations and gsap library. Generate BitMap fonts, learn shaders and glsl language.
Work by agile scrum methodology. For task tracking use Jira.

Bachelor's Degree in Sociology
Lviv Polytechnic
Mar 2021 – Febr 2023
Skills Front-End Developer
Technologies: Angular 8 - 12 (libraries: Angular Material, Angular-Charts, RxJs), Webpack
Javascript Module Federation, Typescript, Jasmine, Karma, Playwright, SCSS, Figma.
About the project: Privileged access management system is an information security
Typescript mechanism that safeguards identities with special access or capabilities beyond regular
C# Responsibilities: Developing an angular library. Create a lot of components, like tables,
forms, breadcrumbs, buttons, accordions, page-layouts, and then just take those
Angular 4 + components, connect with API and develop applications for the cloud-ready privileged
access management systems. Work here with multi-factor authentication, learn webpack
React JS
module federation technology, write e2e, integration tests on Playwright framework.
Work by agile scrum methodology. For task tracking use Azure DevOps.
Vue JS

Node JS
Febr 2020 - Febr 2021
Jquery, Pixi, Gsap ArtBank
Adaptive layout templates Front-End Developer
Cross-browser markup Technologies: Javascript, Jquery, Photoshop, Angular 8, Typescript, Jasmine, Karma,
SCSS, SASS, LESS About the project: Centralized high-tech automation system for financial institutions with
visual designer of integrations for microservices. It helps you configure accounting
E2E tests (Playwright) systems, describe unique business schema settings and integrate with existing customer
service systems.
Unit tests (Jasmine & Karma) Responsibilities: Create new features, and fix bugs in old financial interfaces. Rewrite the
different custom components from native javascript to the new version of angular. For
task tracking use ArtBank System.

Apr 2019 – Febr 2020
Design Patterns Redis Digital
Front-End Developer
Technologies: Angular 2-6 (libraries: Angular Material, RxJs), Typescript, Jasmine, Karma,
Unity 3D Webpack, Ionic 2, SCSS, Ionic 2, Zeplin.
About the project: Healthcare technology platform that gives insurance providers,
Git doctors, patients, and clinics a single solution that encompasses every factor of healthcare
to improve access, convenience, and affordability.

Responsibilities: Take responsibility for making decisions in front-end development,
create solutions and resolve problems for healthcare platform components using angular
framework, directly communicate with other team members and with a client. Cover code
with unit tests by Jasmine & Karma. Create a mobile version of the application with Ionic
Visual Studio Code
2. Work by agile scrum methodology. For task tracking use Trello and Jira.

Sept 2018 – Mar 2019
Sublime Text 3 Recrur
Photoshop Front-End Developer
Figma Technologies: Angular 2-6 (libraries: NGX Bootstrap, PrimeNG, NGRX, RxJs), Typescript,
Jasmine, Karma, Webpack, SCSS, Adobe XD.
Zeplin About the project: Recruitment software which brings organizations recruitment
processes to the next level by making it simpler and more effective.
Responsibilities: Build services for the jobs management and candidate management with
Language angular framework. . Working with charts, websockets, REST API, refactoring. Working in
a big team of developers, make decisions for resolving issues. Creating universal
components and features for using in the whole application. Developing new UI
Ukrainian - Native functionality from Adobe XD design layouts. Worked by agile scrum methodology. For
task tracking use Trello and Jira.
English - Upper Intermediate

Feb 2017 – July 2018
Front-End Developer
Technologies: Bitrix 24, Jquery (libraries: VivusJS, Lettering JS, Magnific Popup,
SvgMagic, CropBox, nanoGallery, Guardian, Moment JS), LESS, Bootstrap 3, SVG, Gulp,
AJAX, Photoshop.
About the project: Developing new landing pages and complex websites for different
directions: construction company, online clothing store, marketing agency, car and bicycle
rental, landscape design, healthcare projects.
Responsibilities: Configure the build system gulp for creating layouts. Make adaptive
cross browser layouts for desktop and mobile screens. Work with ajax technology to
provide asynchronous communication with servers. Implement SVG animations. For task
tracking use Bitrix 24.

Dec 2015 – Feb 2017
Front-End Developer
Technologies: CMS Wordpress, Jquery (libraries: Fancybox, Cropper, Nivo Slider, Slick,
Timeline.js, Round Slider), SCSS, SASS, Bootstrap 3, Photoshop.
About the project: We were creating large custom WordPress themes for ThemeForest,
TemplateMonster and Wordpress.org.
Responsibilities: Provide pixel-perfect website layouts based on Bootstrap 3, and to
create animations. Work as well with converting HTML templates to the Wordpress
Theme. For task tracking use Jira..

The End. Straighten your back! :)

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