Резюме від 7 березня 2024 Файл


Business analyst

30 років
Інші країни

Контактна інформація

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OJEH 5 Berger Quarry Road
Mpape, Abuja
JAMES [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Data Analyst [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Experience 1+ years experience as a Data Analyst.
2+ years experience as an Administrative Assistant.
8+ years experience with Data entry and Data management.

I am proficient in analytical reasoning and pattern recognition. Skilled in
relational databases and impactful data visualization, Strong
organizational and technological acumen. Effective office
administration, project management, and time management abilities.
Excellent communication, attention to detail, and problem-solving
aptitude. Proficiency across spreadsheets, SQL, Google Analytics,
BigQuery, R, Tableau, Google Data Studio, Microsoft Office Suite, Slack,
Asana, Calendly, and Canva.

Work Experience ACTIVEWIZARDS Data and AI company | Tech / Analytics
January 2023 – Present. Ukraine (Remote)

Directly manage diverse data analysis projects, creating dashboards,
executing data cleansing, and seamlessly integrating tracking and
automation tools onto websites. Skillfully employed: Data Analysis, Google
Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Data Studio, R Programming
Language, Tableau, SQL, Spreadsheets, and Data Visualization.

ACTIVEWIZARDS Data and AI company | Administrative
September 2021 – Present. Ukraine (Remote)

Provided adept administrative support to executive management,
contributed to HR recruitment, managed data entry, storage, and
visualization tasks. Successfully orchestrated daily organizational and
administrative functions to optimize corporate operations. Conducted calls,
composed and answered emails, overseen social media accounts, and
facilitated seamless internal and external communications. Proficiently
used: Spreadsheets, PowerPoint, Word documents, Google Drive, Google
Meet, Zoom, Slack, Asana, Calendly, Big Query, SQL, and Google Data

Index Solutions | Data Steward (contract)
July 2022– June 2023. USA (Remote)

Executed data cleansing for a vast database of over 300,000 contacts.
Leveraged: Spreadsheets, SQL, Asana, and Zoom.
Shanghai Engineering Works and Industrial Limited | Technical
Officer (Contract)
June 2021 – September 2021. Lagos, Nigeria.

Managed chemical (Polymers) handling and storage, optimized
maintenance strategies, engaged with Government Agencies (NAFDAC and
SON), conducted comprehensive worker training on polymer properties,
applications, and risks, while maintaining accurate daily stock records.

TradeDepot Inc | Portfolio Manager
December 2020 – June 2021. Lagos, Nigeria.

Delivered exceptional customer service while overseeing approval,
disbursement, and recovery of business loans. Demonstrated a remarkable
60% growth within the designated portfolio. Promoted to Team Lead,
undertaking responsibilities of recruitment, training, and management of a
portfolio management team, successfully attaining business objectives.

Lifeforte consult | Loan Operations Specialist (Internship)
September 2020 – December 2020. Lagos, Nigeria.

Completed a one-year mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)
tenure, overseeing loan approval, disbursement, and delivering exceptional
customer service.

Plastpoly | Production and Quality Assurance Intern
June 2018 – November 2018. Lagos, Nigeria.

Collaborated closely with plant operators for blown film extrusion and
polygraphing, conducted rigorous quality control assessments on raw
materials, packaging, labeling, and finished products. Contributed to
equipment repairs and supported sampling, inventory management, and
supply processes for goods and services to customers.

Education University of Lagos, Yaba, Lagos / BSc. (Second-class) Chemical
June 2015 - October 2019. Lagos, Nigeria.

Key Courses: Thermodynamics, Process Control and Dynamics, Chemical
Reaction Kinetics, Separation Processes, Principle of Plant Designs.
Research Focus: Conducted research on "Extraction and Optimized
Production of Perfume Using Essential Oils from Lemon Grass

Petroleum Training Institute / OND (Distinction) Mineral
Resources Engineering
June 2012 - November 2014, Delta, Nigeria.

Relevant Courses: Principles and Practices of Mining Engineering,
Fundamental Geology and Petroleum Geophysics, Drilling/Mining Systems,
Petroleum Production, Well Control and Blowout Prevention.
Research Project: Investigated "Environmental Impact of Coal Mining (A
Case Study of Onyema Enugu Coal Mine)
Federal Government College / WAEC and NECO
July 2006 - July 2011, Enugu, Nigeria.

Outstanding Grades: Physics B3, Mathematics B3, Further Mathematics B3,
Chemistry B3, Biology B3, Igbo B3, English C4, Geography B3, Technical
Drawing B3.

Professional Coursera / Google Data Analytics Certificate.
Certification Issued April 2023. No Expiry date.

Courses completed include: Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere; Asking
Data-Driven Questions; Data Preparation; Transforming Dirty to Clean Data;
Analyzing for Insights; Visualizing Data; Data Analysis with R Programming.

Google / Google Analytics Certified
Issued March 2023 - Expires March 2024,

Showcasing expertise in leveraging Google Analytics tools for web traffic
analysis, audience insights, and website optimization. This credential
validates adeptness in utilizing data-driven insights to elevate digital
marketing strategies and user interactions.

Google / Google Data Studio (looker Studio) Certified.
Issued September 2022 - Expires September 2025,

Proficient in crafting dynamic data visualizations and reports, enabling
informed decision-making through compelling data storytelling.

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Junior IT Business analyst
Інші країни, Дистанційно

Менеджер проектов, бизнес-аналитик, product owner
75000 грн, Інші країни, Вінниця , ще 8 міст

Інші країни, Київ

Бизнес-аналитик, проджект-менеджер
Інші країни, Дистанційно

Project-менеджер, бізнес-аналітик
Інші країни

Marketing research Analyst (business, investment, finance)
40000 грн, Інші країни, Дніпро, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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