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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Resume of: Julia Konoval

I am Julia, a creative Mobile and Front-End Developer with a Master's Degree and 3 years of
experience. I specialize in delivering high-impact web and mobile solutions using Responsive Design
in both React and React-Native. My skillset includes designing, developing, and testing multiple
applications with a focus on JavaScript, React, React-Native, Redux, and frontend mark-ups.
I pride myself on my excellent communication skills and my team-oriented personality, which have
allowed me to effectively collaborate with colleagues and stakeholders throughout my career.

Languages: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, SASS/SCSS, JavaScript, ES5, ES6,
Frameworks: React, React-Native, Expo,
Developer Tools: Jira, Trello, Styled Components, Git, GitHub, GitLab, MobX, Terminal, Facebook
Authentication, Google Play Console, Apple – App Store Connect
Libraries: Redux, Firebase, Stripe, jQuery
Methodologies: Responsive Design, Agile

Ava.codes; Kyiv, Ukraine Feb 2022 – Nov 2022
Nection, Kyiv, Ukraine: https://www.nection.io/

● Mobile CRM system for planning and prioritizing. It allows the users to gather all the contacts
from the phone, LinkedIn and Facebook and attach plans and reminders to them accordingly.
All the connections are also displayed on the map that helps users visualize the spectrum of
connections. I’m proud to solve the most critical tasks of this project such as retrieving
LinkedIn data without any API provided.
● Tech Stack: React Native, Redux, AXIOS, CSS, HTML5, lodash, formik, useContext, local
storage, async storage, Axios, localization, rn-permissions, geolocation services,
redux-immutable, webview, prop-types, Git, Notion, Bitbucket, Clockify, Figma, Slack, VS
Code, Postman, Swagger, Android Studio, XCode.

HB2M; Las Vegas, NV

● React-Native application for both ios & android. Happy Birthday 2 Me is an app used for
advertising promotions.
● Tech Stack: React Native, MobX, Firebase, CSS, Formik, Fireflame database, Notion,
Bitbucket, Clockify, Figma, Slack, VS Code, Postman, Swagger, Android Studio, XCode.

Carmen, Warsaw, Poland
● It’s a stack of different applications and websites for a business based on dealerships.
Contributed to both the website and applications. The purpose of these tools is to manage
different dealerships around the world.
● Tech Stack: React Native, React.js, Redux, CSS, Formik, AXIOS, Git., Github, Notion,
Bitbucket, Clockify, Figma, Slack, VS Code, Postman, Swagger, Android Studio, XCode.

ProArea Digital Company Jan 2021- Jan 2022
FRONTEND DEVELOPER: React.js / React - Native
Nanny Tribe; Austin, TX

● React-Native application for both ios & android. This app matches babysitters and parents and
handles the communication and cooperation between them.
● Tech Stack: React Native, Redux, CSS, Facebook & google authentication, google maps api
implementation, AWS, GraphQL, JQuery. Git, Jira, Slack, VS Code, Postman, Swagger,
Android Studio, XCode, Gitlab.

Mobads by Adriver group, Paris, France

● React-Native application for both ios & android. This app was created for advertising
purposes. It provides scheduling services for drivers and companies and conveys the whole
collaboration till the end of the campaign.
● Tech Stack: React Native, MobX, Typescript, CSS, Async Storage, AXIOS, formik, modal
windows, localization, rn-permissions. Git, Jira, Slack, VS Code, Postman, Swagger, Gitlab,
Android Studio, XCode,

Independent contract Jan 2020 – Jan 2021

● Shopify Website: Working on React.js website configurations and creating additional

Paper Education Dec 2022 – Current
Tutoring app for iOS and Android. It includes real-time chat with whiteboard, picture, and audio
upload capabilities. I collaborated with cross-functional teams and made regular updates to ensure a
high-quality user experience.

Tech Stack: React Native, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, Typescript, CSS, OneSignal, Firebase,
AXIOS. Git, Jira, Slack, VS Code, Postman, Swagger, Github, Android Studio, XCode

Ivan Franko National University: Lviv, Ukraine
2020: Master Degree: English philology & translation (English & German)
2019: Bachelor Degree: English philology & translation (English & German)

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